Mudassar Munawar
6 min readMar 9, 2022
weight loss

How to lose weight like a K-POP Star II 6 K-pop Idol Secret Diet plan


In today’s fast-paced life with our jobs taking up most of our time, it is getting increasingly hard to maintain fitness and healthy weight. If you are a K-pop stan you would know multiple, miraculous weight loss stories surrounding many top K-pop idols. K-pop idols have been known to have shed an incredible amount of weight in short periods of time, and it surely makes anyone curious about how they did it! So, here we have a short list of K-pop idol diet plans which we think you’d definitely want to know about.


Understanding how many calories you need to consume per day and controlling where those calories originate from is the most critical component in keeping slender like a KPOP star. Nutritionists that know what KPOP performers’ bodies need and how to keep them slender throughout their careers are appointed to the idols to maintain their body weight and figure.

Their Nutritionists have prescribed elaborate diets for the majority of Korean pop artists. They follow a strict diet and have very active lifestyles in order to maintain a slender body and petite features. They are able to keep this appearance because they understand calories and the concept of energy balance. Simply said, if you use more energy than you take in, you will lose weight. However, if you consume more calories than you use, you will gain weight.

The most important thing in a diet is to obtain your protein, which can be one of the most difficult aspects of dieting. This is something that KPOP stars excel at, as Korean cuisine favors dishes that are high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates.

Number 6- Wendy, Red Velvet

To debut with her current K-pop group, Red velvet’s Wendy had to drop a lot of extra weight. Unfortunately, though, her weight was unstable, where she was gaining quickly and then frequently losing weight. These fluctuations were not a good sign especially with Red Velvet’s comeback nearing back in 2016. But, with a strict diet Wendy brought balance to her weight and lost 15 kg of weight in 4 months!

So, what is her fast-weight-loss diet secret? Wendy once revealed her diet menu as well as some diet advice. Wendy would eat an apple and drink lettuce juice for breakfast. She’d have pumpkin juice for lunch. She also attempted the lemon detox, eating only half a cup of rice in the morning and avoiding eating at night. This along with daily exercise such as 10k jump rope gave her the results she wanted. This diet however she only followed to lose her excess weight quickly. Now she follows a balanced and healthy diet. For breakfast she eats egg whites, an avocado and a slice of wholewheat bread. Then if hungry as a snack she drinks pumpkin juice. Her lunch consists of chicken, veggies and salad. She then ends her day with her last meal, opting for chicken soup and veggies. Wendy’s diet requires a lot of discipline which means locking away all temptations to get your desired outcome!

Number 5- Soyou, SISTAR

Soyou, formerly a part of the K-pop girl group SISTAR shared her weight loss story on her YouTube channel. According to Soyou, drastically decreasing your diet will lead to overeating, sometimes known as “binge eating.” When it comes to dieting, she advises everyone to have a plan.

When she was part of SISTAR, Soyou lost 8kg in just a month! She underwent a remarkable turnaround after consuming only four quail eggs without the yolk, a salad without dressing, and a cup of low-fat milk. She did not eat snacks and only ate one little and one large meal per day, and she did not eat after 7 p.m. She revealed that she used to exercise a lot while not eating much, she used to wake up early to do yoga until she passed out due to fatigue. She also did a lot of aerobics, cardio and weight training. This is a lifestyle which she wouldn’t recommend to anyone. Her advice is to drink fluids and eat vitamins to keep hunger at bay.

Soyou recommends eating three meals every day, and if you don’t enjoy breakfast, you can substitute protein or salads and eat it outside of your usual meals. She eats her regular meal for breakfast or lunch, with a salad or protein for the next two meals. However, eating half of your typical serving would be the most important aspect of her diet. She also suggests eating rice with “half air” or substituting konjac or brown rice for regular meals, but not in excess. This along with a disciplined workout routine should give you swift results.

Number 4- T.O.P, Big Bang

T.O.P had a reputation for being overweight in his school days. In fact, when he was still training at YG Entertainment, he weighed 90kg. Before debuting with Big Bang, T.O.P lost 20 kg in just 40 days!

T.O.P drank mineral water and ate only unsweetened red bean jelly called yangaeng for those 40 days. This along with exercise helped him shed his chubbiness in time for his debut. His determination inspired many but it also brings up the question of whether a normal person could or should follow this diet plan.

Number 3- Changmin, 2AM

Changmin used to be above 100 kg. In three weeks’, time he lost 18 kg, and in six weeks, he lost nearly 30 kg. He ran for six hours every day and only ate two blocks of tofu a day. This led to his drastic weight loss. After that though he ate well and exercised frequently to maintain his weight.

According to Changmin, as a singer, exposing yourself to the public is a part of the job. The stage is a blend of visuals and noises, so it’s not just about your song.

Changmin has been waking up at 6:30 a.m. for the past four years and ensuring that he gets daily exercise into his hectic schedule. There is not a day that goes when Changmin doesn’t start his day with exercise!

Number 2- Park Bom

The soloist gained a lot of weight during the pandemic and was at 70 kg when she attended the 56th Grand Bell awards in June 2020. She then started her fitness regime to get back in shape. The idol lost 11kg and is now much healthier than she was earlier.

Park Bom says that having a healthy sleep schedule is very important. She herself sleeps early and starts her day just as early. The main thing to focus on according to the singer is that you must stick to your diet regime and eat on time. She’d have five rice balls, lettuce, and Kohlrabi, a German turnip, for breakfast. This might seem too little food at first but soon your body will get accustomed to it then it will be filling enough as breakfast. For the six months that Park Bom was on diet she did not have any bread although she is an avid lover of pastries. The singer when interviewed confessed to having snuck a pastry while her manager wasn’t looking, even idols have their cheat moments.

Park Bom’s watermelon diet had become really famous back when she was still with 2NE1. Watermelon is a fruit with 90% water and thus it is filling and prevents overeating. She substituted watermelon for rice and this maintained her stunning figure back then.

Number 1- Kang So ra

This actress famously starred as the female lead of Doctor Stranger, a Korean drama. She claims that in her teenage years she found it very hard to control and maintain her weight. She weighed 72 kg at her heaviest. But then, she dropped from 72kg to 48kg in a very short amount of time and it makes one wonder how.

Kang Sora’s advice is to eat all meals a day, don’t skip any meals. For breakfast, Kang Sora normally eats yoghurt and fruits. She eats half a bowl of rice and some vegetables for lunch. Snacks include pumpkin soup, while dinner consists of a sweet potato and steamed cabbage. She also says that don’t stop yourself from enjoying the foods you love, just eat them in minimal quantities and set a cheat day to enjoy your favorite dishes. An important rule that she highlighted was that one must not eat past 6 p.m. It is neither good for losing weight nor for one’s health.


With that, we mark the end of today’s post. Some of the diets in our list may have been shocking and some we do not recommend at all. Which diet appealed to you the most? Which one do you most disagree with? Which one are you most likely to follow? Let us know in the comment section down below. We will be looking forward to your responses! Until next time!