Extraterrestrial Med-Bed Technology?

Aeron Lazar
3 min readSep 11, 2021


When I first heard about the impending arrival of extraterrestrial medical technology capable of healing every illness, including cancer and other terminal diseases, I was very skeptical. In fact, I put it in the same mental compartment as the rumours of Pleiadian intervention.

Even though I know that most extraterrestrial Races eliminated disease eons ago and are light years ahead in terms of medical technology, I just could not imagine how this could become available on Earth.

However, I consciously decided to keep an open mind and search the answers in the infinite field of information. As soon as I opened up my consciousness, I was drawn to the Arcturian Collective Consciousness. The answer that I channelled through was not what I expected!

“Med-bed technology actually exists and Governments already have access to it. In fact, they’ve had access to this technology for around 15 years.

med bed extraterrestrial technology aeron lazar

Med-beds look like capsules, like pods with a canopy ‘lid’ that comes down. They work by utilizing the power of frequency, energy and vibration. They work much in the same way as people who practice frequency healing with a Tibetan singing bowl or chanting.

Med-bed technology is simply a more refined version of what is already utilised by healers. This frequency cannot even be perceived by the human ear as it is beyond the spectrum of human hearing. You don’t hear any sound but there is a vibration. The frequency can be targeted and tweaked, depending on what needs to be cured or healed. You can also use the technology to align yourself with optimal health.

The technology originated with the Arcturians, but it wasn’t brought to Earth as a gift to humanity. It happened as a result of an accident where a craft that crashed was recovered. There were a couple of Beings on board that were recovered and kept alive in secret facilities, in captivity, in a state of stasis, along with members of other Races.

They are kept unconscious and therefore cannot use their consciousness to change densities. Unfortunately rescuing those Beings poses too much of a risk to the Arcturians because coming down to retrieve them would mean using force and this would be presented to humanity as a violent invasion.

These Beings have been studied. The researchers involved in these studies realised that most extraterrestrial Races have formed a collective consciousness. The researchers and their employers also have technology capable of reading the consciousness of these beings to get access to the collective consciousness of a Race. Think of it in the same terms as a computer hacker. Human scientists have drawn out technology and knowledge from the extraterrestrial collective consciousness in the same way that someone would copy a software program.

There are other technologies that have been discovered alongside the med-bed technology, such as weapons systems. But currently, humans can only utilise these technologies with the use of machines. They can’t manipulate and operate them merely with consciousness. And that’s why humans can’t fly Artcurian spacecraft — because you need to bond your consciousness and energy field and become one with the craft in order to pilot it. And humans still can’t figure out how to do this.

The Arcturians as well as the Arcturian craft can change densities. Currently humans can move to different frequency bands with just their consciousness. Physicality doesn’t move. Humans are not in a position yet to physically move between frequency bands.

Currently med-bed technology is not available to the general population because it is not in the elites’ interest to release it as it would kill the pharmaceutical and medical industry. The very people controlling the world also control medicine and have financial interests in pharmaceutical companies. They also control the food industry and it is all linked. Perpetuating sickness and illness is in the interests of those who profit from it.

As the old dysfunctional systems fall away, anything which was hidden is going to be revealed, including med-bed technology.”

Aeron Lazar is a multidimensional psychic and a channel of Galactic Beings of Lights such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians and the Galactic Federation of Light. To find out more of Aeron’s channelled messaged and insights visit aeronlazar.com



Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is an Akashic Records reader, energy worker and a channel of Galatic Beings of Lights such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians.