Andrew Endymion
1 min readMay 4, 2017



You think it was a privilege watching Simmons whine about one thing or another during ESPN NBA broadcasts? You think it was a privilege to watch that abomination of a show on HBO? You think it was a privilege to watch Simmons on television in any capacity? You think it was a privilege to watch him evolve into the exact thing he decried as he rose to popularity?

Simmons was once an entertaining writer with a refreshing perspective on sports coverage.

Now, he’s a caricature of everything that’s wrong with the industry and he once despised—incredibly self-important, obsequious to many of the personalities he covers and formulaic (mostly mailbags/listicles with one or two transparently “controversial” rankings or omissions and lots of trendy pop culture references).

These are absurd, fanboy claims if they come from adults.

If you’re under 20, I apologize for the harsh tone. Not that nobody under 20 could know any better, just that it’s reasonable to not know at that age.

*Edit: I just saw you’re the father of four boys, which means (hopefully), you’re over the age of 20. To which I can only say, please tell me you’re from Boston or are at least a Boston sports fan. Otherwise…



Andrew Endymion

Leans to the left, but sees reason on both sides if you get beyond the leadership. Hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty are my pet peeves.