Best website for encode and decode URL

Affine Cipher
4 min readDec 25, 2023


What is Encoding?

Encoding is the process of converting data from one form to another. In computer technology, encoding is the process of applying a specific code, such as letters, symbols, and numbers, to data for conversion into a different format. Encoding is used to transform data so that it can be supported and used by different systems.

There are different types of encoding techniques, such as character encoding, HTML encoding, URL encoding, Unicode encoding, Base64 encoding, Hex encoding, and ASCII encoding. Encoding is also a critical aspect of communication, where it refers to the process of turning thoughts into communication.

Memory encoding is another type of encoding that allows information to be converted into a construct that is stored in the brain indefinitely. Encoding can also be used to keep data safe, organize data in an archive, and reduce the size of files.

What is Decoding?

Decoding is the process of converting encoded or encrypted data into its original form or meaning. In the context of coding theory, decoding involves translating received messages into their original form. In the field of language, decoding refers to the ability to understand and interpret words or phrases, especially in a foreign language.

In the context of reading, decoding is the process of translating print into speech by matching letters to their sounds and recognizing patterns. Decoding is essential for learning to read, as it allows readers to “sound out” words they don’t recognize.

How does encoding data affect on data security?

Encoding data can have an impact on data security. Here are some key points from the search results:

Data Protection: Encoding ensures data integrity and usability, making encoded soft copies safer from unauthorized access or tampering than traditional files.

Encryption: Encryption involves securely encoding data, while encoding, although not for security, is easily reversible and not secure.

Confidentiality: Encryption is used to keep data confidential by transforming it into a mixed string of characters reversible with a key.

Encoding data can contribute to data safety and security, but it is not a standalone security measure. Encryption is the preferred method for securing data, as it involves encoding data securely and irreversibly.

Top 5 Websites to Use encode and decode URL:



Duplicate checker exmaple

At Dupli Checker, with the support of our incredible tool ‘URL Encoder/Decoder’, you can encode/decode any string of characters by putting them easily in the empty text field. After you hit the “Submit” button, it will be encoded/decoded consistent with the directions of the Uniform Resource Identifier.

The encoding system is called percent-encoding, and the encoding/decoding tool is being utilized in case of any preparation of media or data, as is frequently employed in the submission of HTML form data.


Website image

On Meyerweb we can add a URL in the text box area and click the Decode and Encode button in the same text area output will be generated. The website provides a URL Decoder/Encoder for offline use, just view the source and save it to your hard drive.


urlencoder website image

A simple online tool that does exactly what it says decodes from URL encoding as well as encodes into it quickly and easily. URL encodes your data without hassles or decodes it into a human-readable format.

There are some advanced options available like Character set, Newline separator, encoding each line separately, Split lines into chunks, and Live mode. These options cannot be enabled simultaneously since the resulting output would not be valid for the majority of applications.


freeformatter website image

On this website, we can add a URL in the text area and click URL Encode or URL Decode which will be encoded or decoded in the same text area.

This website offers many types of formatters, Validators, Converters, code minifiers/Beautifier, String Escaper and utilities, and Web Resources.


decodeencode website image

On this website, we can a set of useful encoding and decoding tools, including URL Encode and Decode, Base64 Encode, Base64 Decode, and JWT Decoder.

With our URL Decoder, you can paste the URL into the text area section and select the option you want. The decoded URL will be generated in the other text area, allowing you to directly copy it or click the copy button for easy use.


Effectively managing URLs is crucial in web development, and having the right tools can streamline this task. The websites mentioned offer user-friendly and dependable solutions for URL encoding and decoding. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a newcomer delving into web technologies, having these tools available can greatly improve your workflow. As you traverse the digital area, bookmark these websites for easy access whenever you need to encode or decode URLs effortlessly.

