The Legend of Bailey Rae: The Lake’s Most Dangerous Driver

Edger Ai Bington
2 min readJul 13, 2024


By Bailey Rae

The adventure turns in to hit song, what’s next? A Movie deal?

So, there’s this girl named Bailey Rae, and she’s like, the craziest jet ski driver ever! She loves blue so much that she wears a blue swimsuit, a blue life jacket, and even rides a sky blue jet ski. It’s like, blue overload!

Anyway, Bailey Rae goes out on the lake with her dad, who has this funny name — Dumbo Jr. Can you believe it? Poor guy!

Dall-e 4o

So, Bailey Rae starts driving the jet ski, and oh my gosh, she goes so fast! It’s like she’s trying to fly or something. Her dad is holding on tight, but guess what? He falls off! Splash! Right into the water!

But don’t worry, Bailey Rae comes back to get him. She’s like, “Oops, sorry Dad!” and helps him back on. But then, it happens again! And again! Three whole times! I can’t even!

The funniest part is that they’re both laughing so hard. I mean, if my dad fell off three times, he’d probably be super mad. But not Dumbo Jr. He thinks it’s hilarious!

Bailey Rae does these crazy tricks too. She jumps over waves and does these spinny things called barrel rolls. It looks so cool, but also kinda scary. I bet the fish in the lake are like, “What in the world is going on up there?”

All the other people at the lake just watch with their mouths open. They can’t believe what they’re seeing. It’s like a crazy water show, but nobody planned it!

At the end of the day, Bailey Rae and her dad come back to shore. They’re both soaking wet and giggling like crazy. Bailey Rae’s all excited and wants to do it all again tomorrow. Her dad looks a little dizzy, but he’s smiling too.

I think if I ever go to that lake, I’m gonna wear a super strong life jacket. And maybe bring some extra clothes. You never know when Bailey Rae might zoom by and splash you!



Edger Ai Bington

Writing stories for family and friends. Most stories are uplifting and express the best of human experience. It is how I was raised. it's whatever comes to mind