Aditi Dewra
1 min readJan 12, 2017
The desert safari camp

The desert camp. I shared this desert camp trip with total strangers — a Lebanese, Australian, British, Russian, American and I(ndian). It was a great experience and heard so many stories and shared some of mine too. The desert is fascinating and mysterious in its own way. During the drive through the desert we stopped at few spots and at one particular spot I met a woman dressed beautifully in black dress and with a black turban on her head. We smiled at each other and greeted. We started a conversation and she told me that desert is listening to what I had to say and what I wish will come true. I was speaking to the desert and I knew she was too. I told her same will happen to her. We moved forward and ended up having Sheesha and dinner under the sky. World is one roof and with so many people with different backgrounds I still felt we all belonged together