MozGirls Initiation and Contribution Day!

Afrin Rahman
4 min readAug 28, 2016


Every girl deserves to take part in creating the technology that will change our world and change who runs it..!

Yes we the #Mozgirls group believe it and through Mozilla our aim is to empower the females in technical field. In Mozilla community we all known with WoMoz and what its activity but this year our community senior take anew step to reshape womoz in our Mozilla BD community which will create a buzz and help to bring out bunch of new passionate girls…! and this fabulous idea comes from none other than our all time favourite senior Mr.Mahay Alam Khan ! In short all i can say all this amazing ideas comes from him. At first he create this #Mozgirls group then inspire me and my friends Tanha Islam and Asma Swapna.

On behalf of Mozilla Bangladesh community activities, we (MozGirls) arranged this event on 26th August at Primeasia University .
For this event our over all agenda was Introducing Mozilla to the newbies, experiencing Mozilla’s different contribution pathways and how Mozilla empowers the females in diversity.Mozilla Club talks, be introduced with “Mozilla and IoT”. Our main goal is therefore having an effective, active team (MozGirls) to contribute relentlessly for the next six months term.

We have been planning for an initiation day for so long, and finally in 26th August we did our event at Primeasia University.

Our event started early in the morning with some technical delays but we somehow extended the event so that we don’t miss any of our goals.

We started our intro session little bit different way so that we can easily interact with participants. After that i gave an intro to Mozilla and Asma Swapna gave intro to Mozgirls and its mission. Then Tanha Islam started talking about different pathways of Mozilla. Asma Swapna also helm her in this session.

Following that, we gave short intro on our main focuses of the event which were

  • Connected device
  • L10
  • Sumo
  • Leadership
  • Future Planning
  • Online privacy: why you should be concerned?
  • Documentation discussion

After giving all those pathways short intro we divided girls into 3 short groups and did the sessions simultaneously and also swapped the group members so that everyone can learn about these three topics. The main sessions of the event which were:

Introducing Mozilla Teaching tools:

Session owners: Tanha and Rashik

They described the prototype of a webpage and some basic ideas to non-tech girls, why use these tools and so on. They remixed a webpage to show how these tools work and how they can teach web at home and to other people. This session’s basic mission is to aware people about open web and the internet. Internet should be accessible to everyone and everyone should learn how to build the web.

They showed them few teaching kits and why it’s important. After the explanation we took few ideas/inputs for teaching kits which they promised to work on after the event.

L10 : l10n & related things

Session owner: Me

Topics: l10n, SuMo

At first i told them what is localization? why do we need to localize in our own language ? Is it necessary for us ? what do we need to learn for it ? Then i showed them locomotion and pontoon tools and how can they start there contribution in Mozilla with this tools.

Introducing IoT and Connected Devices

Session owner: Asma

Topics: IoT and Connected devices

~She started her session with intro to Connected Devices, why and how Mozilla is related to it. She also explained why we should start contribution with IoT and Connected devices.How to work with Firefox OS with Mozilla CD.

She also explained open innovation toolkit experience.After this she showed Arduino hacking with LED sample projects.Following that she did coding with Arduino UNO for Connected devices.

Our event was basically 4 hours event but we personally felt it wasn’t enough for such informative and interactive event. We had a group photo in the end and informed them about or social accounts or groups.

We went live during the event, you can find the videos here:

Thanks everyone for making our very first #Mozgirls event successful.We were really happy and surprised to see such a passionate participants.

Again thanks for reading my blog post !

Hashtag: #MozGirls

