Open Letter In Defense of AP African American Studies
We are over 800 African American Studies faculty, administrators, and allies in higher education at dozens of colleges and universities and we are concerned about the future of our field. We write this letter to broadcast our outrage at the efforts of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to delegitimize the AP’s pilot curriculum in African American Studies, to intimidate the College Board into appeasement and wholesale revisions, and to deny the young citizens of his state the world-class education to which they have a right.
After years of careful development, a curriculum for African American Studies is set to be released to the public this week, and is scheduled to be piloted in sixty high schools across the country in the 2024–25 school year. Ordinarily, after the curriculum is piloted, it is revised and ultimately approved by universities for Advanced Placement, giving high school students who complete the class an opportunity to skip introductory courses and get into their major quickly once they enter college. AP students are hard-working, high-achieving, and motivated to learn, and AP courses are typically the most rigorous offerings in any high school, factoring into college admissions decisions and college course placement.
DeSantis’s demeaning actions promise a bypass of this ordinary review. In January, the state’s education department sent a letter to the College Board notifying it that the curriculum is “inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.” Roughly a week later, the state’s commissioner of education tweeted, “We proudly require the teaching of African American history. We do not accept woke indoctrination masquerading as education.” He cited the inclusion of internationally-respected scholars with years of award-winning scholarship, marking them as dangerous socialists. “We believe in teaching kids facts and how to think,” DeSantis put it this way a week ago, “but we don’t believe they should have an agenda imposed on them when you try to use Black history to shoehorn in queer theory, you are clearly trying to use that for political purposes.”
This is censorship and a frontal attack on academic freedom. We categorically reject DeSantis’s autocratic claim to knowing what college-level material should be available in an AP African American Studies course. There is no precedent, of which we are aware, for him or the Florida Department of Education to claim expertise on any other subject matter for AP course adoption. No one person determines what is required for an AP class to receive credit at our colleges and universities. Contrary to DeSantis’s claims of promoting freedom in education, he is suppressing learning in his state and limiting the freedom of Florida students to choose what they can learn. He is destroying core educational principles that should be sacrosanct to all leaders in a democratic society.
We will not mince words. The contention that an AP curriculum in African American Studies “lacks educational value” is a proposition supported by white supremacist ideology, because it fundamentally demeans the history, culture, and contributions of Black people. This has terrible consequences for the young people of color who live in that state. It echoes other ongoing efforts across the United States to purge the public sphere of any mention of “divisive concepts,” or any conversation about the enduring fact of racism in the history of this nation, this hemisphere, and this world. It is also racism wrapped inside of homophobia. As such, it matches the Governor’s earlier — and ongoing — efforts to empty school library shelves of any book the state defines as “woke,” a purging that disproportionately impacts a broad body of work by Black and queer authors. If this broader effort to degrade, erase, and rewrite our history is successful, it would mean that the worst dystopias of science fiction have taken root, their encroachments on the classroom forcing us further down the path to an extraordinarily dangerous future.
Revisions should proceed in the normal customary fashion as established by the College Board in collaboration with educators, scholars, and institutional partners of its own choosing. We object to the effort of Governor DeSantis to circumvent the ordinary process for the review of an AP pilot curriculum. We object, as well, to his impoverished understanding of the significance of African American history, which has consequences for the young people of his state. We object to the offensive manner in which the Governor has yoked his efforts to extinguish the curriculum to a sprawling, multi-state effort to wield the power of the administrative state as a sword in these new culture wars. We object, finally, to the impact on young people, for whom the classroom is now a battleground, and who must sit with the words of their Governor, who has devalued the contributions of their forebears to American life, and wonder whether he sees them as citizens deserving to be educated or as pawns in the cruel combat he proposes.
Beyond these objections, we acknowledge the young people in Florida who are eager for this curriculum. We recognize our responsibility to ensure that the courses they take for college credit or placement are of the highest quality. And we promise them that we will work collectively to secure their access to this pilot curriculum, and also to the final AP course in African American Studies.
