How To Protect Yourself from Negative Energy of Others

Aeron Lazar
7 min readDec 17, 2021


Energy is the building block of your existence, and you are in charge of its protection.

Energetic protection can be performed in a variety of ways. In this article I want to share several proven energetic protection techniques that I personally use in my work as a multidimensional psychic and Akashic energy worker, as I often have to help my clients deal with negative energies trying to permeate their fields, including psychic attacks. These methods are perfect for empaths in their day to day live but can also be used when defending spiritual attacks.

How to protect yourself from negative energies of others, Aeron Lazar’s signature
How to protect yourself from negative energies of others

How To Protect Your Energy

Fortifying your energy field is as important as putting on clothes as you go out into the world — it protects you from the energetic interference of other people. Walking around without it can make you feel exposed and vulnerable to outside forces that could attack your psyche.

That’s why it’s important to create an energy field that repels vampiric individuals and events that could drain you and hamper your journey to ascension. It is particularly important if you are empathic and therefore sensitive to energy.

Energetic protection can be performed in many ways. Some people may find meditation, yoga or breath work to be helpful to find their centre-point, others may listen to certain frequencies of sounds and music; yet others create a protective altar with healing crystals or incense such as white sage; or simply invoke the help of one’s angels, ancestors, and spirit guides.

Whatever feels the most comfortable, and close to your heart is the correct method of energy protection for you, however in this article I want to share a few lesser-known but incredibly effective techniques that I personally use in my work as a multidimensional psychic and channel. I often have to help my clients deal with negative energies trying to permeate their fields and sometimes I assist with warding off full on spiritual attacks. I will explain the exact techniques I use but first, let me give you a bit of foundational knowledge, so you can understand the mechanics of energetic protection.

What is Your Energy Field?

Science tells us that we are a clump of atoms made up of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon, taking up mass on this Earthly plane and emitting energetic frequencies at different levels.

How people’s energy fields are represented to my consciousness when I open my third eye can be likened to a translucent “egg”. It stretches roughly 60 cm in all directions and surrounds your etheric body which is a reflection of your physical body.

A healthy energy field maintains its size whereas the field of a person who is consumed by low vibrational emotions such as fear, shame or guilt shrinks. On the flip side, an energy field of a high-vibrational individual is larger and radiating love, happiness and gratitude.

And this is why, as we ascend, we may actually become more prone to attractive negative energies. This is simply because everyone’s energy field naturally looks for balance — so when you interact with people whose energetic fields are dense and weighed down by low-vibrational energies — you will find that on a subconscious, energetic level they will absorb your vibrant life force energy, as their own fields are looking to return to a normal size.

Energetic Protection in the Age of Aquarius

This is additionally amplified by the fact that since 2020, we have seen drastic changes in our collective consciousness. We’ve witnessed so much purging, destruction, and transformation of societal structures that, to the keen and spiritual eye, marks the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This could affect our energy fields in the most unnerving ways possible.

The Age of Aquarius is the period when the Earth’s axis slowly moves into the sign of Aquarius which could last about 2,000 years. This ushers in events that are of typical Aquarian qualities such as esotericism, advancement in technology and industry, revolution, and changes in government, venturing into spirituality, and breaking down of societal norms.

This astrological age will essentially test humanity as we know it today and learning to protect your mind, heart space, and protecting your energy field becomes truly urgent now more than ever.

Energetic Shielding With The Help Of Light Beings

One of the most effective ways of protecting your energetic field is through the help of Spiritual Beings or Light Beings.

Light Beings are highly ascended entities that exist in the 5D and higher realms and are equipped with the divine tools to cloak our energetic field with Galactic protection. These Galactic Beings are constantly looking out for us and nudging us every now and then onto paths that our souls are supposed to be taking, as they support our collective ascension efforts.

Light Beings could come from other galaxies and planets, and even other multiverses. There are countless Galactic Beings out there that the human race has yet to meet — most of them more advanced, wise, and powerful than what our human minds can comprehend. Some of the Races that I work with frequently who have been devoted to guide humans on their path to creating a New Earth, are the Sirians, the Arcturians and the Pleiadians, and the Dragons.

Each of these Races provides unique technology and tools when it comes to protecting one’s energy field. Asking for their help is one of the easiest methods of shielding yourself from the negative frequencies that flow through the Earth.

The Pleiadian energy protection methods

The Pleiadians are high vibrational beings from the eighth dimension, whose energy is literally the equivalent of photonic light. How Pleiadian energy can help you with protecting your field is two-fold. To start with, Pleiadian Light Quotient increase — an activation that amplifies your physical body’s capacity to hold more light — strengthens your vibrational state so you are less prone to attracting negative entities. Secondly, Pleiadian energy can also be used as an energetic jet-wash or flush which blasts through your field to detach any low-vibrational energies latching onto your etheric body.

It’s like white-sage, only many times more intense and powerful. In fact, Pleiadian Light Language can be used in the same way to clear entire spaces and cleanse the atmosphere. My wife Riya Loveguard frequently uses the Pleiadian Light Language to clean my office after particularly intense client sessions, especially when I work on removing bonds, ties, curses or defending clients from serious spiritual attacks.

The Sirian energetic shielding

Sirian shielding technology is my method of choice when it comes to protecting my clients’ fields as well as their households, businesses or anything of value that may become a target of a spiritual attack. Sirian shielding creates a huge energetic dome all around a person’s energy field that is programmed not to allow any negative energies inside. Once the shield is set, it doesn’t need to be repeatedly installed. It is a set and forget technique, apart from a routine inspection and cleansing the outside of the shield with white light or Pleiadian frequency — which can be likened to window cleaning. Windows protect you from the elements, however from time to time you need to wipe any residue from the outside. Sirian energetic protection shield works in much the same way.

Energetic protection techniques from other Galactic Beings

Many other Races of Beings of Light can provide you with energetic protection. For example, the Arcturians can install intelligent energetic shields that you can programme in a very specific sophisticated way. The Lyran Feline Race can help you defend a spiritual attack by displaying their power in a show of strength and unity. And finally, the Dragons can provide shielding in the form of a ring of fire that scorches anything that attempts to attack your field. However, these are methods that are more suited for serious cases of energetic attacks. For day to day, Sirian shielding and the Pleiadian ‘jet wash’ is all you need to maintain the safety of your energetic field.

Last but not least, remember that these energetic modalities will not protect you if you let a potential perpetrator through the front door with your consent. Therefore, be careful who you open your energetic field to and use your intuition and inner guidance to carefully choose healers, readers or energy workers that you decide to open your field to.

Your energy field is precious, essential, and unique to you, and it’s your responsibility to nurture and protect it as well as you can.

If you’re someone who would love to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harshness and spiritual overhaul being experienced by the world in this Age of Aquarius, here’s a couple of amazing resources you can check out — my free beginners training on energetic protection and my free advanced coaching session on detecting and defending spiritual attacks.

About Aeron Lazar, the author

Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is an energy worker who uses his psychic abilities to channel messages and energy from the Galactic Beings of Light.

Aeron is an Arcturian Starseed, here on Earth to fulfill a mission – to assist with raising the collective consciousness and helping other Starseeds, Earthseeds and Lightworkers develop their spiritual abilities.

Aeron is also an Akashic Record Expert who works in the Akashic Realm daily, helping his clients release karmic and ancestral patterns, block and limitations so they can enjoy the life of ease and abundance. Check out Aeron’s upcoming classes here.



Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is an Akashic Records reader, energy worker and a channel of Galatic Beings of Lights such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians.