æternity Starfleet: The amazing teams we have selected vol.1

AE Ventures
AE Ventures


After weeks of scouting, reviewing applications and interviewing, we have made the final selection of the teams that will take part in the first wave of æternity Starfleet Incubator for Blockchain startups. They are absolutely amazing and we can not help ourselves but share them with you!

Around 50 world-class teams have applied on F6S.com from all over the world!

We have teams from as far as Brazil, Sydney, the US and Kenya. Their projects presented ground breaking ideas in a variety of sectors including Sharing Economy, Artificial Intelligence, Recruiting, Renewable Energy, Entertainment, Gaming, Augmented Reality etc. This made it extremely hard for us to select just 10 teams to take part in the first wave. That’s why we choose 16 :)

On Monday, 11th of June, their journey starts with a week full of lectures, workshops and tasks.

We have invited some world class lecturers to join us and share their knowledge. They will be helping each team with Blockchain economics, Customer development, Pitching and much more. The week ends with the first big demo day when each team will present their idea to a selected jury. The event will be live-streamed globally so everyone from the community can become part and help us evaluate the teams.

But without further ado, let us introduce the first 7 teams:

  1. TraDEXsocial: Sofia, Bulgaria

Description: TraDEXSocial presents a combination of user friendly web-based mining client and a decentralized social trading crypto exchange form the first complete crypto ecosystem able to guide people through their crypto experience. On their platform you can mine cryptocurrency on any smart device and copy the most profitable traders on a decentralized crypto exchange multiplying your earnings without the prior need of relevant knowledge.

2. UTU Technologies: Nairobi, Kenya

Description: UTU is developing trust infrastructure to help traditional and decentralized marketplaces improve conversion, satisfaction, and other key metrics. Their proprietary machine learning-powered trust engine, accessed through API, models each user’s individual trust profile based on their relationships, in-app behaviours, and other contextual factors and then serves up recommendations about personally trusted service providers directly into the sharing platforms that they are already using. Developing this into an UTU protocol allows them to tokenize trust and offer their services across the traditional and decentralized economies.

3. AMPnet: Zagreb, Croatia

Description :AMPnet is a software platform aiming to simplify electricity trading for supply companies and cooperatives. The core of the product is the blockchain smart contract powered protocol for electricity network governance. Smart contracts handle ownership of the electricity supply network. They will connect to a suite of classical applications. Smart contracts will handle payments and fee management — as well as profit sharing for the owners of the network.

4. Bee Smart Technologies: Sofia, Bulgaria

Description: Bee Smart Technologies are striving to solve what certainly could be described as one of the biggest threats to the modern agriculture- the extinction of honeybees. The company launched Bee Smart™, a battery-powered system which provides a sophisticated wireless monitoring capability, by continuously measuring the hives temperature, humidity, acoustics and weight. They have incorporated innovative technology and sustainable design in producing a system that will directly influence, measure and enhance the life of the honeybees.

5. Tip me: Berlin, Germany

Description: Tip me uses blockchain technology for a fair globalization by giving you the opportunity to tip the people that make your product. When you buy of bag of coffee online, you can tip the coffee farmer directly and increase his salary by up to 250%.

6. YAIR: Berlin, Germany

Description: Great art produced by great artists has undying and undeniable power and value. YAIR takes the value of art and secures it with blockchain technology, making it available to a global community of collectors, traders and enthusiasts.

7. Tribe Blockchain: Vienna, Austria

Description: Tribe allows artists and creators to get funded for projects by generating crypto assets that guarantee a share of the (future) revenue. Anyone can invest in projects by buying these coins from the artist. Fans enjoy transparency over what they get and who gets paid.

More amazing projects will be announce on Monday 11th of June!

Follow us on Social media to get the latest pictures and updates on all teams:
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AE Ventures
AE Ventures

AE Ventures is an investment company providing initial funding, acceleration, and advisory support to blockchain startups. Also running Starfleet accelerator