How this course change my life?

4 min readSep 12, 2024


“ Data are just summaries of thousand stories-tell a few of those stories to help make the data meaningful ”


In this physics major that i take, ihave a particular interest in spesialization of Natural Science and Disaster Mitigation. This spesialization not only learn about further research in earth science especially in oil and gas subject, mineral industry, or geothermal energy, but also do many works with data like processing big sets of data with high complexity. In this field, Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in analyzing data to predict and mitigate natural disasters, with the data we get directly from earth analysis, we can forecast what happen with earth in the future, which is perfect example of how data modelling and processing can be applied in the real world and this spesialization. Although this spesialization itself offers course about data but I want to deepen my knowledge by taking additional course outside of my spesialization, especially related to data processing and I found this course.

I am currently enrolled in Experimental Physics 2 course and having completed Experimental Physics 1 earlier. Through these courses, I’ve realize how crucial data processing and analyzing are in physics experiments. Each experiments produce data, which needs to be analyzed to extract the final conclusions about the experiment. In my previous experiments, I felt that my data processing skills weren’t as strong as it should be. Sometimes I struggled with structuring the data, finding relevant patterns and drawing accurate insights. As I move forward to Experimental Physics 2, I want to increase my skills in data processing including data modelling to analyze the experiment result more effectively.

I believe that there are many skills I can learn from this course and it will directly cotribute to improve my performance in another course that use many data analyze and processing. I hope that after i take this course, i can efficiently process the data and also allow me to identify the physics problem more clearly. Additionally, understanding the relation between the data wheter they are linear or non linear-will enable me to interpret another physical phenomena.

It’s clear that today’s industries are placing a huge emphasis on data processing skills. The ability to handle and analyze large datasets is in high demand, and many sectors — ranging from finance to environmental science — are actively seeking professionals who can make analysis about the data and turn it into actionable insights. Developing my data processing capabilities now will not only benefit my academic pursuits but also prepare me for a career where data is the central.

Additionally, I’ve realize that anyone who wishes to engage in research needs to have good skills in data processing and modelling. Every researcher have to be able to analyze every data that they get from their experiment. This aligns with my own aspirations to conduct research in the future. Having a strong foundation in data analysis will allow me to approach research projects with confidence, knowing that I can work with the data efficiently to draw accurate insights and conclusions.


In this course, I aim to build my knowledge of how to process and organize data in a good structure and efficient work. Often, datasets can be random and unstructures, make them difficult to analyze and visualize. I want to learn the techniques to organize random and big datasets into something that is easy to understand and work with. This skill is crucial when dealing with experimental data that may initially seem chaotic but holds valuable insights when properly structured.

I also want to learn how to find connection between different sets of data. Physics experiments often involve multiple variables interacting with each other and the ability to uncover relationships between those variables is key to understanding the results. Whether the relationship is simple or complex, identifying these links will help me interpret the physical phenomena I’m studying more effectively.

Another important aspect I’m eager to explore is data visualization. Presenting data in a clear and intuitive way is vital, not just for my own understanding but also for communicating the data to others. Whether it’s through graphs, charts, or other forms of graphical representation, the ability to transform raw data into something visually engaging and easy to comprehend is a skill I consider invaluable. I hope to learn how to use various tools and techniques to create compelling visualizations that can effectively convey the insights hidden within data.

In summary, my motivation for taking this course start from a desire to become proficient in data processing, modeling, and analysis — skills that I believe are crucial for my specialization, academic success, and future career. The ability to organize, analyze, and visualize data is essential in today’s digital world, and I want to develop these skills to their fullest potential.

