PinnedPublished inSlackjawWe Need To Talk About Saint PatrickHi. It’s me, Saint Brigid, one of Ireland’s three patron saints! What do you mean, you thought there was just one? OUTRAGE.Mar 17, 20212Mar 17, 20212
Published inThe MemoiristCulinary RouletteDinner was a game of culinary roulette that could see carrot soup served alongside chocolate mousse, stewed pears paired with eggplant.Jan 14, 20222Jan 14, 20222
Published inThe MemoiristNice One, HenWhen I was 18, I got a job in a fish and chip shop in Dumbarton, just north of Glasgow, on the edge of the Scottish Highlands. This was a…Jan 4, 20225Jan 4, 20225
Published inThe MemoiristThe Parish Talent ShowI wished so badly I’d had the nerve to get up and sing. That I owned mismatched turquoise and orange socks. That I’d been brave enough to…Dec 29, 20211Dec 29, 20211
Published inAngry Sea TurtlesAirport review: PHL, Philadelphia, USA!Number of elderly men in Panama hats, clinging to 4-foot-long, inflatable pink dolphins: 2Dec 23, 20211Dec 23, 20211
Published inAngry Sea TurtlesAirline Review: United Airlines!Sadly, there was no in-flight karaoke, but there was a very odd flight safety video that made me question many things. Why are they using…Dec 23, 2021Dec 23, 2021
Published inThe MemoiristThe Hebrides Do Not Make Me Think of LeeksThe summer my family spent on Eriskay, a tiny wee wind-whipped dot of an island at the southern tail of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, it…Dec 22, 20211Dec 22, 20211
Published inAngry Sea TurtlesThe Angry Sea Turtles Guide to Buffalo, New York!I went to Buffalo and discovered breweries, bars, brunches and the joys of crashing estate sales.Dec 21, 2021Dec 21, 2021
Published inThe MemoiristFish, Fins and Forbidden Food: A Travel Writer With Food Allergies Navigates JapanPerhaps it seems strange that someone with a slew of food allergies would attempt to eat their way around any country, but I was eager to…Dec 21, 2021Dec 21, 2021