Andrea Abrams
Cécile Accilien
Jessica Adams
Catherine L. Adams
Jessie L. Adolph
Andrea Y. Adomako
Tony Affigne
Vanessa Agard-Jones
Ujju Aggarwal
Carmel Agnant
Zahra Ahmed
Makungu M. Akinyela
Leslie M. Alexander
Shawn Leigh Alexander
H. Samy Alim
Carol Anderson
John W. Anderson Jr.
Naomi André
Ethan Andrews
Ana Aparicio
Heidi Ardizzone
Angela Ards
Toivo Asheeke
Susanna Ashton
Renee Ater
Geri Augusto
Sharon D. Wright Austin
Valerie Babb
Susan Coffin Babb
Constance Bailey
Mandi Bates Bailey
T. Dionne Bailey
Marlon M Bailey
Lee D. Baker
Laurie Baker
Laura Baker
Anthony Ballas
Oluwakemi M. Balogun
Simon Balto
Pompa Banerjee
Mari Ann Banks
Edward E. Baptist
Natasha Barnes
Riché J. Daniel Barnes
Mollie Barnes
Monica Patrice Barra
Jackson Christopher Bartlett
Scott Alves Barton
Gillian U. Bayne
David Beauzil
Herman Beavers
Sam Beck
Kathryn Bedecarré
Jesse Benjamin
Ruha Benjamin
Shanna G. Benjamin
Herman L. Bennett
Michele Tracy Berger
Emily Bernard
Julia W. Bernier
Iver Bernstein
Maya J. Berry
Daina Ramey Berry
Anne H. Berry
Latrica Best
Chandra Bhimull
Alisa Biggs
Adam Biggs
Lisa L. Biggs
Martha Biondi
Debarati Biswas
Keisha N. Blain
Cynthia Blair
Michael L. Blakey
David W. Blight
Kimberly Blockett
Ama Boakyewa
Anthony Bogues
A. Lynn Bolles
Zanice Bond
Lakeyta Bonnette-Bailey
Eileen Boris
Darius Bost
Amanda Boston
Gloria Boutte
Merle L. Bowen
Rian Bowie
Laurian Bowles
Regina N. Bradley
Calandra Y. Branch
Lundy Braun
Jennifer DeVere Brody
Daphne Brooks
Robin Brooks
Andre Brooks-Key
Karida L. Brown
Vincent Brown
Carolyn A. Brown
J. Dillon Brown
Nadia E. Brown
Shan-Estelle Brown
Kimberly Nichele Brown
Khalilah L. Brown-Dean
Anthony P. Browne
La Marr Jurelle Bruce
Pem Davidson Buck
Tehama Lopez Bunyasi
Nicole Burrowes
Kim D. Butler
Lee H. Butler, Jr.
Sheretta T. Butler-Barnes
Patricia A Cahill
Kia Lilly Caldwell
Stephen Maynard Caliendo
Angelica Camacho
Horace G. Campbell
David Canton
A’Keitha Carey
Dominyse Carey
Omar Carmenates
Greg Carr
Rachel Carrico
Daniela Carrigo-Das
Bryan Carter
Prudence L. Carter
Judith Casselberry
Bianet Castellanos
N. Fadeke Castor
Elizabeth Cavicchi
Sarah Jane Cervenak
Julian C. Chambliss
Rachel Chapman
Sequaya Chapman
Katherine Charron
Michelle Coghill Chatman
Ayoka Chenzira
Dennis Childs
Mark Christian
Mark Cladis
Ainsworth A. Clarke
Andy Clarno
Rudolph Clay
Danielle P. Clealand
Jelani Cobb
Jesse Cohn
Monica A. Coleman
Robin R. Means Coleman
Daniel B. Coleman
Caroline Collins
Lisa Gail Collins
Barbara Harris Combs
Amanda Concha-Holmes
N. D. B. Connolly
Daniella Ann Cook
Pamela Cooper-White
Amelia Copp
Saroya Corbett
Regina Joice Cordy
Kat Cosby
Matthew J. Countryman
David Covin
Lisa Covington
Yolanda Covington-Ward
