The Good old Days of Esports and the fun of Gaming houses.

African Giants eSports
3 min readJul 25, 2023


Ah, the good old days of gaming! Let me take you on a nostalgic journey back to a time when gaming houses were like luxurious sanctuaries for us OG gamers. Back then, playing video games wasn’t just a hobby; it was a way of life, and game houses were our sacred temples of fun and excitement.

The PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 had just hit the market in the early 2000s, but not everyone could afford these fancy consoles. For us, the local game house became our slice of gaming heaven.

These game houses were like hidden gems tucked away in various corners of the neighborhood. They weren’t your high-end gaming cafes with state-of-the-art equipment, mind you. Oh no, they were more like small, dimly lit rooms filled with the hum of CRT TVs and the scent of excitement in the air. But to us, they were magical places where dreams came true.

As kids, we used to be so eager to reach the game house that we’d even skip school sometimes (shh, don’t tell our parents!). Imagine the thrill of getting away with it, sneaking into the game house with our hearts pounding with excitement. The moment we stepped inside, a whole new world unfolded before us.

The game house was a bustling hub of camaraderie. We’d find our friends already there, huddled around the screens, their eyes glued to the action. The gaming rivalry was fierce, but it was all in good spirits. We’d challenge each other to Tekken, Street Fighter, or FIFA matches, and the room’s energy would skyrocket with every epic move and victory.

For some, the game house was a refuge from the monotony of daily life. It didn’t matter what troubles or worries we had; once we held that game controller in our hands, we became warriors, racers, and adventurers in virtual realms far away from our everyday realities.

And remember those days when we had to go to school with an extra set of clothes? That wasn’t just for hygiene purposes; it was so we could change into something more comfortable for our gaming sessions at the game house on our way home. We’d be so engrossed in playing that sometimes we’d forget about time, and our parents would have to drag us back home, promising that we could return the next day.

One of the most thrilling parts of the game house experience was unlocking secrets and discovering hidden gems. You’d overhear rumors and tips from other kids about secret levels, rare items, and easter eggs in the games. And the next day, you’d excitedly share your findings with everyone, becoming a sort of local gaming legend in your own right.

Sure, the graphics and technology were nowhere near what we have today, but that didn’t matter. We were immersed in the sheer joy of gaming and the thrill of the chase. It was a time when gaming was more about fun and less about competitiveness. We didn’t care about online rankings or in-game purchases; we just wanted to have a blast with our buddies.

As technology evolved, home gaming consoles became more accessible, and the game houses slowly faded away. But the memories of laughter, friendships, and endless gaming remain close to our hearts.

Today, we see the spirit of those game houses living on through companies like African Giants Esports (AGE), Carry1st, Tribe, etc. They host thrilling events like the MK II Weekend Bash and 1stival, bringing together gamers from all over Africa for electrifying competitions.

So, to all the fellow OG gamers out there and to those who are just beginning their gaming journey, let’s celebrate the past, embrace the present, and look forward to an exciting future of gaming. As long as there are companies like African Giants Esports (AGE), Carry1st, Tribe, and other gaming companies hosting events that bring gamers together, the magic of game houses will continue to thrive, ensuring that the fun and camaraderie of gaming remain an everlasting part of our lives. Game on!



African Giants eSports

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