Ann Eleece Kouns
Ann Eleece Kouns

Hi! Hello! Hey!

In this space, we’re going to be looking at inspired emotions, thoughts, and other considerations through the lens of art — -in so many mediums: film, visual, literature, sculpture; we’ll dig into some philosophy and spirituality; contemplate the beauty of getting lost to find yourself (a dramatic way of saying ADVENTURES!), and discovering ways to illuminate ourselves from the inside out.

I’m so happy you’re here and can’t wait to dig in. I’ve got some wonderful topics for us to explore together, questions and considerations I need different perspectives on, and above all — I’m just happy to write and share.

Cheers and welcome aboard!

Ann Eleece Kouns

Ann Eleece Kouns

Join me as I explore curiosity, personal growth, and mind-expanding considerations through the lens of art, literature, and cultural-philosophical analysis.