Design series: an introduction to service design

2 min readFeb 18, 2016


By Noor Schopman — aFrogleap

“There’s a shift under way in large organizations, one that puts design much closer to the centre of the enterprise. But the shift isn’t about aesthetics. It’s about applying the principles of design to the way people work” — Harvard business review, September 2015’s edition.

As a part of our design series we want to give you insight into one of the mostly hyped but also undervalued trends. The service design methodology fits perfect within this culture change to a more customer centric focus. The goal to deliver the best experience to your users or customers. Providing the best customer experience requires more than a good strategy.

When you are crafting the best experience, you need to find the method that fits your company best, to connect customers with the business. Service design is an example that can deal with internal challenges, that enables a better customer experience and creates business value. has made a video to explain more about the methodology.

As mentioned in previous blogs, most service organizations are structured around ‘products’ and ‘channels’. This makes sense from a management perspective as people with similar capabilities work together, managed by people who are experts in their field. Your customers, however, are interested only in what they need to get done. For customers it doesn’t matter how your organisation is structured, as long as they have a seamless experience where the offer is consistent.

“80% of the companies think they offer an optimal customer experience, but only 8% of the customers agree with that” — Bain & Company.

To be able to design this seamless experience many different disciplines are needed, besides design. You’ll need a common language to let these disciplines work together efficiently as a team. Within this service design thinking methodology there are many different tools and tactics to use in order to create the best experience. In our design series we’ve already published several blogs where these tools and tactics are explained, which are also relevant in service design. Read more about the value of customer journey mapping and about how to define your persona’s.

In the upcoming blog I’ll show you more about what type of tools to use when using the service design methodology.

Originally published at on February 18, 2016.




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