What are some excellent online resources for learning French?

Alliance Française Bombay
3 min readMay 30, 2024


When learning French, the key to attaining proficiency in this language is finding the right online resources to learn many things not taught elsewhere. Whether studying alone or taking classes, the resource will add value to your learning process. Finding the correct materials or resources is a big problem when studying a foreign language, especially French.

You can have the following resources while learning French despite your French classes for adults going well. There is always room for supplementary material since learning will continue after you step out of the class.


There is a Langue Francaise section on the TV5MONDE website where you can find free resources to learn French. The section is divided into four different sections such as Decouvrir (Discover), Jouer (play), Apprendre (learn), and Enseigner (teach). All these categories will have a treasure trove of information about the French language. You can access all these resources for free, like videos, quizzes, and practice exercises. From beginners to advanced level people, everyone can find the lessons they want.


HelloTalk works on similar lines to Tandem. However, this will come with social media-style features wherein you can upload a photo and post something in French to interact with learners from across the globe.

RFI (Radio France Internationale)

You can navigate to the Radio France website, where you will get access to real-world resources to improve your listening skills. The website will provide access to French news, radio shows, music, and round-the-clock news coverage of news happening in France.

Apart from these, there are two critical resources that you should always consider when learning the French language. The AF students suggest these resources.


Culturethèque is the best digital library related to the French culture network. Through this library, you can access the latest edition of French magazines, view concerts and shows, listen to lectures given by people belonging to different industries, introduce kids to French culture, and go through e-books and comic books. You can also take advantage of the learning materials customized to your requirements.

Thousands of resources are available, such as digital books, audiobooks, podcasts, and self-training units. Institut Francais and Partnerships curate all the materials that are available here.

The best part is that the site’s content is free for students who have enrolled for a course at AF Bombay.

My Alliance

My Alliance is the best online learning platform, and first-time users will get an email with the link to the website along with a username and password on day one of their French class. Students can access this platform as long as they are students of the Alliance Française network. They can access different online resources such as pictures and videos. Also, they can upload the tasks, work on different French modules and interact with tutors and classmates through the live chat option.

When learning French, leveraging the right online resources can significantly enhance your proficiency and overall experience. While structured French classes for adults provide a solid foundation, supplementary materials can accelerate your learning process and help you grasp the nuances of the language more effectively. Resources like TV5MONDE, HelloTalk, and RFI offer a variety of interactive and engaging content to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Additionally, Culturethèque and My Alliance provide extensive libraries and learning platforms tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring continuous learning beyond the classroom.

For those based in Mumbai, exploring Online French Courses can be a great way to access high-quality education from the comfort of your home. These courses often integrate these excellent resources, providing a comprehensive learning experience that combines expert instruction with rich, diverse materials. Embrace these tools and immerse yourself fully in the French language to achieve fluency and cultural understanding. Happy learning!

