3 min readSep 21, 2023

Challenges of Your 20s — The Middle-class struggle

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Author’s Note: If you’ve ever faced the challenges of being in your 20s, part of a middle-class family, and unemployed, this article is for you. If not, consider it a glimpse into our world.

Hey there! You probably guessed the theme from my title, right? Being in your 20s, especially in a middle-class family, is like a crash course in how the real world operates, especially if you're without a job.

Childhood often shields us from the harsh realities, but as we hit our 20s, it's like waking up to a new world.

Suddenly, career questions flood our minds, financial discussions and family conflicts take the stage, and thoughts like "I have to give up my dreams" sneak in.

Our hearts tremble with fear as "what if" scenarios loom like ominous clouds. Amid all this, our relationships transform, and the weight of seeing our parents age adds another layer of complexity.

Questions, insecurities, and fears emerge, reminding us of our growing responsibilities.

Strangely, no one talks about this openly. Instead of empathy, the world often pushes us to compare ourselves with others, adding to our burdens.

Perhaps the saddest part is the sense of silence we're expected to maintain, not wanting to disrespect anyone, regardless of what we're going through. Even sadder is the growing sense that no one can be trusted.

Now, here's my perspective:

I believe this stage is the perfect breeding ground for success, a time to shine. Why? Because success often comes after facing mental and physical trials.

Consider two students:

  1. One from a humble background, working tirelessly to support their family while pursuing their dream of becoming a doctor. Balancing work, studies, and family needs is like walking a tightrope. This student has to toil at a part-time job for hours, often missing classes to put food on the table. Imagine a tiny room, dimly lit by a flickering bulb, where this student would burn the midnight oil. He studies while his family members slept, fueled only by his dreams.He pass a grueling government exam on his fourth attempt, earning a free seat.
  2. The other student, more privileged, secures a free seat on his first try.

At first glance, we might think the second student is naturally gifted. However, the first student is the real hero, demonstrating unmatched dedication and hard work. He not only secured a free seat but also carried the weight of responsibilities and faced countless challenges, gaining invaluable wisdom along the way.

Society often looked down upon these kind of people, questioning why they didn't settle for a simple life. Such remarks stung but never deterred their resolve.

After three previous failures, the fourth attempt at the government exam was a make-or-break moment. For him, Failure was not an option, the weight of his family’s hopes rested on his shoulders.

In our world, we often hear success stories but rarely the tales of trials and tribulations behind them. It's time to recognize that those who reach great heights after enduring trials bring more to the table.

Remember, your journey through this challenging phase can be your stepping stone to a brilliant future. Embrace it, learn from it, and let your trials be your strength.

Dear Readers,

what are your thoughts on this perspective? Have you faced similar challenges? Feel free to share your views in the comments.

Thanks for reading!