Where can I get a loan for $1100?

31 min readMar 7, 2019

Where can I get a loan for $1100?

I need a loan for $1100 to buy a car. Only thing is, I have terrible credit and I’ve had money owed to a bank go to Collections (like $200). What I need to know is, does that mean that NO bank will give me a small loan? I thought about one of those payday loan places but I no longer have a bank account. Any ideas? :(

Answer : I recommend you to visit this site where one can get from different companies: http://personalcreditsolutions.info/index.html?src=MEDFEBYe0aeDo0ai .

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“Where can I get a loan for $1100?

I need a loan for $1100 to buy a car. Only thing is, I have terrible credit and I’ve had money owed to a bank go to Collections (like $200). What I need to know is, does that mean that NO bank will give me a small loan? I thought about one of those payday loan places but I no longer have a bank account. Any ideas? :(

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Auto Loan need help with payment plan?
I am buying a car and got the loan through my father-in-law. I need something to figure out my payments and adjusts the interest according to what I pay per month. Is their software I can buy or something on the net, or microsoft office. I have looked at bankrate and they give me my payment plan at a locked in payment per month. I need something that adjusts from month to month.””
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Payday Loans trap can anyone Help?!?
Help, I have 4 payday loans outstanding, I know not a great idea. I just worked out that they will take all of my salary next week, so I will have to take them out again. Any idea how to get out of this trap? I can roll two of them but will still pay high interest. Thanks, I can’t get credit hence I did this and now feel sick with worry.””
“”If you claim bankruptcy but have for example $2000 dollars in the bank, will they take that?
Thanks in advance. And thanks to all the people who answered my last question. Great help….All of you!
Building Credit — How am I doing?
I just paid off my main credit card, and requested and received a credit limit increase, from $1,500 to $5,000. I also applied for and was approved for a second credit card, with a limit of $5,000. My only other debt is under $1,000 on a jewelery store credit card. I have very little credit history, but my score is good, according to creditkarma.com (how accurate is that, does anyone know?), around 750. According to the website, I can make up to 4 more hard inquiries into my credit before it will negatively affect me. One of the negative things affecting me is the short average age of my accounts. I know opening that second card will negatively affect that further. However, I figured the available credit/used credit ratio would balance that out a bit. My main question at this point is whether I should apply for another credit card, to further expand my available credit, that way I can sit back and wait for the accounts to age, or if I should let this new one age, and then open a new one some years down the line? I’m worried that if I go with the second option, I’ll be stuck in a sort of yo-yo pattern, where I keep on raising and lowering the average age of my account. Seems to me I should open my intended amount of credit cards, and then stop and let them age (I plan to have one bill automatically paid by each credit card, and I’ll pay off the balance each month). What do you think?””
I need a loan no bank account bad credit who can i contact?
i need it within 24 hours i have a prepaid walmart visa debit card any answers
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Does filing bankruptcy get you out of debt?
What happens when you file?
Whats happens after bankruptcy if you go broke again?
Ok my wifes parents are have just filed”””” bankruptcy because they are irresponable and buy stuff for thereselves and pay bills if anything is left. Anyway I thought losing there house would wake them up.It has been 3 months now since they filed and they havent even got a court date yet let own went yet and they are even blowing more money now instead of saving anything.We have now came to realize they are not going to change My question is what happens if after they go to court and complete all this they rack up credit cards and debt again? I know they cant file bankruptcy again for like 7 years. So what happens if they cant pay again? Someone told me they go to jail””
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My question is, if I cant get ahold of my attorney can I call up the trustee and ask questions legally about the case?””
Need some help on saving money. MONEY TIPS?
I dont make a whole lot of money which is why i need to save. Every little bit would help. So heres how my month looks. Rent-650$ Utilities-40$ Cell Phones-100$ Bankruptcy-180$ Internet-60$ (which i need for college) I get 40 hrs a week at 9.88$hr, plus weekly bonus (varies every week). I also have a wife and child i support, so i would like some ideas on how much money i should put away, where to invest (if i can), any money saving tips would be great, im always up for making more money, so like i said again any ideas will help. thanks people.””
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We already decided to do it and have filed bankruptcy and gone to court. It’s our car loan; we figured we would still not be able to afford any other decent car if we let this car go so we are keeping it. The payments are about $200 more than we can comfortably afford (Those darn car salesmen and a previously good credit score can get you into trouble). Will they be able to lower our payments some how?
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i have a steady job, have never had a loan or anything like that and when i apply for a credit card, i keep getting denied. did i forget to do anything? like am i supposed to apply to start my credit scores in the first place?? oh and i don’t understand what that secure credit card is (like it wants me to give collateral), so if anyone can explain that would be great. but i would prefer a regular card if at all possible. thank you in advance for your time.””
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“”What’s my credit score, roughly?””
I looked at my free credit report, but they want 6 to give me my actual score and I’m not paying that unless I have to. On my report are two current accounts with no overdraft and two utilities accounts with no late payments (rated ‘satisfactory’). That’s pretty much it. I’ve never had any credit cards or loans. I’m 30. Is my credit score going to be good or bad? Can I improve it? Do I need to?””
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I have a credit score of 645 and no negative items listed on my report and very little debt to income ratio. I’m needing to get approved for a boat loan and was denied by the lender. I was putting down a good sum of money in hope that would help me get approved. Does anyone have any ideas on where I can go to get this or loan or if there is something I can do?
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Wanted to know the difference between FHA morgage loan ?
i wanted to know the difference between a FHA morgage loan and a loan which is not FHA , looking for 15 year or 30 yearh fix refi loans””

