The Arcturians: Humanity’s Friendly Guides Into 5D Ascension

Aeron Lazar
9 min readJan 5, 2022


Aeron Lazar, an Arcturian Starseed and Channel shares his inights into the Arcturian Civilisation including what Arcturians look like, how they collective consciousness work and why they seek to make contact with humans.

Out of all the galactic civilizations that reside in the multiverse, there is one particular race that holds the human civilization close to their hearts: The Arcturians.

Arcturians are Galactic Beings that frequently make contact with human beings to help nudge us along our forgotten soul missions and fulfill the soul contracts we have signed prior to incarnating in our beautiful planet Earth.

Advanced in technology, and operating in fifth-dimensional consciousness, Arcturians are our friendly guides, often waiting for our call of help and willing to share the incredible secrets of the universe.

In this article, I will draw on my experiences of channelling Arcturian Light Beings and the Arcturian Council of Elders as well as my memories of my own lifetime as an Arcturian (yes, I am an Arcturian Starseed!), to explain:

  1. Who are the Arcturians?
  2. What do Arcturians look like?
  3. What is the Arcturian civilization like?
  4. The Arcturian Collective Consciousness
  5. The Arcturian Families
  6. Why do Arcturians make contact with Humans?

Who Are Arcturians?

Arcturians are Beings of Light who inhabit the planetary system of Arcturus or Alpha Boötis, a red giant star visible from the Northern Hemisphere, located about 37 light-years away from the Earth.

Looking up from our planet, Arcturus can be distinguished simply by locating the constellation of Boötes. Once you’ve found it, Arcturus will be winking right at you.

The brightest star in the said constellation, and the fourth brightest star perceivable within our night sky, its luminosity seems to always be waving “hello” to us, their dear, Earthly friends.

Yes, they do call us friends, and their fondness towards human beings mostly comes from their own history and experience as a soul collective. Not unlike humans, Arcturians have gone through millennia of living in a three-dimensional state.

They have had human-like experiences and challenges that only the third dimension can dish out with its division, duality and contract. Having gone past that three-dimensional phase, however, it has now become apparent to Arcturians that all sentient beings on all the multiverse must pursue their own paths leading to a fifth state dimension.

This is why Arcturians often come to humanity’s rescue, sending signals and codes of love and assistance into our own collective consciousness without us even realizing it, so that, in time, our civilization could ascend as they have.

What Do Arcturians Look Like?

While the star Arcturus might be 1.5 times bigger and 115 times brighter than our very own Sun, it has a lower temperature, which could be why Arcturians have the unique physical features that they have.

So many sources online confuse Arcturians for other galactic light beings, but for people who have actually seen any one of them, a physical feature that is hard to miss and difficult to forget is their sky blue-colored skin.

Perhaps it’s because of the lower temperature of their star or perhaps it is just their energetic aura but the Arcturians’ skin is blue, but rather in a way that is still incomparable to any shade of blue you can find on Earth, more like blue-ish. And if you’re close enough to touch, you will feel their bodies are cold.

Arcturians also have beautiful fair hair, prominent cheekbones, and very delicate symmetrical faces. Their striking facial features almost remind one of the typical physical traits of Scandinavians — except for their blue skin!

Like humans, Arcturians with masculine-dominant energies are typically taller than those with feminine-dominant energies.

They often sport outfits that would not look misplaced in a sci-fi movie. Their garments are made from some metal or hard element that is not available on Earth, designed in a way that makes them look like the cool, bad-ass heroes of a modern version of Star Trek.

As futuristic as they are funny, Arcturians love to laugh and make others laugh. They have a fantastic sense of humor and could even play practical jokes on anyone they are comfortable with (even humans). When I channel Arcturians during various group sessions as well as in my individual work with the clients, it’s not uncommon for them to dissolve away fear or energetic blockages by simply offering a funny spin on the situation from their elevated Galactic perspective.

Their youthful energy, silly sense of humor, and joyful, child-like essence make them really pleasant companions and Guides.

What Is It Like To Live As An Arcturian?

Arcturians are a galactic race that are thousands and thousands of years ahead of where humanity is as a civilization, both on a soul and physical level.

On the physical and material aspect, Arcturians have unlocked technological and scientific doors, which enabled them to create tools and equipment that humans could only dream of and are decades away from actually building.

One of their most mind-blowing inventions of Arcturians are spacecrafts that are operated, not by a jet plane pilot steering a wheel or maneuvering a control stick, but by using their consciousness. Yes, mind-operated aircrafts.

Their space crafts are often shaped like a giant teardrop, with a crystal-like or diamond-looking facade. If you’ve ever seen any UFO video where the UFO appears to be vanishing and then reappearing and then vanishing in an irregular way in the night sky, it’s probably an Arcturian spacecraft, since their vehicles can transport from one frequency band to another, moving between 3D and 5D.

Because their spaceeships operate through their consciousness and by a unique bond between the pilot and the craft, they can travel from one planet to another more quickly, depending on the frequency band they are on — kind of like how you can travel from New York to Paris in under a second in your mind.

