My Moto 360 rocks!

Aengeln Englund
3 min readJul 16, 2015

It was about 100 days since I first strapped on my Moto 360. I was late getting an android wear device — after all, Moto 360 was released in September 2014 — but it’s still the best looking smart watch, in my opinion.

Smart watches are still not especially mainstream, and even though I felt that the Moto 360 was cool, I quickly realized that the use cases were fairly limited. Mobile notifications on my wrist were good and all, but the number of useful apps written for Android Wear were still few. On the other hand, the watch itself wasn’t a great investment and I believe it’s made my Google Fit data more accurate.

Still, the number of smart watch apps I use have gone up. My lates addition was Vimofit, which helps me track my gym sessions, something I’ve been missing for a long time. Also, since the Apple Watch was released, developers seem to have made an effort to improve smart watch support in existing apps, something that has benefitted Android Wear as well.

Despite that, the amount of smart watch uses cases are far from what I wanted them to be. My new toy didn’t feel exceptional. It didn’t feel great. It just felt… ok. It would be something I’d forget to wear one morning, and soon after that would leave in a drawer somewhere. At least, that’s what I had been thinking up until now.

A smart watch doesn’t have a great battery. I might even go as far as to say that it’s been a bit random, although the latest Android Wear update improved it significantly. But the other day, I ran out of juice by noon, due to the fact that I didn’t seat it properly in it’s charger over night.

That’s when I realized how much it’s become part of my everyday routine, and how much I’ve come to depend on it. It had become a habit to quickly check notifications on my wrist, just to see if was worth taking care of immediately, or if it could wait. I no longer had the option of using it to create notifications or notes. The little things, the limited number of use cases I’ve come to rely on, were no longer available to me.

We don’t always see what technology can do for us, even when we use it daily. And though I’m the type of person who always loves trying new tech — tech that may seem completely pointless (such as a bluetooth enabled toothbrush) — I also don’t always realize the potential of it until someone points it out to me. Or until it’s gone.

Technology has become such an intricate part of the way we live, that we may not be aware of it. We take it for granted. But it’ll keep evolving. Creators and entrepreneurs around the world will build upon their own ideas and insert them into our lives. We have a glorious future ahead of us, and I look forward to being a part of it.

