Introducing AFIN’s Genesis NFT: MetaHornbills

We’ve been hinting at the release of our MetaHornbills on our NFT site at and we’re super close to dropping them. Let’s get to know them a little bit, shall we?

4 min readFeb 25, 2022

MetaHornbill: The Origin Story

Before the destructive Heat Wave of the year 3000, an event that was caused by human’s failure to reduce their Greenhouse Gas emissions, the MetaHornbills were once well-populated and majestic species.

They populated different continents in Planet AFIN, a harmonious green metaverse that thrives with the species guarding the lushest forests. The MetaHornbills species was divided into several more tribes of MetaHornbills and each tribe adapted the traits from their surroundings and was equipped with different abilities that allows them to protect their respective habitats effectively.

Together with the rest of the animal kingdom on the planet, the MetaHornbills and the human race took the lead to monitor the planet’s health as more and more unsanctioned activities (such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels) happened place. This was sadly caused by a portion of the human race who slowly cared less about their environment’s health.

The MetaHornbills’ number dwindled as each tribe from all corners of the planet got smaller and smaller. Their leader, Geoffrey, one of the oldest living MetaHornbill ordered the living tribes to gather in Base Bucero, located in the center of the untouched Nirand Forest. Geoffrey lost all of his tribe members including his family and the tragedy made him the firmest leader of MetaHornbills.

The heatwave left him with mutations that allow him to communicate with the human race and he eventually became the leader of the surviving human race and the tribe, a combination of MetaHornbills and the human race is later known as the Flockers.

30 years later, Geoffrey and a group of the MetaHornbills travel back to the present year to gather human companions to change the course of the metaverse.

Will you fight alongside the mighty MetaHornbills to achieve Net Zero and save Planet AFIN?

MetaHornbill’s Roadmap

MetaHornbill in Net Zero

One of the perks of purchasing our iconic MetaHornbill is the ability to use them in our upcoming P2E game, Net Zero, as a companion and will provide unique in-game boosts for players.

Taking place in Planet AFIN, Net Zero is built on Binance Smart Chain. With two play modes, you will be running through Nirand Forest with our MetaHornbills as your companion and building your own immersive Biosphere. You’ll also be able to breed your NFTs!

We are releasing 2,060 unique MetaHornbills that will be minted on BSC and only this genesis collection will be breedable.

We’ve just recently launched Net Zero’s own Discord community here and Twitter community here.

MetaHornbills Pre-sale

Our presale for the first MetaHornbill Genesis Eggs will be coming soon. The best way to stay updated on the release is to join our Discord and on all of our social media channels.

We are also giving away rewards to our community in the next few days and weeks leading up to the MetaHornbill Hatching Day, so don’t miss out!

About AFIN

AFIN Coin fuses two worlds — cryptocurrency and sustainability — and builds a platform for those who want to be ethical about the impact that they make while making financial gains. We are a cryptocurrency with a conscience. Our products include staking your AFIN coin and getting rewarded with bitcoin mined from clean energy, Green EV where we want to help accelerate the mainstream adoption of EVs, and rewarding Afinions with a Green NFT line for supporting our mission.

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AFIN Coin aims to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and sustainability by mining Green Bitcoin.