AELF Progress Report (Mar 5th — Mar 18th)

Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2018

Main Chain

1. Use new storages architecture

2. Refactor World State structure for new storage architecture

3. Refactor the data providers

4. Design smart contract execution plan

5. Research and design RPC demo

6. Improve serialization plan

Asset Chain

  1. Testnet of asset chain (blockchain)released.
  2. Preparing for release explore of testnet
  3. Preparing for release web wallet of testnet

Candy System

  1. Added Email confirmation for token withdrawal
  2. Improved Twitter rewards system, with added weight to followers amount
  3. Users can now view withdrawal history
  4. Users can now view rewards history
  5. Users can now resend activation email
  6. Users can now view to-be-released ELF amount
  7. Made referral link easier to find
  8. Added user feedback portal
  9. Improved system stability
  10. Improved system security

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