The best cure for Christianity is to actually read the Bible — what did Mark Twain mean by this?

23 min readMar 25, 2019

The best cure for Christianity is to actually read the Bible — what did Mark Twain mean by this?

Answer : I might suggest one to visit this web site where you can get from the best companies: .

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A question about an auto loan…?
I have a limited credit history but I want to buy a used car. The car is up for sale for $5,400. I was looking up places to get a loan and I checked capital one since I already have a credit card through them. I researched their auto loans and the lowest amount they will loan out for an automobile is $7,500. This means theres an extra $2,100 that won’t go towards the vehicle. Is it against the law to use the extra money towards credit card debt and to pay my car insurance in full so that my only monthly payment I will have at all is the auto loan? If it is legal, is it a bad credit decision or does it sound acceptable? Also, once I own the new car, I will put my old car up for sale (worth over $3000) and use that money plus my tax refunds and extra money coming from my financial aid to go towards the auto loan. Bad? Okay? Any other ideas?””

Is there any way to rid of a car without filing bankruptcy or voluntarily repossessed?
I would like to know all the options I have.
Can an auto loan actually help your credit if you make all your payments in full and on time?
I am currently 19 and a half and I got a credit card the day I turned 18. I pay off all my balances immediately and I would potentially have a perfect credit score if I had a longer credit history. I wanted to take out a loan for a motorcycle and I was just wondering if that would negatively affect my credit score provided I made all my monthly payments on time and without fail. I’ve heard that having a loan can actually help your credit because it’s part of your history and shows you are responsible with your money. The reason I’m asking is because I would like to buy a house in a couple years and I didn’t want to let a small bike or auto loan come back to bite me in the ***. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Is it still bad to take a cash advance evn if you dont have a credit card?
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Free Credit Report?
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Can you get private auto financing if you currently owe on a vehicle?
Sorry, I will clarify…If you want to get rid of your current vehicle and purchase another vehicle, not if you want to get a second car loan.””
How do i get a real free credit report without no strings attached?

Can you get your wages garnished if you dont pay your auto loan in arizona?
spifman , how long does that take?””
Please help: How do I get a bad credit loan that is more than a payday loan?
Please be aware if you are following any of these links that anyone from Nigeria is suspect. One scammed me and to be honest I have not cleared up which one because information was accidentally sent (by me) to the wrong person however I am informed that the other person also received a deposit that could only have been paid to them with ID. These people are GANN TIFANY < and Elly Financial Home”””” < Both are from Nigeria and both are refusing to prove their reputable nature by making good on the loan offered. In filing my fraud complaint I found that Nigeria is notorious for fraud of this nature. Although I was also informed there are good companies there so””
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“”My credit score is 797, and I make $45,000 a year. My wife has a credit score of 634 and she makes $150,000.?””
Our house is in her name, since she bought it before we were married. We want to refinance the house with my name on the loan. She filed a bankruptcy 3 years ago because her parents house was forclosed and her name was on the loan.””
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I sent a completed application to Bank of America to open a new Brokerage Acct with a copy of my passport, copy of my driver license, my social security number, my checking acct no and bank routing number by fax. Bank of America said they have not received the faxed documents. I am really concerned that if these documents fall in wrong hand, it can misused for any purpose. I am 100% sure that the Bank received the fax since I have fax confirmation receipt. Can you please advise me on the followings? I will close my bank account. But the submitted documents can be misused for getting loans and credit cards etc. How can I protect my self against this? Is there any insurance available? I really want to complain against Bank of america since the bank is taking this lightly and hesitant in doing any investigation of this issue. I am just a small customer which means nothing to the bank. Is there any organization where I can submit this complaint against this bank?””
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Should I loan money to my mother in law and father in law to get their van fixed?
This situation is very complex. I and my wife live in the basement of her parents home. We pay rent. But this week, we have come up short. This is the first time this has ever happened. Business was a little bit slow last week due to the holidays. I have been married for a year now. We have loaned my father in law money before. They paid us back eventually. But we owe several people money. We owe my mother in law money, because my wife borrowed it before we got married. I do not want to lend nor borrow any more money again. When I was living with my own parents, it was dysfunction city. I had severe OCD (it is somewhat better now)- I controlled the household in terms of cleaning it and making irrational demands- my mother controlled me by taking all of my money. I have loaned my parents thousands of dollars, but they haven’t paid me back. My in laws have made poor financial decisions in the past. But they are also very generous towards us sometimes. Right on Christmas Eve, they paid $210 to have our Honda repaired. It was very nice of them. But we let them borrow the Honda all the time. They have put a few thousand miles on it this year alone. They often have bought gas for the car, but they hadn’t really paid for any wear and tear until this Christmas. My in laws have just one vehicle. The van is in the shop. It needs major work. It needs a new water pump, rear main seal, etc. It is going to run around 700–800 dollars, at least. I have a little bit of money saved up for a car for myself. Our Honda is actually the wife’s car. I do not have my own car. But I both want and need one. I am saving my money specifically for a Camaro. But the amount I now have saved is just barely enough to make a meager down payment on a new car. We could lend my in laws the money, but I would be very depressed if I had to do that. The little bit I have saved gives me hope, and gives me something to look forward to and hold on to. Is it selfish to want to keep it? Would God be angry with me if I lied to my in laws, and told them that we do not have the money? I hate lying. I always like helping people in need, especially loved ones. But I have wanted a car desperately for years. It is my dream. As far as I know, the only way to get a car honestly is to buy it or inherit it. I don’t have any rich relatives about to pass on. Am I a bad person? Should I loan them the money, even though it will cost me dearly? What would God recommend that I do in this situation?””
“”Can I cash out a 20 pay life policy””””?””””””
I don’t want to keep the policy because anyone who can do math knows whole life insurance is a bad product. The only people that think otherwise are the people making a commission off of them. I appreciate my grand parents intention for taking out the policy, but even if I can cash it out for a $1,000 I can easily turn that investment into more than $5,000 by the time I’m older. If I die young I’ve got a half million in term life insurance.””
“”I have good credit, is there a good online loan source that has low interest on non secured loans?