Guy who sings freecreditreport.com commerical?
I know that the guy who lip sings in it is Eric Violette, but does anyone know who actually sings it?””
How quickly does bankruptcy show up on a credit report?
Does it show up as soon as you set things in motion with the lawyer, or after you have your court hearing? Just curious, since I’ve started getting letters in the mail about getting car loans with bankruptcy and the like.””
“Where can I get a loan for $1100?

I need a loan for $1100 to buy a car. Only thing is, I have terrible credit and I’ve had money owed to a bank go to Collections (like $200). What I need to know is, does that mean that NO bank will give me a small loan? I thought about one of those payday loan places but I no longer have a bank account. Any ideas? :(

Is there a personality disorder where an individual is focused on one particular person and is never satisfied?
IE: former co-worker interferes with a person’s marriage but sending him a letter and when she is able to win over the husband, she continues to follow-up on the individual she targeted in a stalking kind of way. Questions a good therapist should explore in self-reporting before answering this question: How did someone interfere with your marriage, and why? What was in the letter? How did your husband respond to the letter? It is revealing that you use the idea of won over. This could indicate a person whose life-view is a zero-sum game everyone and everything is either won or lost no in-between, which is not life and people. Is that your approach to life? If someone or something was won, are you then the loser? Is that perhaps why you are seeking ammunition? What shape was your marriage in if your husband was so easily won over by a letter? You reveal much about yourself in your question. You give your husband no credit for being an autonomous human being with a mind, feelings and free will of his own. You trivialize him by portraying him as so easily won over by a letter. Is that how you regard him? Is that what he lived in his marriage to you? What did you do to keep your husband and marriage in response to this person and the letter? Was your husband won over or was there really a reason for him to divorce you? What reason did your husband give you for divorcing you? Are you really entirely innocent? Why would this person target and stalk you YOU? Describe both of you: appearance, education, career, lifestyle, accomplishments, etc What do you mean by follow up? Can you be specific? Why do you feel you are being targeted? What has the individual done to target you? What activities? How has the individual stalked you? Can you be specific? What activities? Have you called the police if you are being stalked? Why would a stalker whose goal is to have your husband continue to stalk YOU after she won him over? Have you sought professional help for your situation, or just cyberspace? Is the fact that your communication about this is ONE-WAY unknown, without verification and no dialogue — a type of control of information? Are you really seeking (undeserved) support anonymously in cyberspace for your wounded ego and your version of events? It is also a form of control and manipulation to accuse or threaten to accuse a possible informant of the things you have; the perpetrator-crying-victim game. There is a character disorder in which the afflicted individual seeks to character-assassinate others when perceiving being wounded; ultra-competitive, below-the-belt, deceitful, manipulative, Machiavellian and hates to lose. Does this apply to you? What is the individuals focus on YOU exactly? About what can you be specific? What activities? When do you think the individual would be finally satisfied? What do you think is his/her goal? What has the individual not gotten that he/she ultimately wants to be satisfied? What other things has the individual done to you that did not yet satisfy him/her? It is interesting that you use the term personality disorder where did you get the term? Are you really asking, projecting or seeking support and the appearance of legitimacy for what you have already decided? Obviously you have done some research if you use the term personality disorder. Why have you then not found the answer to this question in your research? Has this term actually been applied to YOU? Is it perhaps that you are just a sore loser and are looking to discredit or defame the winner? Sour grapes? You really must be honest with yourself and others if you truly desire legitimate help and change. Seeking support on the internet from strangers for what you wish instead of what is really the case solves nothing for you. Why are you not asking about pathological lying instead of worrying about everyone else?””
“”If Obama’s credit card law causes higher interest rates and annual fees on debit cards, who is it helping?””
Susan — You didn’t bother to read the article, did you? If your debit card doesn’t have an annual fee, it’s about to have one added thanks to your President trying to be a hero.””
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or just any car that is nice and cheap.. just leave the name below
Have you ever done a payday loan?
What did you do with the money? What is your occupation? Would you do it again?
How much money can you transfer from checking account to another?
If i do online banking can i transfer more than 10K without the IRS getting involved?I want to transfer over that amout of money to someone elses checking account.
Getting an auto loan?
I currently have an auto loan in my name. I want to either trade in this car or try to sell it. Either way, I have found a new car I want. I heard you can get a loan on a 3 month note or a 6 month note, so you don’t have to pay any payments for either that 3 or 6 month period…..which would give me time to continue paying my current loan until I sell it…because I will probably end up selling it instead of trading it in. So my question is…the car I want is almost 200 miles away so if I get preapproved from my bank where I live, would I still have to go 200 miles away to this car and get the title and all that, and then bring it back to my bank, or do banks ever pre approve and also give you the cash that day?? Because I heard you had to have the car title and all the proof of the car you were going to get. Also is anyone familiar with the 3 month note?? I have good credit, I am 22 but my current car loan is in my name and my name only.””
*auto loan payment taken out 2 days after loan*?
I just took out this loan 2 days ago and my credit union has already taken my first payment out of my checking account. I thought it would be a month from now. Can they really take a payment a day after the loan is given?
Will Expedia and BOOKING .com website charge my credit card on the actual bookings or not really ?
I want to buy finnair tickets to europe from australia and then buy tickets to poland on the last trip then back to australia. with EXPEDIA website. My question is… will they charge my credit card straight away or will this mean they will not really take my money straight away after i place my credit card detials on the internet and they will only take my money off me when im at the airport ? Also i want to stay in a hotel in poland using BOOKING . COM Does this mean that the hotel will charge me straight away or only when i arrive at the hotel ? So this means they will lock my 1,000 dollars from my credit card but they dont really take it off me until i arrive at the hotel in europe ? I just want to know how the expedia website and the booking.com website goes with credit card. Remember EXPEDIA website i buy airline ticket only. BOOKING/ COM i book my hotel with them there.””