The Arcturian Collective Consciousness

Collective consciousness exists in any civilization, albeit humans have yet to unlock and fully realize the possibilities of our own collective consciousness.

The collective consciousness is a consciousness pool that is shared by everyone on a spiritual and subconscious level, similar to how we can share photos, videos, and documents on an online cloud.

The Arcturian collective consciousness plays a vital role in their seemingly utopian way of living.

Call it the Google Docs or Dropbox of the Arcturian society, the Arcturian collective consciousness is where they share information, read energies, and communicate with each other.

Because they have raised their collective consciousness to the 5-D plane, Arcturians have unlocked the secrets on how to create a society that is peaceful and harmonious.

There are three layers in the Arcturian collective consciousness: The Main Collective Consciousness, The Children’s Collective Consciousness, and The Unity Consciousness Field.

The Main Collective Consciousness sits around the entire race and goes anywhere they go, even as they travel through other dimensions.

The Children’s Collective Consciousness are for young Arcturians, which is like a “school” for consciousness, preparing them to be exposed to the energies of the Main Collective.

Lastly, the Unity Consciousness Field, which lies in the middle, is one that ties every Arcturian together. It is where harmony emanates, and love is spread around.

The Unity Consciousness is also designed to dissolve any kind of dissonance in their energetic fields and enables every Arcturian to feel a connection to one another.

One of the greatest benefits of the Arcturian Collective Consciousness from a human perspective is being able to tap into this field of energy to download light codes that can upgrade and rewire our energetic fields for abundance, joy, vitality, peace, creativity. To experience how these codes work first hand, try this Arcturian activation that I channelled, designed to raise and maintain high vibrational state.

Arcturian Relationships And Families

The Arcturians are very loving, very nurturing and also very intentional beings. Intentional, in a sense that they don’t just bump into another Arcturian, fall in love, and ride off to the sunset together without first making sure that it will be a successful union filled with love and harmony.

They come into unions — masculine energy to feminine energy — by first screening each other’s energetic fields to make sure they are an energetic match. When there’s an energetic match, the “couples” enter into an agreement, to be one with each other in a soul contract of living in harmony, love, and understanding.

Unlike human beings, Arcturians do not impose a certain familial standard or structure. There, divine feminine and divine masculine beings may choose for themselves whether to have children or not.

If they decide to have children, each child is consciously conceived too, so that no child is unwanted, abandoned, or abused in their realm.

Arcturians have transcended and ascended to such a higher plane that there is no childhood trauma to heal during adulthood, no generational curses to break through each lifetime, and no broken families to grieve in any community.

Why Do Arcturians Make Contact With Humans?

When Arcturians see humans as a collective, it’s like looking in a mirror. They have been where we are, they have walked in our shoes, and they know that every now and then, we need the help of highly ascended beings who possess the kind of wisdom that could only be given by entities that have lived similar experiences.

Arcturians are loving, kind, and harmonious by nature because they have historically lived through third dimensional density with all its challenges. That’s why they try to make contact with human beings — to help us along our path to 5D ascension, in the hopes that we can break free and gain spiritual sovereignty as a race.

Arcturians personality traits | Aeron Lazar

Arcturians aren’t the only race that are trying to help us, of course, but Arcturians hold us close to their hearts because they know the difficulty of trying to go beyond our egos, and individualistic existence in pursuit of a selfless, more conscious life.

Arcturians are everywhere. They can be Starseeds , sent to incarnate here on Earth in human bodies to fulfill their purpose of waking humanity up to the spiritual, high dimensional realms.

But even if they are not on Earth, Arcturians can be summoned anytime, and they are usually watching out for us and waiting for our call. If you would like to call on your Soul Family as guides, you can try this free activation that I have recorded with the help of my Arcturian Guides.

Either way, Arcturians are always trying to send us messages, to help us with the unfolding of our civilization’s and the transition to a higher-dimensional plane.

While this transition could mean our race must first experience the darkest nights before we could see the brightest days, Arcturians want us to know that they, and all of the members of the Star Nations, are always with us in our times of dire need.

About the author: Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar
Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is a Multi-dimensional Psychic, a Starseed Mentor, a Channel to Galactic Light Beings as well as an an Akashic Record Expert.

As an ambassador to various Star Nations, Aeron regularly receives messages from the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Orions as well as the Galactic Federation of Light.

Aeron Lazar holds the ability to receive and transmit light codes and upgrades to others. These codes interact with every aspect of a person’s 3D reality to assist them in creating a lifetime of abundance and satisfaction. Access Aeron’s light codes transmissions on his You Tube channel.

Aeron Lazar also specialises in consulting the Akashic Records to remove obstacles, limitations, curses, bonds, and other spiritual ties that are impeding the flow of abundance into his clients’ life.

Aeron Lazar is profoundly devoted to supporting people from all areas of life in discovering their divine potential, gaining access to higher realms of consciousness, understanding their mission, and effortlessly attracting their soul’s true desires.

Access Aeron’s channelling and Starseed resources and find out more about his upcoming classes on



Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is an Akashic Records reader, energy worker and a channel of Galatic Beings of Lights such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians.