Exchange listing and white paper release date

3 min readJul 13, 2018


Greetings AeriumX community!

We’ve got a quick update for you all regarding our progress, including some good news about exchange listings and some exciting news about progress on our white paper.

Exchange listings and external sites

Firstly, we are pleased to announce that we have just been listed on Blocknet decentralised exchange.

Blocknet exchange listing

We know how important it is to diversify the types of exchanges you can purchase AEX on and we are in talks with many other exchanges. We hope to announce future listings in the near future.

We are also happy to announce that we are now listed on both Blockfolio and Delta portfolio management apps, so that you can track us on the move.

We are continuing to discuss being relisted on Coinmarketcap. The challenge we have is persuading Coinmarketcap to update Aerium to AeriumX, rather than treat us as a new coin (in which case we will need to pass volume requirements before they will list us). Since Coinmarketcap are a little slow to respond to us, we are neither optimistic or pessimistic about the resolution of this issue at this time. We will let the community know as soon as we have feedback. As an alternative we are listed on Live Coin Watch and Coinlib.

White paper

We are also excited to announce the release date for our much-anticipated white paper: 2pm GMT Sun 29th July.

We will also be making adjustments to our website and other social media platforms on this day to reflect some of the important changes we’ll be making. So get this date in your diary! Here’s a sneak preview of the cover for the white paper…

The team have spent a lot of time discussing where we see AeriumX going in the years ahead. We have now agreed on an ambitious roadmap that we think will excite existing AeriumX community members and attract many new people to the project.

To achieve our goal, we are reorganising and expanding behind the scenes to build a much more business-like operation that will see us fit to compete with presently much larger projects. Several new team members have already joined, and we will be actively recruiting new developers and marketing team members in the near future to help us reach our goals.

Finally, we are also working on a bounty campaign to help spread the word about AeriumX and reward our community for their patience and support. The start date for the campaign is still being agreed upon, but keep yours eyes peeled, it won’t be too long after our white paper release.

Comments and questions?

Feel free to drop in on Twitter, Telegram or Discord or comment below if you have any feedback or want to ask us questions.

Best regards,

The AeriumX team!