Do I qualify for a student loan while paying an old one?
Also, I have a few schools I’ve decided I’d like to apply to (those which accept the credits I have and offer the program I began which is Psychology) but I haven’t actually applied because, honestly, I don’t want to go through the trouble and pay the hefty application fees only to discover I don’t qualify for student aid or a loan.””
Where can i get a credit report online from for free… and i dont mean just for 30 days??..?

Should I file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for discharge of investment property?
My wife and I have had an investment property since early 2008, which was being paid for and managed by the investment company we loaned our credit to (stated income loan). Since the housing market crash later that year, we are left holding the hot potato. This house also has a 2nd mortgage (HELOC), which was invested elsewhere by the investors of this company, that is lost as well. Both the 1st mortgage and HELOC are from the same creditor. We have been trying to short sale the home for two years now with no luck. We just received notification that BOA is now a debt collector and fear they are coming after my wages and/or the home I live in via a lien. I’m very seriously considering filing a chapter 7 because I don’t want the property and I want to protect ourselves if they decide to come after us to pay the deficiency owed. Is this a good idea at this point since our credit is already shot?””
Should i take out a loan?
I’ve never taken out a loan before and I don’t even know if I could get a loan. I currently have 2 credit cards (less than a grand on both) but I’m struggling to pay them… I was gonna take out a loan to pay them both off and just owe money to one place. I also recently got into a car accident and I would take money from the loan to help that out too. Or are there seperate loans for car accidents? I really don’t know much about this so any advice would be great. Thank you!
Debt consolidation? Please help?
what is it and how does it wrk
Why is personal bankruptcy considered the option of last resort for an individual?