“The best cure for Christianity is to actually read the Bible — what did Mark Twain mean by this?


Why isn’t my mortgage amount decreasing?
I have a mortgage of $330k (bought a house in April 2011). I pay over $1100 a fortnight in repayments which is $100 more than required. Looking at my bank statement, in the last quarter my mortgage only decreased by $900! In the last quarter I paid over $7,000 in repyaments, is this all interest? (rate of 7.1%) Should I be paying more to get my interest down? Advice appreciated.””

Credit question…..?
Do any of you know how long it takes after paying a bill that has been on your credit for it to go on your credit as positive. Will paying bills (like past bank accounts) help raise my credit score? Thanks
Advice on bank loan guarantor?
I am after some advice if anyone can help…. my partner resigned as company director about a month ago. Last year the company took out a bank loan and he personally guaranteed the loan. We have just found out from the bank that the only way to remove him as guarantor is if the other director puts it in his name, which would require a credit check etc. and as the other director has poor credit rating he does not think it will go through. Has anyone had any experience with this, or know of a way we can clear my partners name from it all. We don’t want it hanging over our heads for the next 4 years. As the financial position of the company is not very stable and could go under at any point. Surely there must be another option — to draw up a legal document or something!? Does anyone know also if the company did go under, what the bank would do — I assume they would contact us and make us pay the monthly repayment, which we will certainly not be able to afford. So the only route I think we could go down would be bankruptcy….??? HELP!””
Online pay day loans?
Does anyone know of a legit online payday loan website that is a lender and NOT a website that matches you to possible lenders?? I know that online payday loans are a bad idea, but sometimes its the only idea.””

Can I get a home loan with a 581 credit score?
This is @David M
Has anyone had a payday loan with total lending?
I want to apply for a loan with total lending payday loan but need there web site? Or what site did you use and they got you app?
Where can i check my credit score totally free?
where is it free to check my credit score?
Best buy credit card?
i applyed for a best buy credit card and was declined because most of my credit cards are very close to being maxed out. i have good credit and have never been declined. i was wonder after lowering my credit card debts how long should i wait till i try to apply again?
Where is best place for a bad credit loan?
I need approx. $1000 dollars. Have been out of work a couple of months, start a new job tomorrow-need money to handle rent and a couple of small things. Can pay back in 45 days.””
How can I save money refinancing my auto loan?
I guess I am asking how does a refinanced auto loan work. Obviously you have your initial loan plus interest. But when you refinance does that equal: Your initial load plus the original interest plus the new interest? Or your initial loan plus just the new interest? Thanks
Can hoa bill you after chapter 7?
a home got foreclosed some months ago yet homeowners association acts like they got no clue, and billed me a bundle. is it true even after chapter 7 bankruptcy, they can ask for money until foreclosure? how come if someone bought the house on auction, they didnt catch up the hoa bill?””
Private student loans and what do do after chapter 13 question?
I files Chapter 13 right before the new bankruptcy laws passed in 2005. I knew that my student loans would not be discharged. My lawyer put them all in forbearance. I finished my ch 13 a month ago and have begin to consolidate them. Last week I received a collections notice in the mail for a 17,000 bill. I was not aware that I even had private loans thru sallie mae, but apparently I do. These are already in collections. Can these be consolidated also? Private loans are not discharable? I have called sallie mae and have been transferred 8 times……8! After they gave me a new number to call I decided to cool my jets before I call back. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea what to do.””
“”If I didn’t pay on a payday loan and then our state made them illegal, can they still sue me or garnish wages?””
I had some payday loans that I was unable to pay on, I tried to make payment arrangements with the companies to pay on them, but, they didn’t want to accept what I could pay. Then, our state made them illegal, the companies switched to title loans vs payday loans. I’ve now been getting phone calls from 800 numbers of people claiming to be calling from a lawyers office. They never give a name, the name of the company etc…..I am wondering if I can be taken to court and sued and wages garnished?””
Can a mortgage company change the locks on your house if you are not in foreclosure?
We live in Indiana, and have a rental property that is between renters right now. Our mortgage company, American Service Company, sent out a property preservation service rep. to the house, and the inspector incorrectly assumed we had abandoned the house. Then they proceeded to break into the house and changed the locks. One of the doors was damaged, and won’t even latch now, let alone lock, so our house is not secure now. Do we have a legal leg to stand on by taking these people to court? We are behind in our payments, but have not received any papers on foreclosure or any kind of eviction notices. The mortgage company claims that it can do what it wants with the property because the inspector reported that it was unoccupied. This same inspector ransacked the house and garage before changing the locks and damaging the door.””
“”Im in 24,000 worth of debt, i wanna file bankruptcy?””
I lived in md, what should I know about bankruptcy and do it help””
Where is the best place to check my credit report for free?

Need payoff for my home mortgage loan 8323 glover ave north port fl 34291?

“”How much, roughly, would it cost to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy in Florida?
I just need a ball park figure so I can plan accordingly.
I need advice on credit card debt?
I am a 22 year old college student. Currently I have about $4,000 on a credit card from car payments, car repairs, school books and other necessities. What ways can I get out of this debt? Or should I wait until I graduate and get a full time job?””

How do I get my credit report (online)?
I’d like to be able to find out what my credit score is and also would like to receive a copy of my credit report. Where can I do this?
“”Home mortgage, what’s better? paying down the principal, or putting money in escrow?””
I’ve been paying a couple of hundred extra on the principal to get the balance down. Is there any advantage to putting money in escrow? Could I do both? I have a chance to throw extra cash at my mortgage, how should I do it?””
“The best cure for Christianity is to actually read the Bible — what did Mark Twain mean by this?

What is the best loan to get with perfect credit?

60k salary 400k house? Can I afford this? And opinions on diffrent ideas please?
So I will make 60k a year, and have 50k savings. I live at my parents house. I was thinking to buy this house that costs 400k, and rent it out to pay the mortgage while I stay at my parents house. I have absolutley no finacial needs besides maybe 200 a month expenses. Should I move into this house when I buy it? Or rent it for a while to save up all of my income and rent money? I want to buy a house over 350k. I could also possible save for a few more years and give a bigger down payment? I was also thinking about buying a duplex and renting both sides out. Or living in 1 side. How do I buy a house? My income will most probably also increase to 80k a year after a couple years. Please help me figure out the best plan to make a good investment. My goal is to eventually own as many things as possible. I am 22 years old. I also have no credit.””
Is this possible? auto loan?
its a 1997 3000gt sl and its blue book for a private owner is $6,500"”
Can you gift a car to someone with a loan on it?
Thanks for all the input. Penndot has a policy where if you cancel your insurance, within 30 days you need to get a new policy. So I did. But it turns out that I read into the 30 days”””” wrong. I did not have insurance for 30 days. Technically””
How do I check my credit report and how can I see if companies have a dispute with me?
I paid a medical bill really late about a year ago that I originally was not going to pay but my parents convinced me otherwise. Also I got suspended from college for the semester about a year ago as well and after I got most of my money back (it was only a few weeks into the semester) and moved back home, about a few months later I got a letter in the mail saying that I owed them $300 for terminating my on-campus housing agreement early. I simply ignored the letter and got another one a little while later and then a few months after that, I got a letter from some debt collection agency in North Carolina. I still haven’t paid it and it’s been almost a year, the letter from the collection agency was back in like July of last year and I haven’t heard from either them or the school since. Will this affect my credit record? How do I check my report to see if anybody has any claims against me? Also how can I find out who all has viewed my report?””
Where online can i get a free credit report that does not require a credit card number to recieve it?

Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?
I live in oregon where you are only allowed to establish one payday loan at a time within the state. However I was wondering if I would be able to take out a payday loan in washington, where you can have more than one at a time. Since they are not within the same state, would I be able to do that? Please no lectures on payday loans and Their so called evil. I promise I’m a big girl, capable of coherant thought.””
Where can I find bad credit unsecure loans not payday loans?

“”I am an independent contractor, can I qualify for a auto loan?””
I am an independent contractor for a petsitting company, I make pretty decent money and have been working there for a year and a half. I have 2 grand to put down on a car, will I qualify for a loan even though I am not an employee with a set salary?””
“”Got a new job, will i be approve for an auto loan?
I been working about a week at my new job and have no credit. I am a new college graduate and i want to get a newer car cuz im tired of my old one. I was thinking on a 2008 Honda Civic SI. However my question is: If i have a co-signer with good credit and good steady paying job will i be approve on a car loan regardless of how long i been working? Thanks
Where can you go on the internet to check your credit report with all three agencies for free?
I heard that you can get a free credit report once a year.
Accounting help please!!?
I am stuck on this accounting homework, I need help bad!! I’m having to journalize these transactions into a chart of accounts May 3: Received cash from Clients as an advance payment for services to be provided and recorded it as unearned fees, $4,500 May 5: Received Cash from clients on account, $2,450 May 9: Paid Cash for a newspaper advertisement, $225 May 13: Paid office station Co. for part of the debt incurred April, $640 May 15: Recorded services provides on account for the period May1–15, $9,180 May 16: Paid part time receptionist for two weeks’ salary including the amount owed April 30, $750 May 17: Recorded cash from clients for fees earned during the period may 1–16, $8,360 May 20: purchased supplies on account, $735 May 21: recorded services provided on account for the period may 16–20, $4,820 May 25: Recorded cash from clients for fees earned for the period May 17–23, $7,900 May 27: received cash from clients on account, $9,520 May 28: paid part time receptionist for two weeks salary, $750 May 30: paid telephone bill for may, $260 May 31: paid electricity bill for may, $810 May 31: recorded cash from clients for fees earned for the period May 26–31, $3,300 May 31: recorded services provided on account for the remainder of may, $2,650 May 31: Kelly withdrew $10,500 for personal use””
Is there a cash advance site that will loan to self employed?

Help with finding my debt please?
i’m trying to find out all of my outstanding debt is theree a site that can help me find a report on all my debt.
How can I get money to get surgery fast? I need $5000. I’m 18 so I have no credit. Is there some kind of loan?
I am not telling my parents about this surgery because I don’t want to worry them. But I need to get it soon. I need $5000. I’m willing to make payments. Is there somewhere I can get a loan?
How often do auto loan interest rates change?Rolling 6G negative equity into new loan/ Best trade in value.?
When I got my auto, I had good credit, interest rates were low-6.9% Now my credit isnt good, I relied on credit cards to help me out & I am going to get approved for auto loan, but the int. rate is 17.9%. How long after improving my credit will it take to get a good score again? Could I refinance my auto loan in 3 months if I pay down on cards (I’m owed quite a bit of money for being a subcontractor — just not sure when”””” it’s going to be paid). If everyone paid what they owe me today””
How can i get my credit score free of charge?

I filed for bankruptcy Ch 7 (01/07) & it was dimissed as I didn’t qualify. I want to refile for 7 again can I?
My legal”””” counsel thought I could and we went or it. What a waste of $3K+””””””

Any Credit Building Websites Simliar To LeaseVille?
I discovered LeaseVillie a few days ago and have found a lot of great reviews online however It won’t help me to continue building my credit. I was wondering if there are any other websites out there similar to LeaseVille but that actually report and help build your credit. Thanks in advance.

How early can I pay my auto loan bill?
I’m trying to set up automatic payments of my auto bill. It’s do on the 3rd of each month. Sometimes the date comes on a weekend and the payment wont go thru until a few days later, so I would like to make it a few days earlier. How many days early, if any should I/can I make it?””
Can I get a student grant with bad credit? also do they check my credit?
i’m going to john jay witch is a beauty school and i need to apply for a grant and i wanted to know if they check your credit? and if i can get one if i do have bad credit since i wouldnt have to pay it back!! Thnks!!!!
Is a salary advance taxable at the time of the advance or when the payroll check is written?


“The best cure for Christianity is to actually read the Bible — what did Mark Twain mean by this?