Aimee Meredith Cox
J. Gray Cox
Cornell L. Craig
Margo Natalie Crawford
Francoise Cromer
Ashley Crooks-Allen
Candi Sue Cross
William Crotty
Kevin E. Rivera Cruz
Michael Cucher
Prudence Cumberbatch
Cecelia Cutler
Qiana Cutts
Bianca Dang
Douglas Henry Daniels
Kyrah Malika Daniels
Timothy P. Daniels
Ashley C.J. Daniels
Amy Dao
Marlo D. David
Carole E. Boyce Davies
Mark Allan Davis
Sarita Davis
Amira Rose Davis
Chris Davis
Dana-Ain Davis
J. Dawuni
Smaran Dayal
Jamaica DelMar
John B. Diamond
David M. Diamond
J. Diaz
Angela D. Dillard
Cynthia Dobbs
Bobby J. Donaldson
Sonya Donaldson
Annika Doneghy
Ellen Doris
Kristin Doughty
Sara Douglas
Pearl K. Dowe
Anthony Downer II
John E. Drabinski
Erica Armstrong Dunbar
Daive Dunkley
Janeria Easley
Sasha-Mae Eccleston
Ugo F. Edu
Melise Edwards
Sharif El-Mekki
Jennifer Erickson
Catriona Rueda Esquibel
Stephanie Y. Evans
Marcelitte Failla
Deneia Y. Fairweather
Nessette Falu
Ashley D. Farmer
Navid Farnia
David P. Feldman
Crystal Felima
Max Felker-Kantor
Kevin Fellezs
Aisha K. Finch
Jessyka Finley
James Finley
Sheehan Fisher
Rebecka Rutledge Fisher
E’Lisha V. Fogle
Madeline Ford
Carol Foresta
Molly Gia Foresta
Murray Forman
Tyrone Forman
Allison Forte-Paul
Kierra D. Foster-Ba
Sekou Franklin
Lorrie Frasure
Tony Frazier
Marla Frederick
Valerie Fryer-Davis
Marisa J. Fuentes
Agustín Fuentes
Linda Fuller
Colette Gaiter
Kim Gallon
Allyson Ganster
Bill Gaskins
Jonathan Gayles
Caroline Gebhard
Abosede George
Clarence George III
Jessica Gerschultz
Khemani Gibson
Tiffany M. Gill
Katherine Gillen
Eddie S. Glaude, Jr.
Ronnese Kirton Glover
Phillip Atiba Goff
Kelly Goldberg
Kathie Stromile Golden
Kathryn Benjamin Golden
Margaret Goldman
Jennifer M. Gómez
Teresa Irene Gonzales
Robert Gooding-Williams
Jane Anna Gordon
Lewis R. Gordon
Michelle Y. Gordon
Charity T. Gordon
Yogita Goyal
Joshua R. Grace
Sandy Grande
Michelle Grant-Murray
Andrew C. Gray
Erin Gray
Jonathan W. Gray
Ricky K. Green
Dennis L. Green
Keith Green
K. Marshall Green
Christina M. Greer
Miles P. Grier
Farah Jasmine Griffin
Valerie Grim
Ricky D Grisson, II
Kali Gross
Matthew Guariglia
Allison Guess
Nichole Guillory
Holly Guise
Liena Gurevich
Frank Guridy
Matthew Pratt Guterl
Beverly Guy-Sheftall
Margaret A. Hagerman
Sarah Haley
Kim F. Hall
Sherine Hamdy
Tikia K. Hamilton
Françoise N. Hamlin
Evelynn M. Hammonds
Rachel E. Harding
Mariah Harmon
Erin Harper
Cheryl I. Harris
Fredrick C. Harris
Khadene Harris
Leslie M. Harris
Mary McDonnell Harris
Robert L. Harris, Jr.
Conor M. Harrison
Faye V. Harrison
Anthony Kwame Harrison
William David Hart
Melanee C. Harvey
April Haynes
Kerry L Haynie
Courtney Heath
Gregg Hecimovich
Yousra Hegazy
Vanessa Hein
Obery M. Hendricks, Jr.
