The AFOMA Partner Rewards Program

3 min readFeb 18, 2022


Objective of the Program

  • AFOMA wants to build a decentralized community with maximum tokenholders. Tokenholder numbers drive the value of OMA tokens.
  • Tokenholders brought in through this program would ideally be aligned to the overall vision of AFOMA.
  • Target for first year from the program - aspiring for 15,000 tokenholders with a goal of 50,000 tokenholders.
  • Program will be run transparently and over the longer term will be managed by smart contracts with community inputs.

Types of Reward Grants

  • Full Grant - applicable to startups working directly with artisan and artists in developing regions, humanitarian organizations aligned to SDG goals in the region. Not-for Profit Organizations and Educators promoting the adoption of crypto and digital technologies in those regions.
  • Matching Grant - applicable to revenue generating organizations aligned with AFOMA goals or for existing Full Grant partners, who need additional tokens for their programs or new startups in developing regions who can benefit.
  • Fully Funded - Corporations and marketplaces who wants to use AFOMA rewards programs to advance their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals.

Grant Awards

  • Community can propose programs satisfying the required guidelines.
  • Program committee can review applications for conformity.
  • Valid proposals can be put up for vote from community.
  • Approved proposals will be eligible for grant.
  • Existing grant holders will have priority if eligible.
  • Existing full grant holders can automatically become eligible for matching grant program in the second year.

Grant Allocation

  • Reward wallets will be multi-sig wallets with signatories from partners and AFOMA.
  • Token disbursement from the wallet will require signature from AFOMA and partner.

Program Guidelines

  • Partners will design the program for their respective rewards.
  • There will be a threshold limit to be reached by the rewarded before transfer of tokens - threshold to be agreed between partners.
  • One time reward should be lower than the threshold limit - ideally the reward earner would be encouraged to participate in multiple partner programs (example: someone getting rewards from the SELLITIC marketplace will be encouraged to participate in education programs from a partner, or donate to a partner humanitarian organization to reach the goal. #togetherwewin)
  • There will be an option to top up the rewards by buying remaining tokens if the reward earner wants to claim tokens without participating in other programs.

Reward Administration

  • Partners will provide details of reward earners on a weekly/monthly basis which includes email and their respective wallet addresses.
  • Reward earners reaching threshold will be airdropped their earned tokens.
  • Tokens earned from each of the program by the earner will be used for airdrops and will be transferred from respective wallets.

Promotions and Possibilities

  • AFOMA will promote partner programs within the community and among reward earners.
  • AFOMA Partners are encouraged to accept OMA tokens for their programs once the token liquidity in the market is sustained.
  • Reward earners will automatically benefit from other tokenholder privileges and can partake in overall AFOMA governance.

