We are delighted to announce our partnership with VCrazy Capital.

Affyn Official
2 min readDec 10, 2021

VCrazy community is where people of similar interests join and unite in its aim to help gamers enjoy what they do and earn at the same time. Gamers meet, engage, buy, sell and trade items, have fun, and just “Play to Earn”. VCrazy helps people gain financial stability through knowledge in cryptocurrency. They educate people about the financial viability of cryptocurrency by supporting blockchain games, which is the easiest to understand and most accessible form of blockchain technology.

“Our Affyn partnership opens us to a new way of mainstream adoption of play-to-earn metaverse that allows us to connect more people from the real world to start playing and earning thru rewards with the sustainable and growing economy. ’’ — VCrazy Capital

Here’s some posts where VCrazy Capital posted about Affyn previously

About Affyn

Affyn is a Singapore-based company building an integrated ecosystem with a Play-to-Earn Metaverse where the virtual and real world converge. FYN token will be the official blockchain utility token which users can earn and utilize within the ecosystem.



Affyn Official

An interoperable ecosystem powered by $FYN that connects games to the real world.