The Galactic Federation of Light: “Humanity’s consciousness ascension is the final piece of the jigsaw”

Aeron Lazar
4 min readDec 21, 2021


What is the Galactic Federation of Light? Can humanity ascend to become a part of the Federation? In this article, Aeron Lazar provides an update from the Galactic Federation in form of a channelled message and explains what needs to happen for humanity to take a seat at the Galactic Federation’s table.

The Galactic Federation, Humanity consciousness ascension, Aeron Lazar’s signature, spaceship

A messaged channelled by Aeron Lazar on the Solstice of 21 December 2021

“We send you greetings and come to you on this special day of your calendar year. The longest or shortest day depending which hemisphere of your planet you’re located, but special nonetheless.

We feel as though we would like to communicate with you, as soon as we’ll be welcoming you to take your place at our wonderful Federation of Races.

You may be aware why the Galactic Federation of Light was created and know the reasons behind this and there have been many since then who’ve argued for humanity and have wanted to see every race represented, in the spirit that the Federation was created.

We have waited for this moment for a long time, as in many ways Humanity’s consciousness ascension is the final piece of the jigsaw for the Galactic Federation and we would consider the organisation complete.

Matters are already being discussed during the Galactic Federation member sessions and ascension plans are already being drawn up. Places for your representatives are being created and coded within the Federation’s Archives and gridwork. Preparations are now underway.

You have lived in such a wonderfully turbulent plane of reality, and as turbulent as this has been for you all, you have to admit that it’s an evolutional opportunity for your Souls like no other and one which many races could only dream of.

We are not here today to speak with you about matters which are playing out on your planet. We try to take a broader view and we have an elevated perspective over matters, so we do not need to comment. This message is about your next steps as a species, not your current steps.

You’ll remember your high school or university graduation. You’ll remember how difficult that journey was at times and the stress and pressure you would undoubtedly have felt. This period, as with any period, passed and you reached the finish line.

Your day is coming, you’ve almost graduated. The entire Federation is watching now, all eyes are on your planet.

Just as you’re about to enter a new era for your species, we are also about to enter a new era of unity and completion at the Galactic Federation, so in many ways we share your excitement and enthusiasm about this.

You have much to catch up on, much to come to terms with and much to experience.

We are here and you’re welcome.

We will all see you soon. For now enjoy today, tomorrow is coming.”

What is the Galactic Federation of Light?

The Galactic Federation s an amalgamation of different races formed eons ago after an interstellar war in which all sides suffered great losses. A little bit like our United Nations, it was designed for Interstellar Races to learn from past mistakes and prevent future conflicts in the Galaxy.

Each Race of Beings has two or three representatives who are a part of the Federation. So for example the Arcturian Council of Light has representatives in the Federation. There are also senior Pleiadians and Sirians, Andromedans and Orions, Lyrans, and so on. They meet up regularly to keep the dialogue open between Races and to maintain harmony and peace.

There was a push for humans to be represented in the Galactic Federation so all species could have a voice at the table. However, there was resistance from various races who did not want humans to join. This is because we are perceived to be emotionally too volatile. They also feared the potential for corruption or abuse.

Humans who are able to raise their consciousness into the Quantum and explore their multidimensionality can become aware of the Galactic Federation and different races within. But currently humanity are still undergoing consciousness evolution to be considered for a seat at the Federation’s table.

One of the reasons why humanity was not brought to the table is because we cannot stop fighting with one another. There is so much war and destruction and perpetual conflict on Earth. There are militarised countries dominating other countries in search for power and resources. Until humanity’s consciousness ascends and peace reigns on Earth, it is impossible for humanity to have a seat at the table as the Galactic Federation would be inviting in the very thing that they created the Federation to avoid. The fact that humanity was creating a space force and looking to dominate space is just indicative of how far we still have to go, however with our state of consciousness evolving, we are closer than ever before.

About Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is a multidimensional psychic and a channel to Galactic Races of Light. Aeron shares messages from the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians and from the Galactic Federation of Light. Read more of Aeron’s channelled messages on his blog.

Aeron Lazar also teaches how to channel and communicate with extraterrestrial Beings. Find out more about Aeron’s work and his upcoming classes here.

One of Aeron’s greatest passions is the Akashic Realm. He uses the knowledge from the Akashic Records as tool for transformation for his clients.



Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is an Akashic Records reader, energy worker and a channel of Galatic Beings of Lights such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians.