A.E. Albert
3 min readApr 3, 2015

Author Interview: Barb Jones

by A.E. Albert


What inspired you to write your first book?

I guess you could say a lot of things did. First, I was getting tiresome of the same plots in a paranormal novel or movie or the way that some things were just not “right”, you know what I mean? Then, I was so exhausted with my career and all the travelling, that I slept for a whole day straight. Well, I guess my imagination and tired state created The Blood Prophecy.

Is there a message in your book and/or books?

There is not one direct message in the book, but I feel that readers will interpret several if that. One reader may get the concept of peace and unity while another reader will look at the independence of women in a unique way without them losing their sex appeal.

Is there anything in your book and/or books based on real life experiences?

The characters are based on close friends and family members that I cherish a lot. The places in Seattle are based on some of my favorite hangouts and all.

What books and/or writers have influenced you the most?

Many writers influence me. Chris Kuzneski, Christopher Moore, Andrew Gross are just a few that really motivate me.

What has been your greatest challenge when writing?

I think it’s learning to stay with one ending. Because I write what comes to mind, I tend to change the ending, a scene, etc when I reread or think of something different.

What are you working on right now?

I’m working on the novellas for the series as well as wrapping up Queen’s Enemy. With the introduction of a new character in that book, I’ve really taken my time to develop her and it’s a character created by a fan!

What have you learned and do you have any advice for other authors?

The most important thing is to never give up, especially if you get a bad review. Your writing may not fill everyone’s cup of tea!

Title: The Queen’s Destiny

Genre: Paranormal/YA, Dark Fantasy

BarbJones is an upcoming and imaginative author of the groundbreaking paranormal series called Blood Prophecy. She makes her debut of a phenomenal book, Queen’s Destiny (2014, World Castle Publishing) and is currently working on completing the next two installments, Queen’s Enemy and Queen’s Ascension.

Visit Barb Jones at:


or at www.thebloodprophecy.com.




You Tube Link to the trailer: http://youtu.be/79ydZ0W26tk

Originally published at www.aealbert.com on April 3, 2015.

A.E. Albert

Love traveling, history, reading, writing and learning about everything. Aspiring novelist. http://www.aealbert.com FB:http://goo.gl/8ZPy8M