Lobbying with aviation authorities — a roadmap milestone

2 min readMar 1, 2018


Dear Subscriber,

We would like to share the results of our lobbying with aviation authorities.

Our legal advisor and an external lobbying agency have been in consultation with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the USA and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in European Union. We can confirm that Aeron pilot flight logging application will be fully complaint with FAA and EASA standards for such records.

Paper printout (manually signed) is still necessary for aviation administrations, as example for the purpose of license revalidation, and it can be easily produced through our application. We continue efforts to make Aeron blockchain based solution recognized by aviation administrations and airlines as an authoritative data source, by further education and contacts on both national and international levels. We believe that going forward secure blockchain recording principles will be recognized and paper duplicate of an immutable record on blockchain will no longer be required.

We expect that one or several national administrations will be on the forefront of adoption.

Pilot log format for EASA/FAA compliant blockchain log entries now available at GitHub:


Once Aeron apps are available to public on App Store and Google Play and achieve substantial installed base, the second round of demonstrations to the aviation authorities will commence.

We will further inform Aeron community of the ongoing developments.

With Kind Regards,

Aeron Team