How long before I can sell a mobile home that was included in my bankruptcy.?
My bankruptcy was discharged and finalized about 3 weeks ago. Green Tree still shows I owe a balance even though it is unsecured that was included in the bankruptcy. How long before they release the lien on my home and furthermore how long before I can sell the now empty mobile home that has been an albatross around my neck for about 3 years. Is there anything I can do to expidite the process.
“”Why do nations need to borrow money from IMF,World bank etc?””
I am a dummy when it comes to economics and i really want to know what exactly the government gains by borrowing money from institutions and corporations.And the money they borrow IS NOT going towards social programmes,It is all going to other rich corporations..So why would governments increase their debts to such dizzying heights? The current US external debt stands at 13 trillion US dollars!Uk : 9 trillion US dollars! Even small nations like switzerland have massive external debts to the tune of 2 trillion US dollars.So my question is,What is the point of borrowing from IMF world bank etc when nations have the resources to make their own money! Money is created out of thin air right?””
Important Question about Loans?
can anyone tell me what kind of database does lenders use for cash advance/payday loans……………………..

Use money from an Auto loan for personal items?
I wanted to get a personal loan, I’ve been reading a lot about them lately and how hard they are too get. (not so good credit) I read that auto loans are easier to get, so I’m wondering can I go for a auto loan but use the money for whatever I want as long as I am paying the monthly payments?””
How do I take my name off the mortgage after a divorce?
My ex husband has sent me a form that says i have to declare myself insolvent to take my name off I’ve looked on the Internet and it doesn’t seem quite right. The insolvency affects my credit rating for 6 years. It says he should refinance the mortgage. A bit of help?

Payday loan?

Do student loans affect your approval for personal and auto loans?
I have a student loans, that has not been paid, but I haven’t had any payments due yet. Would this affect whether or not I was approved for a personal or auto loan?””
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
My wife and I moved to Ohio from Nevada in July. We have a house going into foreclosure in Nevada. Would we file Nevada Chapter 7 or Ohio Chapter 7? And do we have to file together or could I file by myself. All of the bad debt is in my name, including the house. Nevada is a community property state and Ohio is not- does that even matter since we live in Ohio now? We lost our jobs in Las Vegas and are staying with family looking for work here in Ohio. Also, does Chapter 7 take 25% of your paycheck like I see on web sites?””
How to get an auto loan?
I am 21 years old. I am a supervisor at a plant making $30,000 a year. I have a 639 credit score, but little credit history, and I have $3,000 to put down on a car…but no one will finance me. I’ve tried a credit union, I’ve tried the dealership. I even tried JD Byrider, but they didn’t have anything I wanted. I do not understand what I have to do to get someone to finance me. My parents both have bad credit so having them cosign wouldn’t do any good. Are any of those No Credit Loan”””” website legit? I am getting desperate here…and now I’ve been to so many dealerships that having that many inquiries is starting to effect me. What should I do?””””””
Where can I get a fast loan without needing a credit check?
Hi guys, just wondering I need to get a loan ASAP, i’ve heard of payday loan, but where can I get a loan where no credit check is required just as long as you can proof your income? I need information for california loans only. Thanks!””
“”Does anyone know of any lenders that will do auto financing with repo, bad credit, and bankruptcy?

What is the best auto loan online they have for people with bad credit?

How long do u have to wait till you an do bankruptcy a second time?

“”I live in Snellville, GA and I need advice concerning financial aid/payday loans?””
I recently moved to GA and am getting an apartment with my fiance. I receive monthly disability so my income is limited. I have three separate deposits to pay before moving into the new department: apartment security deposit, electric and gas deposit. I am without funds and seek some type of financial aid. I ask here because it’s difficult to search for many options through my mobile phone and I’ve called many places but only fall up short. The current place I am staying at isn’t good for our mental/physical health. I am also pregnant which is another cause to worry. I know St. Vincent de Paul may be offering help around the 30th of January but I was wondering if anyone could help me with financial aid information or places that offer payday loans in Georgia to people with poor credit. I appreciate all answers, thank you!””
How does debt consolidation work?



Is a 549 a good enough credit score to get a auto loan?

Which of the following agencies provide free credit reports for consumers?
a) Equifax, credit unions b) Credit unions, your bank c) Experian Credit Reports Association d) TransUnion, Experian e) None of the above; you must pay a fee for any credit report””
Are credit unions better than banks? if so.. why?
how are they different? i will be wanting a auto loan in about 6–8 months.. and my credit is currently marginal… does it have the same effect? do i still get better rates?

Describe how bankruptcy works for debtors and creditors.?


“The best cure for Christianity is to actually read the Bible — what did Mark Twain mean by this?

