Peculium, a new beginning

Moh Bok
4 min readNov 30, 2017


Wrapped in disappointment I spent the night on the island’s shore, “I’ll resume the journey come morning…”


A sweet voice woke me up, a bird’s tweet that can only be matched by its beauty. A quetzal, that clearly wanted me to follow it all the way to the center of the new world.

We finally landed on the top of El Castillo pyramid aka the chirping pyramid.

A hand-clap at the base of Kukulcan’s staircase generates what Lubman calls a “chirped echo” — a “chir-roop” sound that first ascends and then falls, like the cry of the native quetzal.

I started learning about the bird and its heritage, to the Maya and Aztecs, the quetzal’s emerald green iridescent tail feathers were more valuable than gold; Probably that’s what Peculium wants to be in the crypto space!

“The feathers of the irradencent Quetzal were used in Royal costume and ceremonial garb for kings and priests. The Quetzal symbolized the movement of Creation and the will of the Creator come to earth. As the Serpent moves side to side on the ground, the Quetzal flaps and glides through the jungle. That is, it moves up and down in it progression. The Maya knew that Creation moves from Day to Night or Creation to Destruction in a wave like pattern.” Ian Xel Lungold

The quetzal… central America… and the wavelike pattern! Yeah, I can make sense of that;

The map of central America, the shape and the colors of a quetzal, isn’t that amazing!

The map of Panama and the sine-wave

Although once again, I couldn’t find any island that may represent Peculium’s treasure island around Panama, I recall seeing the wind, dragon and skull glyphs from the treasure map somewhere! I may need to go back where I first landed.

The treasure map with glyphs

The Sacred Round

The 260-day Sacred Round (also called the tzolkin) is the heart of the Aztec Calendar, the Mayan calendar and nearly every native calendar of the Americas. The sacred round is composed of two cycles, one of 20 named days, and one of 13 numbered days, each of which continuously repeats. It takes 260 days for the two cycles to realign on the beginning day of each cycle (260 = 20 x13), so the Sacred Round has 260 days. The fundamental cycle is the 20-day count, called the veintena.

Do you know that the Mayan numerical system along with the sacred round calendar are more than twice as precise as the calendar we use today!? I feel sorry for AIEVE, she perceives only zeros and ones.

Another dead end, yet I’ve learned some things;

Whether the path leads somewhere or not, it has something to deliver every time someone decides to take the journey, it tells you a story, probably a different story for each adventurer; Just like a companion who’s ahead of you and watching your back at the same time, a companion who will cease to exit once you abandon him.

I learned that somehow everything can be connected to anything, you just need to look hard enough. Everything is interconnected in this universe.

I am Alice, and I’m liking this place, the secret challenge is not my challenge anymore, what I see challenging now is finding a reason to get back up there, yet I’m thankful for Peculium for bringing me down here.

You too think, I’ve become mad? What if I told you, I’m not the only one!

Moh Bok

