AELF Progress Report(Jun 25th — Jul 8th)

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2 min readJul 10, 2018

Main chain

1. Multi-node P2P communication

This includes node discovery, node maintenance, broadcast transactions, broadcast blocks, blocks that handle broadcasts, transactions that handle broadcasts, and sync blocks.

2. Basic DPOS consensus

Including the configuration of mining nodes, initialization of the first two rounds of mining sequences, calculation of signatures, the creation of additional block announcements after the end of each round, the sequence of next round, and additional block producer disconnection mechanisms.

3. Smart contract

Supports users to write contracts, publish contracts, and execute contracts.

4. Parallel processing

The units that can be operated in parallel are divided by the access resources of each transaction, and the cluster operation is supported.

5. Cluster

Build cluster-based configuration management and build cluster-based parallel execution

Side chain

1. Finalized on the trading structure

2. Completed the development of asset database

3. Completed the development of asset-related RPC interfaces

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