ICO and IEO marketing in 2019. How to free promote ICO 2019–2020

ADWAI - Digital marketing
7 min readJul 5, 2019


Hello, its Ivan Babaylov and Edward Nurullin, we are the founders of ADWAI -ICO and IEO Marketing agency.

In this article we will tell you how to promote ICO or IEO in 2019–2020.

We recommend: to forward this article to all your marketing managers who are responsible for promoting your project. The knowledge that we share — will save your company funds (thousands of dollars) and will attract much more attention to your project = more investment and users.


The fast growth of the ICO and IEO market opens up a large market to small startups that want to grow. Blockchain technology enables companies to produce their tokens and sell them in the framework of licensee, thus receiving in return a token of their investments.

Cryptocurrency startups

So, how to attract investors’ attention to your project? Many projects solve the problem with drawing attention to their project — by placing their project on the stock exchange and announcing the IEO (initial exchange offering).

Yes, usually, it’s enough for achieving the result (for example, if you are located on the Binance exchange). But what if you are not sure that the exchange on which you are placed will bring you the result which you expect?

There is a way! Engage in parallel marketing — on their own. Promote your company using all marketing (including free) opportunities of the cryptocurrency market. And how to do it — we will tell.

Read further.

One cannot fight single

Startups that want to attract the attention of serious investors to their project are simply obliged to build a community around their own business.

Professional marketers agree with our opinion that the success of your licensee and future activities of the company depends on a properly built community. If you have a community that trusts you — your company is not afraid of any crises and problems. Behind you are people who trust you and who are ready to support your project at any time. It is a great power that you can master.

It is extremely important for you to have representative offices of your company in different regions. It is not necessary to run offline representative offices, it is enough to create and moderate the representation of your company in the online environment.

Top 5 countries raised almost a third of the total funds raised by the end of 2018 from ICOBench

To solve this problem is perfect Telegram. We recommend creating representative offices of your company in such countries as:

  • South Korea;
  • Vietnam;
  • CIS countries (Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc);
  • Japan;
  • Germany;
  • Switzerland;
  • Canada;
  • UK (General English chat).

The difficulty for many projects that want to start moving in an unfamiliar region is that each region is its own special world with its own rules, customs and customs. Using marketing tools that you have worked in English-speaking countries, in Asian countries you risk being misunderstood (at least) or get a negative reaction that will close for you forever the huge market of Asian countries.

That is why it is extremely important, in each of the regions in which you are moving, to have a person you can trust. This person must have a high level of knowledge of the local language, understand the goals and essence of your project. This person should be able to tell about your project so as to arouse interest among potential investors. This person should understand the peculiarities of promoting cryptocurrency projects in his region.

The ideal candidate will be a marketer who already has a positive experience in promoting cryptocurrency projects.

By the way, our team can help you with building a community in such regions as South Korea, the CIS and Vietnam. Other regions — on request. If you need help — contact us: Ivan Babaylov (https://t.me/babaylov) or Edward Nurullin (https://t.me/eduardnur).

ICO Direct marketing

ICO direct marketing guidance means that your key task is to build a relationship with the person with whom you are communicating.

Selling something shouldn’t be your goal. People feel when you impose your offer. The ultimate essence of direct marketing in ICO or IEO is step by step building relationships with your future investor.

ICO direct marketing

The ICO direct marketing checklist:

  • Acquaintance (First contact). Tell us about yourself, about your project and how you can be useful to your interlocutor (find a reason that will seem interesting to your interlocutor. For example: tell us how you can help increase his savings or share a useful article that will allow a person to change his life. Include your imagination and think about the interlocutor, not about your interests);
  • Identification of needs (Second contact). Learn more about your interlocutor. Who is he, the investor of what projects is, what areas he prefers, what are his determining factors when investing, etc. Your task is to find out about the person the information that will allow you in the future to make an offer that is 100% suitable for your potential investor. This stage can take from 2 days to several months;
  • Development of proposals and report it to your interlocutor. You understand the motives that drive your interlocutor and now you are ready to make him an offer that he can not refuse. All right, make your offer and be ready to work out the objections. This is normal when a person doubts and weighs his decision, and in order for a person to think for a short time — you can (to your proposal) add a time limit. Suppose your offer is valid for only 48 hours, after which the person loses the privilege that you gave him and misses his benefit;
  • Long-term acquaintance. Normal practice is when the customer does not buy immediately. In this case, you need to be able to contact him, periodically reminding yourself and building a long-term relationship. Find out how the person is doing.Share a useful book or article.

The main rule in building relationships: give more than you ask in return and get more than you give. This is the Golden rule of life that many people overlook.

Free ICO and IEO marketing


ICO calendars played a crucial role in the promotion of many ICO projects. ICOBench, ICOBazaar Each calendar (with proper use of its capabilities) allows you to attract a loyal audience of investors.

TOP 5 trackers that work in the investment:

On some sites, we recommend that you purchase a premium subscription (personal acquaintance and experience in negotiations will help you reduce the price of accommodation by 30%-50%), in General, this tool will be able to give you good traffic.


Bitcointalk is the most famous and largest cryptocurrency forum. Having a topic about your project on this forum is a must. The Bitcointalk forum allows you to reach a huge audience of cryptocurrency fans for free and tell them about your project.

Cryptocurrency Media

Media does not bring traffic that could be immediately converted into investment. But this is a kind of reputational move.

Many projects (investors pay attention to this) publish articles about their project, or their conclusions about a particular event in the media and post a link to the media to their website. We were no exception.

“If the media do not write about the project — then this project is likely to be a fraud” — so some investors think and therefore we had to work out objections and build confidence in the project.

See our list of the TOP 12 cryptocurrency media that give results to our customers:

We do not recommend spending money on other sites, but the choice is yours.

When you writing press releases or articles, it is also important to be able to generate attention-grabbing headlines.

There are some interesting concepts in creating headlines:
1. The numbers in the headlines (“7 reasons why…”, “129 ideas for…” etc);
2. Specifics in the headlines (“How to increase the number of investors by 147%” , etc);
3. Appeal directly to the reader (“I know you are an investor”);
4. The question is in the title (“are You an investor?”, “Invest in ICO?”);
5. Title in call-to-action format (“Learn how to….”etc).


For any project, it is important to be able not only to build a community, but also to work with it correctly in order to get fat dividends from this tool.

We recommend that you promote your project on the following sites:

  1. Facebook;
  2. Twitter;
  3. Linkedin;
  4. Instagram;
  5. Reddit;
  6. Medium;
  7. Youtube.

Also, if you are moving in different regions, it is important for you to have a community in social networks that are popular in these countries.

Social media for your ICO/IEO project

Let’s share a part of our list of popular social networks in the regions:

Japan — https://mixi.jp/

CIS — https://vk.com

South Korea — https://cy.cyworld.com/

China — https://www.wechat.com

Germany — http://www.studivz.net

Popular all over the world, which you should use very actively: https://facebook.com and linkedin.com


That’s all. Friends, if the article was useful for you and you want to continue, immediately after this article will gain +1000 claps 👍 on average — and we will write a continuation in which we will tell you on which exchanges it is necessary to conduct IEO, and from which it is necessary to stay away, as well as share tools that allow you to automate the promotion of your ICO or IEO project.

And do not forget, if your project needs help with marketing: conducting a IEO on a profitable exchange for you (which will give a large number of investments), placement in the media, placement on trackers or creating a community for your project in the regions (CIS/Asia/Europe), then contact us and we will discuss how we can help you: Ivan Babaylov (https://t.me/babaylov) or Edward Nurullin (https://t.me/eduardnur).



ADWAI - Digital marketing

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