Open Letter on My SHERO’s Birth Anniversary:

Afeez Aderemi
2 min readApr 12, 2019


This is likely a letter that you have never in a million years expected to see. We haven’t been best of friends some years back that you could probably thought I would never come this close to you anymore. Clearly, based on the fact that I’m writing this letter, you mean so much to me Omotayo mi and will always have reasons to celebrate you.

In our relationships, we both leave marks on one another. Whether they are good or bad, we still remember those marks to some degree either consciously or unconsciously. I’ve always in my heart want to express my immense love, appreciation, respect, and admiration. As I write this letter, my heart warmed and I smiled. I want to let you know, without any slightest sense of jealousy or a need to force myself to say this, that I am so incredibly happy for you and to celebrate your birthday. I am overjoyed that you have someone who loves you and that your dream of a zealous career woman is slightly hurt. I am so happy that you are in a relationship filled with so much love to joyfully celebrate a year older.

Even though we are no longer compassionate lover or speaking to each other about how beautiful that future we dreamt might look like, it brings me a sense of peace to know that you are in a good hands and place of your life. Sometimes some people come into our lives to love and support us for a long time. Others are meant to only stay a short while, touch our hearts and then leave. Others are meant to teach us what we don’t want in our lives so that we can then be open for better things to come along.

I will always honor the lessons you taught me, because of you I am the man who I am today. Please know that you’ll always hold a place in my heart and will always be there to celebrate many happy return of your day as it brings joy, happiness, love, wealth, good health, long life, tranquility with peace and prosperity.

Much love,

Aderemi m!



Afeez Aderemi

Software Engineer | Writer | Speaker | Entrepreneur | Investor | Tech Advocate