ArduinoCalc — 5Feats Calculator w/ LCD I2C

Ahmad Fawwaz Zuhdi
3 min readMar 21, 2018



On this fine day, we are doing another project on using Arduino Uno R3 as a micro-controller. This project has the objective of creating a calculator with five features that are capable of doing mathematical calculation of addition, substraction, multiplication, division and modulo operation. We give this project a name, “ArduinoCalc”.

For the sake of pin usage efficiency we decided to use I2C to cut down the usage of LCD 16-pins to I2C 4-pins, this made the use of breadboard not needed.


Here are the components that are used in this project:

Figure 1. LCD 16x2, Arduino Uno R3, LCM 1602 I2C
Figure 2. Membrane Keypad 4x4, Jumper (8*M-M, 4*M-F), USB Blaster


Figure 3. ArduinoCalc Schematic

The schematic for this project is created with Fritzing.


Figure 4. shows the testing of ArduinoCalc for its capabilities.

Figure 4. ArduinoCalc System

Check out the demonstration video :3


The source code can be obtained from ArduinoCalc on Github.

Figure 5. Source Code of ArduinoCalc


  1. Keypad Library by Mark Stanley and Alexander Brevig
  2. hd44780 LCD Library by duinoWitchery


Some problems we encountered in doing this project are as such:

  1. Problem: LCD I2C Address not detected caused by reversed SDA SCL pins
    Solution: Correction of SDA SCL-pins pinning and Address Configuration using I2C Scanner.
  2. Problem: LCD not giving output caused by high backlight brightness
    Solution: Setting working voltage to 5V and setting the potentiometer
  3. Problem: LCD not showing output as expected (Char instead of String)
    Solution: Using hd44780 LCD Library. After trying to use several other LCD libraries such as: New-LiquidCrystal, LiquidCrystal-I2C, and LCD_I2C


  1. Arduino Calculator using 4x4 Keypad by
  2. Simple Calculator by Rezha Kusuma Astri
  3. Display by I2C LCD1602 by
  4. New-LiquidCrystal by Francisco Malpartida
  5. LCD I2C Analog I/O Display by Crolus

