iamge Via Midjourney

Systemic Evolution Starts With Shifts in Consciousness

Adam French
Age of Awareness


This piece is heavily influenced by the field of Regenerative Design and Development, the modern expression pioneered by amazing people like Carol Sanford, Ben Haggard, Pamela Mang, Bill Reed, and the rest of the Regenesis group. I’m currently 2 weeks into their Regenerative Practitioner program and it’s been an incredible opportunity to deepen my understanding of this field. I want to acknowledge the many indigenous cultures who naturally operate at this state of consciousness — of caring for the earth and each other as family.

A Better Future Feels Out Of Reach

Are you one of those people who stays up at night imagining a better world and gets frustrated because you don’t see our systems and the habits that shape them evolving quickly enough?

Someone who pictures a world where human systems are in harmony with the workings of nature, producing abundant resources, thriving habitats, and a global field of love for life to play in?

I’m that person too. I’ve spent my whole career searching for the thing that will shift systems on a global scale to bring this future into being. I believe I’ve discovered this thing through my own spiritual exploration and now in the field of Regenerative Development and Design. It’s not a framework. It’s not an invention or…



Adam French
Age of Awareness

Regenerative Design + Entrepreneurship + Personal Development & Spirituality. Want to jam? Hit me up adam@interform.space