How To Make Scrambled Eggs

The Afronomist
2 min readMay 27, 2024
Image by freepik

Any time of day is a good opportunity to enjoy the simple yet wonderful dish that is scrambled eggs. They are a great choice for a light meal or a weekday brunch because they are quick and simple to make.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of milk or cream (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Beat the eggs: Place the eggs, milk or cream, salt, and pepper in a small bowl and beat until smooth. Make careful to beat them thoroughly, but not to the point where the yolks entirely separate.

Heat the pan: In a pan over medium heat, melt the butter. Heat the pan just enough to immediately melt the butter without scorching the eggs.

Cook the eggs: Add the egg mixture to the pan and use a rubber spatula to stir continuously. Stirring continually, cook the eggs until they become soft and creamy, according to your desired consistency.

Serve: Take the scrambled eggs out of the pan and start serving right away. Add your preferred toppings, like diced tomatoes, sautéed onions, chopped bacon, or shredded cheese.



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