James C. Hendrix
Kelly Lytle Hernández
Kamela Heyward-Rotimi
Marc Lamont Hill
Ron Himes
Maude Hines
Elizabeth Hinton
Maurice Hobson
Sharon Patricia Holland
Alexis Ligon Holloway
Bayo Holsey
Woody Holton
Juliet Hooker
Daniel HoSang
Caroline Hossein
Jean Howard
LeAnne Howe
Peter James Hudson
Charles L. Hughes
Fiona Hughes-McDonnell
Susan B. Hyatt
Christy Hyman
David Igler
Tammy Ingram
Abdul-Qadir D. Islam
Deena Isom
Moraima Ivory
Sujata Iyengar
Vijay Iyer
Sarah J Jackson
Lawrence Jackson
Lanita Jacobs
Matthew Frye Jacobson
Ermitte Saint Jacques
Erica Caple James
Felix Jean-Louis
Anne M. Jennings
Terri Jett
Joseph O. Jewell
Claire Jiménez
Mónica A. Jiménez
Catherine John
Birgitta Johnson
Stevie Johnson
Walter Johnson
Valerie C. Johnson
Herbert Johnson
Marquez Johnson
Marcus Johnson, Jr.
Cherith Johnson
Sara E. Johnson
Dianne Johnson-Feelings
Tabatha L. Jones Jolivet
Andrew Jolivette
Adanna Kai Jones
Nikki Jones
Stephanie Jones
Jasmine Blanks Jones
Jovonna Jones
Stephanie Jones
Meta DuEwa Jones
Julia S. Jordan-Zachery
Roberto Joseph
Tiffany D. Joseph
Charles Wesley McKinney, Jr.
Helen Jun
Grace Shin Hae Jun
Walter Kalaidjian
Robin D. G. Kelley
Lydia Kelow-Bennett
Cheryl L Keyes
Rob Kilgore
Joyce E. King
Shannon King
Tiffany Lethabo King
Elgin Klugh
Kristin Kopp
Gopal Krishnamurthy
Esther Viola Kurtz
Peter Kurtz
Lara Kuykendall
Karyn Lacy
Sonja Lanehart
Aja M. Lans
Ana-Maurine Lara
Judi Moore Latta
Isiah Lavender III
Seanna Leat
Calinda Lee
Ernest Lee
Adriane Lentz-Smith
Ainsley LeSure
Susan G. Letcher
Amanda E. Lewis
David Levering Lewis
Jacquelyn A. Lewis- Harris
Angela K. Lewis-Maddox
Natasha Lightfoot
Erika T. Lin
Veronica A. Lippencott
Lahronda Welch Little
Samuel T. Livingston
Lindsay Livingston
Susi Long
A. Louis
Bertin M. Louis, Jr.
Bettina L. Love
John Wharton Lowe
Candice Lowe-Swift
Ashley Lucas
Natalie De Lucca
Sharon Luk
Stephen Maizlish
Minkah Makalani
Celeste Malone
Larissa Malone
Behailu Mammo
Ajuan Mance
Brandon J. Manning
Velina Manolova
John D. Márquez
Kameelah L. Martin
Shiela Harmon Martin
Anthony F. Martin
Nicole Scaffold Maskiell
Christopher D. Massenburg
J. Lorand Matory
Valerie N. Matthews
Portia K. Maultsby
William J. Maxwell
Renae D. Mayes
Kyle T. Mays
Barbara McCaskill
Paula D. McClain
Irma McClaurin
Andrew McClellan
Stacie McCormick
Austin McCoy
Jeffrey Q. McCune, Jr.
