Could one of the underlying causes of the lack of unity seen in humanity be left brain dominance?

5 min readMar 3, 2023

Tribalism. It seems to be embedded in what it means to be human here on Earth. Humans just can’t seem to get over the powerful spell of the subjective mind which causes them to forget that consciousness is fundamental. Consciousness is what every human being shares regardless of tribe, class or color and human rights are at the end of the day much important than skin color or tribal differences. But is it true that thus behavior is embedded in human nature like people claim? Is it in our psyche?

I don’t think tribalism and all the horrors that have came along with it are necesary at all. I think they are simply an evolutionary consequence of how we evolved as homo sapiens which is to be left-brained dominant. Most of the world’s population is left brain dominant thus right-handednesss is the most common type of dexterity with approximately 90% of people. A minority of 10% are right brain dominant and thus are left brain dominant. The key to understanding this is to understand cognitive function and how both the left and right side of the brain work together to create integral structural and artistic parts of human soceity.

The human brain is divided up into two halves or hemispheres. The left hemisphere deals more with 3D logic and structure. It attempts to understand things by analyzing and coming to exact conclusions. The left side of the brain deals more with mathematics and systems where accuracy is needed. It is articulate when it comes to words also. The weakness of the left brain is that it cannot understand abstract concepts. It always must put things in boxes and anything that does not fit must be demonized or discarded. It has trouble dealing with the fact that you won’t always understand everything in life and that instead of trying to solve everything and destroying everything in the process that we should just go with the flow. The left hemisphere is usually referred to as the masculine side of our brain.

The right hemisphere of the brain deals more with abstract concepts and beauty. After all beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What brings pleasure to you may not to someone else and the right hemisphere understands and is OK with that. Musicians, artists, poets, mystics, authors and all who work in the field of creating beautiful work that stirs up powerful feelings of emotion and awe in people are tapping into the right hemisphere brain as that is also where our creativity on our psyche lies. While the left brain is more scientifically based the right side is open to things we can’t explain or see directly which is why people with good intuition are also tapped into their right brain. The right brain helps us stop and smell the roses and realize that we are human BEINGS and not human DOINGS. We are on a beautiful planet that we should acknowledge and give thanks to for allowing us to live on her and we should do it with harmony. The right side of our brain is seen more as the feminine half and is what I like to call “the heart of the brain.” The weakness to the right side of the brain is that while the right side deals with abstract ideas and emotions if those emotions are not reigned in by the intellect of its opposite then they become just as destructive as someone who operate on logic with no empathy. A person who is right brain dominant will live by their emotions which is in a lower state. The question is always asked in philosophical circles “What is objective morality or does it even exist?” It is my opinion that objevtive morality is to completely and perfectly balance logic and empathy. To live from both the left and right hemispheres. Not just one dominating the other. True holiness is to be living from your entire brain. Any imbalance other than 50-50 is what philiosophies from the Indian subcontinent would call “Adharmic” or what Western culture would refer to as “living in sin.”

This world is abundant with an imbalance of masculine energy. This is due to our left brain programming. Therefore the tribalistic and left brain tendency to want to break down into groups and demonuze the other still prevails and will prevail until our programming changes. I am not advocating to live predominantly from one side or the other. Becoming more right brained is needed because of the imbalance of masculine energy but we always want to have a balance. Too much living on the side of feminine right brain energy can leave us vulnerable to ignorance as well. Balancing both hemispheres of the brain can be observed in an individual when one reflects on someone or a culture that is different from him and he can clearly comprehend that difference but he has the inner intuition to just know that person is experiencing God differently than him and that judgements are not needed. What is most important is unity and the collective conscious of the human race. If we balance our psyche than perhaps tribal, racial and other divisons will dissolve and we will truly be functioning as a unified society. Tribalism and violence don’t necessarily have to be a natural part of humanity. It does if you look at it from a perspective skewed towards constant breaking down and analyzing but that is not the only way to look at things and judging from centuries and millennia of war, corruption, dictatorship, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-semitism and other succesful attempts to divide and put the human race into analytical boxes it certainly hasn’t been the most beneficial system. If we evolved towards an overly masculinized system which is the root of what seems to be a very horrible callous world then the obvious solution would be to change the environment in which we live in. When we change the environment we live in that changes the information we are taking in and therefore our psyche as a whole. Connect with nature more if you haven’t already. Stand in awe at the abstract beauty of the Earth, of the sky, of the sea. Take a break from the humdrum and go hiking. Play an instrument. Write a novel. As long as it brings you inner joy and harmony and you feel as if you are connecting to your inner creative dream world you are activating your right brain and are becoming more spiritually balanced.