Loan? for low credit score / with good steady income?
does anyone know of a place i can get a loan for 10,000 i was recently divorced i do have a steady income of 33,000 a year i just don’t want any scams out there . i would not be asking if i had perfect credit my score is very low . i don’t want to go into why my score is low but please serious answers only i wouldn’t be asking if i didn’t need the help . thank you very very much from my heart . please don’t say payday loan / and ive already tried credit union / and my bank they said no because of low credit score again thank you for helping “”
How can i buy games online without a credit card?
to people who say i CAN use my debit card, i have a ScotiaBank debit card (Canada), so when a website asks me what kind of credit card i have (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, etc) what do i put? I always buy stuff online, but i usually buy from eBay and using PayPal.””
How to Build My Credit…?
I’m a college student and my parents wanted me to take a small responsibility of paying for my own cell phone. I work at a golf course and make plenty of money to pay for the iPhone with AT&T, but they asked for a $500 deposit because I have no credit. I called Verizon, and they also asked for a large deposit. Although I would get all the money back, I don’t want to even pay at all. I went to Buckle (a place where I only shop for my boyfriend like once every 2 months) and got a student credit card with a $150 max/month. Will this build my credit to lower the AT&T deposit and how fast will it happen? I really appreciate your answers!””
How can I contact the credit bureaus?
I ordered my yearly credit reports a couple of months ago but they never arrived so I don’t know if they went to a wrong or old address since it only asks for your zip code. When I try calling the credit bureau it asks for the credit report number I don’t have since I didn’t get the reports otherwise won’t transfer me to an opperator for help. Does anyone know a way around this so I can get through for help?
Prosper Loans?
Has anyone every heard of Prosper Loans? They are a people to people loan with a much higher interest rate, the max is a 3-year loan. I have tried loans from other sources and been unsuccessful. I thinking about applying for a Prosper Loan and make settlement offers to my 3-high balance credit card before I have to go to court on these. I have been making payments but I never see the balance go down but instead go up. At times, I cannot even make the minimum payment due pay. I would be committed to paying back this loan in 3-year and be free of these hanging over my head. It may be more each month but I am willing to do so. I do not use credit cards any more. My new thing is if I don’t have cash to pay for something I want, then I don’t buy it. I had to learn my lesson about credit card debt by myself and if I knew then what I know now I would have never gotten any type of credit card. I have never been late on my mortgage or equity. I welcome any thoughts on this idea.””
I have no credit history. If I open a secured credit card what would my credit score be once its open?
I just pulled my credit report using a free credit report site. My credit history is completely blank, the only thing on my report is my current address. My credit score showed up as 9002 which I am assuming is because I have no credit history at all. I am getting a secured credit card through my Chase Bank and my question is when this secured credit account is open and I receive my card would I then have a real credit score? The reason why I want to build a decent credit score fast, is because I want to finance a 35,000 dollar car and I want to get a good interest rate…””
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“Where can I get a loan for $1100?

I need a loan for $1100 to buy a car. Only thing is, I have terrible credit and I’ve had money owed to a bank go to Collections (like $200). What I need to know is, does that mean that NO bank will give me a small loan? I thought about one of those payday loan places but I no longer have a bank account. Any ideas? :(


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My husband owes back child support and we can’t get a car loan? How can get a auto car loan we pay now and bck?
We pay current and arrears and have been for the last 5 years. We live in Texas and no one will give as an auto loan because of it any suggestions??? Thanks!
What is the maximum I can get from a cash advance on a credit card from a bank?
I know I have my limit available for cash, but do banks have a limit they will allow you to take out?””
Were can i get a credit report from?
i know i can get them online and such, but i’m wondering were can i get it other than the internet, maybe a local store, police dept. etc. were can i get one? that’s is not on the net. so dont say freecredit report. com and such, cause i know all of them, so can i get some help””
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Can I take another loan out from the Cash Store?
I started taking loans out from the Cash Store since last July.. Everything went well. Then I had some personal issues with my money so I couldn’t pay back my loan on time.. I didn’t pay it back until a few weeks later .. But I did pay it off . I kept gettin letters from the lady thanking me for my service.. I dont want to go back there though. I’m embarrassed because I paid It off late so what I was wondering now if I could go to a different Cash Store and take out a loan? I don’t have any loans taken out. I just wasnt sure if they would let me since I paid my old loan late including late fees .i’m also going to be using a different checking account.. Help me ! I know payday loans isnt good but this is an emergency and I can easily pay it back next week .
Is it still bad to take a cash advance evn if you dont have a credit card?
Amscot allows you to get a cash advance without using a credit card. Its just cash and you pay it back. The highest amount they give you is $500. Will that mess up my credit score? Or make me have bad credit? Is it bad?

