Inspired by ‘The Great Hack’

Afrah Yani
3 min readSep 13, 2024


A cover for ‘The Great Hack’ | Image credit: Netflix

From the moment i watched The Great Hack, a thought stuck with me. The documentary shed light on how data could be harnessed to influence, transform, and even manipulate real-world events, from politics to personal behavior. The power of data is undeniable, and it ignited something inside me. This film became the spark for my journey into the world of data science.

The motivation for enrolling in this course stems from a desire to not only understand the role data plays in shaping decisions but to actively contribute to building systems that use data responsibly and effectively. The film revealed both the potential for good and the risks of mishandling data, and I want to ensure my career path takes a responsible approach to data science.

Interest and Goals

One of The Research Based Learning That I Have Done

I have always been interested in problem-solving and finding patterns. Numbers, statistics, data-they all have a story hidden beneath the surface that I am eager to find. The course, I hope, will provide strong mathematical and computational preparation for being able to model real-world situations. What particularly excites me is the potential of creating ‘good’ data generators that realistically simulate these conditions, making it possible to see the possibilities of outcomes and their solutions. I seek the ability to learn how to build predictive models representing complex real-world phenomena, bring efficiency in methods of generating and simulating data for testing hypotheses, integrate the tools and techniques for analyzing and interpreting big datasets, and visualizing them into actionable insights.

I see this course as a stepping stone that will be very important in the molding of my future career in the area of data science. The skill of modeling, generating, and analyzing data cuts across several industries, from health to finance and technology; data analysis is increasingly becoming the backbone of decision-making. My dream is to contribute as a data scientist or data analyst at an organization with the highest respect for ethical and impactful use of data, thereby contributing toward solution building that enables businesses to make informed decisions through data-driven routes, which are not only profitable but also socially responsible.


Digitalent Scholarship Program

My personality naturally draws me toward this path. I am curious by nature, always wanting to dig deeper to understand how things work and what drives different outcomes. I’m a critical thinker, which aligns with the process of analyzing data: questioning assumptions, testing hypotheses, and refining models.

Additionally, I’m someone who thrives on problem-solving. Challenges don’t discourage me; they motivate me to find creative and logical solutions. This aligns perfectly with the work involved in modeling and analyzing data, as it requires patience, perseverance, and an analytical mindset.

What I Expected to Learn More

Watching The Great Hack opened my eyes to the transformative potential of data, and it solidified my interest in a career that merges my problem-solving skills and passion for ethical data usage. By taking this course on Modeling, Data Generation, and Analysis, I hope to build the expertise necessary to contribute meaningfully to the field, ensuring that data is used responsibly and intelligently. The knowledge I gain here will be a cornerstone for my journey into a future where data shapes the world for the better.