Shaka McGlotten
Michelle McKinley
Kimberly McLarin
Carolyn M. Jones Medine
Brian Meeks
Eston Melton IV
M. Mena
Nina Angela Mercer
Lisa Merrill
John Michael
Jamila Michener
Monica L. Miller
Candace N. Miller
Jesse Mills
Michael Minta
Dana Francisco Miranda
Angelyn Mitchell
Koritha Mitchell
Elise A. Mitchell
Gladys Mitchell-Walthour
Stephanie Y. Mitchem
Deborah M. Mix
Hellena Moon
Darrell Moore
Dani Parker Moore
Douglas Moore
Mignon R. Moore
Amelia Moore
Frank E. Moorer
John F. Moran
Lorenzo Morris
Courtney Desiree Morris
Yolanda T. Moses
Guy Emerson Mount
Khalil Gibran Muhammad
Meir Muller
John A. Mundell
Marlene Munn-Joseph
Naomi Murakawa
Donna Murch
Lina-Maria Murillo
Premilla Nadasen
Paul E. Nahme
Celia E. Naylor
Samson K. Ndanyi
Rosemary Ndubuizu
Mark Anthony Neal
Robert D. Newman
Akasemi Newsome
Dana Nickson
Worku Nida
Kimberly Jade Norwood
Naomi Nubin-Sellers
Shayla C. Nunnally
Nadia Nurhussein
Pamela Nwakanma
Robert O’Meally
Stephen O’Neill
Keith Obadike
Mendi Obadike
JeffreyO. G. Ogbar
Elisa Oh
Valerie A. Olson
Matthew Omelsky
Lakeya Omogun
Eyitayo Onifade
Valerie K. Orlando
Brenda Marie Osbey
Oyeronke Oyewumi
Adashima Oyo
Nell Irvin Painter
Peter A. Palmiotto
Shanti Parikh
Django Paris
Rae Paris
Alison M. Parker
Anna Parkinson
Vimala C. Pasupathi
Leslie Patrick
Mary Pattillo
Stacey Patton
Philana Payton
Tiffany Peacock
Rosemarie Peña
Anthony P. Pennino
Gabriel Peoples
Elizabeth Pérez
Evelyn M. Perry
Imani Perry
Kennetta Hammond Perry
Georgia Persons
Dane Peters
Charles F. Peterson
Dewayne E Pettiford
Miriam J. Petty
Evelyn Newman Phillips
Kwame Phillips
Danielle Phillips-Cunningham
Jemima Pierre
Aminah Pilgrim
Sam Plasencia
Janelle Poe
Mieka Brand Polanco
Elizabeth Polcha
Albert Ponce
Eric Porter
Raquel Portes
Sonya Posmentier
Scott Poulson-Bryant
Elliott H. Powell
Melanye T. Price
Danielle Purifoy
Brian J. Purnell
H. L. T. Quan
Amy Yeboah Quarkume
Andrea Queeley
Jean Muteba Rahier
Leigh Raiford
Tara Raines
Michael Ralph
9Antonia Randolph
Malini Ranganathan
Claudia Rankine
Susan Rauchwerk
Victor Ray
Shana L. Redmond
De Anna Reese
Joshua L. Reid
Jennifer Reynolds
Jordan Reznick
Jane Rhodes
Saint Rice
Riché Richardson
Boris E. Ricks
Dannie Ritchie
Sarah Ruffing Robbins
Nikia S. Robert
Dorothy E. Roberts
Christopher Roberts
Tomeka M. Robinson
Rona Robinson-Hil
ReAnna S. Roby
Cheryl R. Rodriguez
Mónica Russel y Rodriguez
David R. Roediger
Melvin L. Rogers
Ariel Rogers
Reuel R. Rogers
L. Kaifa Roland
Oliver Rollins
Louis Philippe Römer
Noliwe Rooks
Lilia Raquel Rosass
Tricia Rose
kihana miraya Ross
Ajanet S. Rountree
Martin Ruck
Walter C. Rucker
Clair Rutherford
Emily Ruth Rutter
Eunice Sahle
Zoé Samudzi
Petal Samuel
Crystal R. Sanders
Xiomara Santamarina
Déborah Berman Santana
Roslyn M. Satchel
Nancy Scheper-Hughes
Nina Glick Schiller
Lisa Schneier
Stuart Schrader
Abbe Schriber
Darieck Scott
Jamil S. Scott
Lawrence Scott
Carjie Scott
Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz
Gunja SenGupta
Jorge Serrano
Christina Sharpe
Todd C. Shaw
Tommie Shelby
Matthew Shenoda
Tanya L. Shields
Kmt G. Shockley
Pablo Miguel Sierra Silva
Kimberly Eison Simmons
Katrina Rochelle Sims
Angela D. Sims
Kerry Sinanan
Valeria Sinclair-Chapman
Sharlene Sinegal-DeCuir
Phil Sinitiere
Althea Sircar
Lauren Rebecc Sklaroff
Christine M. Slaughter
Calvin John Smiley
Andrea L Smith
Sandra Susan Smith
Megan C. Smith
Faith Smith
C. Riley Snorton
Verónica Sousa
Robyn C. Spencer-Antoine
Nicole A. Spigner
Derrick R. Spires
Chy L. Sprauve
L.H. Stallings
James Daniel Steele
David Stein
Howard Stein
Lynn Stephen
Jeffrey Stewart
Dianne M. Stewart
David Omotoso Stovall
Maya Stovall
Caroline A. Streeter
SaraEllen Strongman
Angela Stuesse
Federico Subervi
Carl Suddler
LaShandra Sullivan
Martin Summers
Jaimee A. Swift
Lindsey R. Swindall
Jasmine Syedullah
Michael Szalay
Bonnie H. Tai
Olúfẹ́mi Táíwo
Benjamin Talton
Palak Taneja
Ruby C. Tapia
Twila Tardif
Stephanie Peebles Tavera
Ashley Coleman Taylor
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Paul C. Taylor
Ula Taylor
Shirley Taylor
Eileene Tejada
Carine Terras
Elmo Terry-Morgan
Miriam Thaggert
Jeanne Theoharis
Darryl Thomas
Griselda D. Thomas
Najmah Thomas
Valorie D. Thomas
Heather Ann Thompson
Lisa B. Thompson
Vetta L Sanders Thompson
Shatema Threadcraft
Alvin B. Tillery, Jr.
Salamishah Tillet
Shonna Tillman
Heidi Tinsman
Cedric Tolliver
Nancy D. Tolson
Nancy Tomes
Kyla Wazana Tompkins
Jada Benn Torres
Cecelia Traugh
Linda M. Trautman
Mercedes Trigos
Jessica Trounstine
Jeffrey Allen Tucker
Tamelyn Tucker-Worgs
Patricia A. Turner
Robin L. Turner
Akinyele Umoja
Megan Unden
Gwen Urey
Miguel A. Valerio
Tracy L. Vaughn-Manley
Seneca Vaught
Desiree Vega
Hanétha Vété-Congolo
Jose Vilson
Alan M. Wald
Karen E. Waldron
Vanessa Siddle Walker
Corey D. B. Walker
David Jon Walker
Katie Walkiewicz
Erik Wallenberg
Honey Walrond
Shane Bolles Walsh
Rebecca Wanzo
Geoff Ward
Shanee A. Washington
Michole Washington
M. Billye Sankofa Waters
Eric King Watts
Elsa K. Weber
Carol Marie Webster
Jacqueline de Weever
Debbie Weinstein
Cornel West
Elizabeth J. West
Victoria Whaley
Tiffany Wheatland-Disu
Alexandre White
Deborah Gray White
Derrick E. White
Betina Cutaia Wilkinson
Chad Williams
Erica Lorraine Williams
Matthew Wesley Williams
Judith Williams
Ronald Williams II
Brian S. Williams
Lyneise Williams
Jakobi Williams
Tiffany Williams-Rice
Terrion L. Williamson
Kenneth Williamson
Andre C. Willis
Sharon Willis
Tiffany Willoughby-Herard
Mabel O. Wilson
Folayemi Wilson
Folayemi Wilson
KiMi Wilson
Aisha Wilson-Carter
Howard Winant
Erin N. Winkler
Joseph Winters
Lisa Ze Winters
Tracey Witherspoon
Gretchen Woertendyke
Milford H. Wolpoff
Ronald C Woods
Louis Woods
Donn C. Worgs
Dagmawi Woubshet
Earl Wright II
AK Wright
Ellen Wu
Richard Yarborough
Jasmine Noelle Yarish
Meina Yates-Richard
Bria L. Young
Alford Young, Jr.
Praise Zenenga