Is cash advance or payday loan always good>?
Where can i get cash fast i want to pay of bills and credit card bills what is the best place to get extra cash i heard that if you take out a loan they collect it when you get your paycheck or big loan to pay less interest? I can think of buying the lottery or going to the casino and gamble i think those are the fast way but the casino is better because you grarantee to win money if you keep playin it. I need more than a thousand.
Please help! I have an $1800.00 new car transmission bill and terrible credit. Where/who can I get a loan?
Please help me! I have encountered a car repair (new transmission) for $1800.00 which I can’t afford. I also have TERRIBLE credit! Is there anything out there for people in my situation? Payday loans just don’t cut it. I can’t qualify for them not to mention their amounts don’t cover the cost. Please help me!! I’m desperate!!!
Question about bankruptcy………….?
My father is possibly filing for bankruptcy. I have some parent plus loans that are in his name. I am still in college working on finishing my bachelors. My question: I currently pay monthly payments for the parent plus loans, but if he files for bankruptcy what will happen? Will they come after me for the money given that its in his name or does the loan get incorporated into his bankruptcy filing? Thanks””

What will happen if I can’t pay my payday loan ?
I am in Ohio and I thought if I close my checcing account and worc out a re-payment plan, so there will be no banc fees. Here you write a checc for the amount of the loan and then they send it to the banc on the due date, I won’t have it, cut in pay.””
Care One Debt Consolidation or Bankruptcy ?
I am 19. My mom and I became homeless when I was 17 and I had to make it on my own… I ended up with this: $1000- capital one (have said they will take no less than $325 at a time and adds $100 a month) $1000- walmart $800- verizon wireless (they told me it would be $100 then charged me way more.) $900- dr. bills because of an illness that caused me to be out of work for 5 months. I am recently engaged to be married, but of course we have to clear the money issue up before we can afford it. We moved in with his mother and are currently paying no bills. I work part time at an office making approximately $400 a month. I am also attending Nursing school. It will be 2 years before I finish. I can’t handle the collection calls that are almost daily and also just want this out of my hair. We do not plan to apply for any loans for houses or cars for a long time. Should I try Debt Consolidation to work on paying off these loans at a rate I can handle or is Bankruptcy a better choice. I am reluctant to do Bankruptcy because I am young and I would have a hard time getting all the money up front to pay for it. Care One set my monthlyy payment at $232 for 19 months. What to do???””
Can I declare bankruptcy independent of my husband?
I am $60,000 in debt, all of it unsecured (medical and credit card). My yearly income is $35,000. I have to put groceries on credit cards every month because I have nothing after paying minimum payments. My credit is (obviously) bad, but my husband’s is excellent. However, he is also in debt to the point that he cannot contribute much of anything toward my debt. My name is on the morgage, car, and a home equity loan — all of which are paid by my husband on time and in full. Can I declare Ch.7 or C.13 bankruptcy individually and without harming my husband’s credit rating? (His name is not on any of the $60,000 debt.)””
How long must you wait to buy a home after Bankruptcty?
I just filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I have heard that you must wait about 2yrs. My attorney states that it depends on the mortgage company. Has anyone filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and if so how long did it take for you to be able to purchase a home? What are some good Mortgage companies?
What’s a legit site to get all 3 credit scores?
I checked on google, but I’m afraid I may give my info to some bogy site. Thanks””
How to obtain a credit report without a credit card?
i dont have a credit card, but im really eager to finally start trying to build my credit. i have some debt (medical bills) which im fairly certain will end up in the hands of a collector before long, and i want to try and get these things addressed before they cause a bigger problem than they need be. the best way i can figure to do this is to have a credit report run, and find out who i owe money to. i am perfectly willing to pay for the service, but it seems that most companies require that a person have a credit card in order to pay for the service. is there any place that i can go to pay for this service using a debit card? or any other alternative means of payment, for that matter?””
Bad Credit Auto Loan Advice? Private Party seller!?
Are there any recommendations for financial institutions that will provide bad credit loans for autos purchased through a PRIVATE SELLER””””? It appears most of the online sites are tied to dealerships….need one that will address private party transactions! Help?””””””
Can you file for bankruptcy and be a resident in two states?
I just moved to FL from NY. If I am on a lease in NY and have a FL I.D. and address how does that work? Is it considered an asset to be on a lease even if I don’t pay the rent for the lease?
When you get a personal loan can you deposit it into your bank account?
when you get a personal loan can you deposit it into your bank account? the reason i ask im about to buy a used car from a private party and wanted to pay in cash so could i have the loan deposited into my account or just cash it ?
“Where can I get a loan for $1100?

I need a loan for $1100 to buy a car. Only thing is, I have terrible credit and I’ve had money owed to a bank go to Collections (like $200). What I need to know is, does that mean that NO bank will give me a small loan? I thought about one of those payday loan places but I no longer have a bank account. Any ideas? :(

