Oleg Frenkel International Chess Master Featured in Mishpacha Magazine

Oleg (Alex) Frenkel
2 min readJun 1, 2018


Mr. Oleg Frenkel has been teaching chess at the Prospect Park Yeshiva for the last 3 years and had recently with his students participated at the New York State Girls Chapinonship where many Trophies were won.

Mr. Oleg Frenkel started the Chess Program 3 years ago at the Prospect Park Yeshiva, which is an al girls school.

Today, this Chess Program extended to 2nd — 7th grades, with over 300 students.

The Principal of the school claims that since the beginning of the Chess Program, the overall academic performance noticeably improved and effected most of the students with their focus, confidence and motivation across other subjects.

The Mishpacha, Jewish Family Weekly magazine did a cover story on the achievements of the students and covered the efforts of Mr. Oleg Frenkel.

Born in Moscow, Mr. Frenkel is “chess royalty.” “My father was an international grandmaster and my mother won second place in the 1984 Malta Olympics.” At a young age, Oleg Frenkel was rubbing shoulders with some of the greatest grandmasters in the world. “I studied at a chess school for four years under the leadership of Mikhail Botvinnik. I trained together with Garry Kasparov, who was the world’s number one chess champion for 15 years.”

Mr. Oleg Frenkel is presently teaching chess in 3 public schools and has many private students from kids to adults.

Mr. Frenkel can be contacted via phone1–917–251–6564 or afrenkel@gmail.com to discuss private lessons or school chess programs.

