Introducing Ignitus Scholar

Afelio Padilla
3 min readJun 10, 2018


It is our reason for being, it is the motivation that guides each one of our steps:

“Skyrocketing your career by providing the best global opportunities”

Ignitus Scholar is an initiative by Ignitus researchers to to promote the publication of scientific research for its members, making it more accessible to the general public. It is about learning, sharing and teaching, both by researching a topic, and by creating talks on this topic, bringing people with broad intellectual interests to the frontiers of research, expanding them.

The experience acquired in the dissemination of research will quickly translate into the acquisition of skills that will culminate with the creation of the research papers themselves, the direction of their own projects and the management of research teams.

How does Ignitus Scholar work?

This initiative is an ongoing effort and supported through our Slack channel. Through this platform, anyone can propose a research paper of their interest, and form and lead a team to create a talk on it or join an existing team for another paper.

You can also propose a paper co-authored by you. Currently, we’re only focusing on computer science conferences. But this will be temporary. With the practice, the consolidation of the teams and the optimization of the infrastructures and procedures, the research will be expanded to the rest of the STEM disciplines, the social sciences, such Economics, and the liberal arts.

The platform provides a suite of tools and integrates Google Drive and Slack to enable process-oriented collaboration. Once onboard, one goes through a 21-day cycle to collaboratively create the talk in an ad hoc team under the responsibility of a Research Lead, and where the members are collectively responsible for designing the structure, flow, and content of a 5-minute short talk. Members are free to collaborate in any way they want. The talk will be finally published on YouTube for a larger audience.

This is your chance to demonstrate your knowledge, impact research, and experience a unique collaborative initiative.

Why collaborate?

There are thousands of high impact papers, whose findings are not accessible to most of the world. To scale the effort of accessible research knowledge, we got to get together. A high-quality talk creation is a non-trivial endeavor and can be very time-consuming. Through collaboration, we want to change that and scale the process of video production.

Who is a RL (Research Leader)?

A talk RL is a person among team members, who volunteers to lead, promote and impulse the talk building effort. As a RL, you will be the person of contact for us.

Your responsibilities may include: coordinating people and the process, improving, and synthesizing the content — you will be credited and acknowledged for your substantial contribution.

It is a rewarding task, the self-realization is immense, and the dynamic allocation of the RL guarantees a personal incentive to improvement, because only the consistency in the task and the results obtained keep the RL in place, opening the door to the reallocation of said role to talents hitherto unknown within the team.

Who is behind this program?

Ignitus is made with love from Students, Researchers of Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Georgia Tech, SUNY, Harvard, Oxford, UCB, UCLA, USC etc.

Team Ignitus boasts of a dedicated workforce from Boston, Miami, Pittsburgh, Madrid, Houston, Munich, Princeton, Los Angeles, Vancouver and different parts of India.

Can I propose a paper co-authored by me?

Yes, sure — if your paper gains interest within the community, you can start working on creating a talk on it. It’s a great way to spread your research and produce high-quality talk. This is one of the founding objectives of Ignitus, and we are determined to support it to the fullest … and beyond!

Please apply only if you’re passionate about research, collaborative in nature and willing to commit your time.

Though no specific skill set is required, applicants are expected to have some level of expertise in the area of paper for which talk is being created, and will have all the support and training from Ignitus and our external mentors.

To participate in the program, you must be 18 years of age or above. You can be a student, a professional or an enthusiast. You can come from any part of the world.

Join Ignitus Scholar by clicking here .

Welcome, only the sky is the limit, and not for long!

