Meta Just Achieved Mind Reading with AI

Quantum Vault
Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2023


A Breakthrough in Brain-Computer Interface Technology

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has made a groundbreaking development in brain-computer interface technology.

They have unveiled an AI system that can decode visual representations and even “hear” what someone is hearing by studying their brainwaves.

These advancements in brain-machine interface technology have the potential to transform our relationship with artificial intelligence and its potential applications in healthcare, communication, and virtual reality.

Decoding Thoughts with AI

University of Texas Breakthrough

The University of Texas at Austin has developed a new technology that can translate brain activity into written text without surgical implants.

AI can reconstruct speech using Magnetic Resonance Imaging *fMRI* scan data. It decodes neuronal activity patterns to generate text that corresponds to the intended meaning.

Essentially, the AI analyzes and learns the data to create a dictionary for interpreting brain activity. Specific brain waves can be decoded and translated into certain words.



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