Space: The Unknown, Far-fetched, & ‘Not for Us’ Next Frontier in Rwanda

2 min readMay 26, 2024


When we think of space, many of us picture distant galaxies, unreachable stars, astronauts floating in zero gravity, and missions to uncharted planets. For many Rwandans, space seems like an abstract concept, a world far removed from our own or something far beyond our reach, reserved for the wealthy or elite, and the scientifically inclined. It’s a realm often overlooked as a potential resource for our nation’s development.

Yet, without even realizing it, we encounter and interact with space in countless ways every day. Whether it’s a student in Kigali solving a math problem about the trajectory of a satellite orbiting the Earth, at that moment, they are engaging with space, grappling with its concepts and principles, albeit unknowingly.

Beyond the Classroom, It permeates every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the technologies we use. Imagine a farmer in Nyagatare using GPS technology to map out their fields and optimize crop yields. Or a telecommunications engineer in Huye ensuring that satellite communication networks remain operational, connecting people across the country and beyond. Even the simple act of checking the weather forecast involves data collected by satellites orbiting high above us.

In Rwanda, space is not just a distant dream, it is a tangible resource that should fuel innovation and progress in various industries. Engineers should use satellite imagery to monitor infrastructure projects, while healthcare professionals should utilize remote sensing data to track disease outbreaks. Entrepreneurs should explore opportunities in the emerging space economy, from space education to satellite manufacturing, and data analytics.

Embracing space is not just about reaching the stars, we expand our imaginations and unlock new opportunities, and new frontiers for all Rwandans & citizens of the world.

