$AFIN Liquidity Providers Incentive Program — Now Live!

2 min readDec 3, 2021


The AFIN team is excited to announce the launch of our $AFIN Liquidity Providers Incentive Program.

Campaign starts on: Dec. 3rd, 2021 — Jan. 1st, 2022

Recently, we launched our $AFIN token on BSC network and PancakeSwap to make it more accessible. To celebrate our multi-chain launch, we designed this incentive program to grow our loyal base Afinions in preparation for our future roadmap.

What do I do?

  1. Buy AFIN coin in BSC Network
  • Head to this link https://pancakeswap.finance/swap and connect your wallet
  • Import AFIN token 0xb955b4cab9aa3b49e23aeb5204ebc5ff6678e86d
  • Swap your AFIN token with BUSD or any coin of your choice

2. Add liquidity for AFIN-BUSD pair on PancakeSwap

Please note that our token logo is still being updated, so please re-check the address (0xb955b4cab9aa3b49e23aeb5204ebc5ff6678e86d).

What’s my reward?

Earn Up to 0.17% for all trades

By adding liquidity, you’ll earn up to 0.17% of all trades on this pair proportional to your share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrued in real-time, and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity.

Receive a share of 100,000 AFIN weekly reward pool

Once you have your LP tokens at hand, take a sip of your favorite drink and relax while the AFIN team track which addresses hold the LP tokens.

You can later enjoy your share of 100,000 AFIN weekly reward pool proportional to your pool contribution for 4 weeks.

Receive your rewards at the end of every 7 days.

First reward: Dec. 11th, 2021
Second reward: Dec. 18th, 2021
Third reward: Dec. 25th, 2021
Final reward: Jan. 1st, 2021

What if I want to stop earning rewards?

You can add or remove your liquidity from the AFIN-BUSD pool anytime. You will only be rewarded for the duration you have contributed based on the LP tokens you have at hand.

Happy earnings, Afinions!

About AFIN

AFIN Coin fuses two worlds — cryptocurrency and sustainability — and builds a platform for those who want to be ethical about the impact that they make while making financial gains. We are a cryptocurrency with a conscience. Our products include staking your AFIN coin and get rewarded with bitcoin mined from clean energy, Green EV where we want to help accelerate the mainstream adoption of EVs, and rewarding Afinions with a Green NFT line for supporting our mission.

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AFIN Coin aims to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and sustainability by mining Green Bitcoin. https://t.me/AfinCoin