Lost In Thought
Apr 14, 2024


Beautiful. I joined Medium only two days ago as a premium member, with the goal of making my writing habit more lucrative.

And already, I can say that it was a great decision. To be a part of a community where everyone likes to read and write, is truly something else.

This post is very relevant for me because I also had lost myself in the world of superficial interactions and comments, and even though I am no internet celebrity or influencer, that pulled me. And I now realise that I must overcome that pull and become something more than an influencer.

I like, you said, want to become a part of a network. One where like minded people come together and express themselves.

This is a great article, and I am looking forward to my journey on Medium.



Lost In Thought

I Blog, I write poetry, I I cook, I love playing sports, and I am trying to make films in Dublin. Trying to recalibrate myself, one thought at a time.