Second Life: Is It A Scientific Technology Application?

Andre L. Farrow
5 min readFeb 16, 2020


“Second Life Is The Closet Thing We Have To A Real World Virtual Economy Experiment Today.” calabret24p. 2017.

“By nature of its unlimited potential, Second Life had already attracted a large community of creative individuals from a wide range of disciplines. By creating the Linden Lab Fellowship, we hope that we will encourage students of the expressive arts to explore the potential of the virtual world, for the benefit of both the Second Life culture and the broader world of art” quoted, (Rosedale, 2020). Those oppressors feel that Second Life is just a fruitless video game that isolated people are frolicking conversely, Second Life is a life simulation that allows people to manifest themselves without any type of discrimination, it is exhibiting and interpreting the Human Psyche , and it is abetting college institutions with a modern style of teaching.

How does Second Life allow their residents to demonstrate their self-regards without any preconceptions? Second Life authorizes their subscribers to construct avatars in a matter in which, their subscribers can advance their self-images in world and out world. Additionally, the life simulation entitles their consumers entry to their Linden Lab so, customers can purchase lindens (virtual world currency) to modify their avatars in whatever ways, they see fit. Second Life does empower their clients to exemplify their self-admiration and self-creativity through those approaches of purchasing sections of their territories for inhabiting, enterprising and investments for avatars’ refinements without any sanctions. “Second Life is virtual society to which inhabitants, are generating effective portrayals of selves, naming avatars, and conditioning among avatars, discovering locations, and accessing devices. Citizens of Second Life can replicate things they do in their real life such as acquiring estates, investing in garments and gizmos cited, (Roos & Strickland, 2007).

How is Second Life exhibiting and interpreting the Human Psyche? Second Life is showcasing and depicting the Human Psyche by creating virtual worlds and avatars for, people to exploit so, they can express their conscious minds and unconscious minds in ways whereas, they might not think were possible. A frequenter can design avatars and worlds from their own premeditated intelligence or their own insensible recollections. Second Life licenses those loners to become those social butterflies, it permits those heterosexuals to traverse other sexual identities, it can assemble those unattractive to be supermodels, it can emancipate those burnout employees to become CEOs, and it abets those disabled to become able therefore, this technology application welcomes people’s suggestions, perceptions, oddities, and originality to where, reality would not. Providing that, a Second Life member can fashion their self-esteem from those avatars and those worlds they are creating, or they could demolish their self-assurance from those avatars and worlds they are structuring. “In one experiment, published in Human Communication Research last year, researchers assessed how an avatar’s attractiveness affected human behavior both online and off. Overall, subjects using good-looking avatars tended to display more confidence, friendliness and extroversion, just as in the real world: they approached avatar strangers within three feet, and in conversations tended to disclose more personal details. Ugly-duckling avatars, meanwhile, stayed five and half feet away from strangers and were tighter lipped” cited, (Dell, 2008). From this illustration, the author imparted to her spectators the assessment that the Human Communication Research team conducted and informed her viewers that the team observed that those people whom, created delightful avatars possessed positive attributes in Second Life and in reality, people whom, constructed unusual avatars illustrated creativity in Second Life and in the real world, and people whom, contrived ill-favored avatars were stand offish in Second Life and in actuality.

How is Second Life lending a helping hand to universities with a modern style of pedagogy? Second Life is influencing some academic institutions in an appreciable manner by it being a technology application, some college professors are incorporating the application within their complicated courses so, they can teach their students their courses in a more proficient and more fashionable approach. Furthermore, those lecturers are making use of the application to associate with their students and to publicize to their students how a virtual reality application can be employed for literacy and not just for the use of personal entertainment. This contemporary technique of learning does merit those college students within their college courses because this method does strengthen their human communication abilities, it enhances their digital media capabilities, and constructs their self confidence in wanting to do well and believing they can do well. “Teaching and Learning Technologies has been scrutinizing the scholastic acceptability's of Second Life since 2004. Ku Medical Center has their own exclusive island on Second Life, named KU Isle. The island furnishes essential expansion for enlightening and experimentation strategies. It supplies modern scheme to transform and converse with academic students and administration in a three dimensional habitat, it offers college students a more virtual world occurrence for vital exercises or college projects, and it embraces demonstrations and disquisitions in the KU Medical Conference Center whereas, those students and professionals can not engage in person” mentioned, (Center, 2004–2020).

Some people feel that Second Life is just a useless video game for lonely people to play yet, Second Life is an application that permits people to be whomever they want to be without any prejudgments, it’s displaying and clarifying the Human Psyche, and it’s assisting colleges with a new procedure of educating. Moreover, it’s building a person’s innovation, character, and sociability. Second Life is a technology application that was evolved to aid a person with their self-love and to reward a individual with comprehension of what is reality and what is not reality nevertheless, it’s up to that human-being to chose what is their actuality and what is not their actuality.


Center, U. o. (2004–2020). University of Kansas Medical Center: Teaching & Learning: Virtual Worlds with Second Life. Retrieved February 15, 2020, from University of Kansas Medical

Dell, K. (2008, May 12). Time Health: How Second Life Affects real Life. Retrieved February 15, 2020, from,8599,1739601,00.html

Roos, D., & Strickland, J. (2007, November 8). howstuffwork: How Second Life Works. Retrieved February 14, 2020, from

Rosedale, P. (2020). FamousQuotes. Retrieved February 14, 2020, from



Andre L. Farrow

I attend Atlanta Metropolitan State College and my major is Mass Communications. I hope to obtain a career with well known Writing Company in Washington, DC.