Becoming a Pilot Is Easy If You Have Guidance of Right Pilot Ground School!

2 min readFeb 9, 2017


If you want to fly, then the dream of becoming a pilot is within your reach. Thousands of people say they always wanted to learn how to fly a plane, but they never put any efforts to achieve their goal. If I were paid a penny every time someone dream about flying, I’d be a millionaire. So it’s time to stop dreaming and doing something you always wanted to do

In this article we are going to bust some myths and tell you about the requirements to become a pilot:

  • You don’t need to have a lot of money.
  • You don’t have to be technically expert, what I mean here is that you don’t require to have any degrees to become a pilot.
  • You don’t even need to have perfect eyesight
  • Age is not a barrier.
  • All you need is the desire to learn, the willpower to not let obstacles get in the way of your learning process and you need the best Pilot Ground School for learning.

First Step to Begin Your Journey:

This first phase of the course of becoming a pilot is the most valuable. So, before spending too much of money on ground school, books, maps, flight computers, headsets, aviator watches, etc. You need first to find out whether you have “The right kind of Stuff.” This requires a lot of research work, and all this research work is helping you to find out if you are the person who can become a pilot in the future. So before spending thousands of dollars on equipment and other stuff, it is advised to introspect. After that, if you feel you are good enough to achieve the dream of becoming a pilot then one should go further with the process. As the process of becoming a pilot demands a lot of time and money, one must be careful before actually taking it on.

At the beginning of my journey, I did a lot of homework by venturing to the library, spending long hours reading books and magazines before deciding on which ones to take along. Then, spent at least $2,500 on Pilot Ground School books and the courses themselves, and I put in all this effort to find out whether I have got it in me or not and then discovered that, Yes, I had the Right Kind of Stuff and I can become a pilot in future.

Next thing that comes to mind is becoming a pilot affordable; the answer is “YES.” There are so many virtual online training programs that teach you the basics of flying. These online programs are helpful and affordable. The price for online courses ranges from $300 and up in the past. But because of fierce competition, you can now get started for less than $50. That’s right; these online courses contain the full JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus which can help you to become a private pilot as well as the commercial pilot. So we can say becoming a pilot these days is an affordable proposition.




Aerobotika Aerial Intelligence Ltd. is a company based in Canada, specializing in development and operating of remotely piloted aircraft systems (UAV/UAS) for a