Do Dictatorships Take More Actions Against Covid-19?

Ahmed Ezzeldin Mohamed
3 min readMar 28, 2020

Extreme circumstances require extreme measures, but extreme measures are hard to agree on. The global fight against the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that. Containing the highly infectious virus calls for costly measures to enforce social-distancing and enhance the preparedness of the health sector. Not everyone welcomes such measures. With a global economic recession -or another great depression- looming in the horizon, more businesses are questioning the economic soundness of social-distancing measures and pushing for milder policies.

In the United States, political divisions delayed the approval of the largest economic stimulus package in American history. Disagreements between President Trump and state governors slowed down responsiveness to the epidemic and left the health sector less prepared to the surge in infected cases. When the Democratic governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, asked for more ventilators to contain the epidemic in the worst hit state, the President downplayed Cuomo’s need for medical supplies.

The President’s reactions are unsurprising given his electoral incentives. Trump publicized himself as a businessman who can accelerate economic growth and create more employment opportunities. Before the pandemic, he was on track with a strong economic record. An economic recession with millions filing for…



Ahmed Ezzeldin Mohamed

PhD Candidate at Columbia University with special interest in governance in developing countries.