7 Key benefits of Social Media influencers

Adwit Mishra
4 min readOct 9, 2019

In the recent years, there has been a paradigm shift of advertisements from televisions to the internet and social media. Nobody likes those pesky commercials where a celebrity is standing in front of his audience and counting the benefits of a product or service. People are tired of this. Aside from the fact that the celebrities charge huge amounts of money for promoting a product or service, the credibility factor is just not there.

Social influencer marketing is something which can tap directly into your target audience. They have built their credibility over time and drastically influence the consumers purchase decisions. They act as the voice of your brand and influence people utilizing their own follower base. This scenario is a win-win for all the parties involved, the influencers, the respective brands and the consumers.

According to Forbes, marketeers are relying more and more towards influencer marketing as compared to traditional marketing. This pragmatic shift towards influencer marketing is explained by analyzing 7 key metrics.

1. Return on Investment

Celebrities and traditional marketing methodologies involve spending of huge amounts of money as compared to influencer marketing. The one thing to point out here is that the actual return on investment on traditional media is always lower than influencer marketing. A celebrity may have a large follower base, but the influencer’s hypothetically smaller follower base has a better targeted audience. This ensures that you always get the highest ROI.

2. Influence purchase decisions

An influencer has built his credibility as a dependable and trustworthy news source over time. Due to this, they have the capability of influencing people’s purchase decisions. If any influencer regards one product or service better than a competing one, the audience will definitely shift towards the recommended service. This also helps keeping the brands or services endorsed by the influencers in good light and builds reputation over time.

3. Targeted audience base

Traditional media targets the general population as one single entity. Whether people want your product or not, they will have to see the advertisement that you push. This leads to a waste or time and resources for the consumer as well as the brand. Influencer marketing breaks this barrier by appealing only to the interested audience. This leads to a better brand engagement and saves valuable time and money.

4. Build trust

If any celebrity or a notable personality talks or shares information about your brand, it instantly adds a whole lot of trust to your brand. People immediately take notice of such mentions. If celebrity ‘X’ is talking about a brand, it must be good and trustworthy- is the general consensus. Now, if an industry expert talks about your brand in a good way, it acts as a stairway to success and trust.

5. Natural advertisement placements

This one specialty of influencer marketing blows general advertisements out of the water. Let’s face it. Nobody wants to see ads. What influencer marketing does is that it places advertisements devised as natural content placement. This creates a sense of continuity in the audience’s mind and they subconsciously start relating to your brands. Naturally.

6. Acts as the audience’s voice

As a brand, the one thing that you need the most is the feedback the users provide. Influencers can help you amplify that voice. This provides you with points to improve upon and bring in more audience friendly changes to your brands. To change is to evolve and influencers provide us with all the necessary information which can help in your evolution.

7. Attracts new audience

A social media influencer may have thousands or millions of followers. If you are a small business owner, chances are there that there are a lot of people who have never even heard of your brand. A social media influencer changes that as their reach and grasp of audience is much higher. Many of their followers are now aware of your brand and may show interest in it. This is an entirely new audience base which you tapped into using an influencers followers base.

How do influencers benefit from this partneship?

Influencers too require some sort of benefit from this partnership. You can provide them with money, free product samples or free services. This ensures that the relationship formed here is a win for influencers as well. Once you have built a repo and relationship with an influencer, the benefits it brings with us, can far outweigh any cost that you may incur in building the relationship.


Influencer marketing Trumps(!) traditional marketing in almost all the aspects. The industry shift towards influencer marketing shows that it is indeed the most cost effective, targeted and effective method of brand or service promotion.

This marks the end of this article.

Stay tuned for more informative content.


