The Great Emu War: When Australia Declared War on Birds

Akber Ali
12 min readMay 18, 2024


The Great Emu War was a bizarre and amusing episode in Australian history that took place in 1932. During this time, the Australian military launched a campaign to cull the country’s growing emu population, which was causing significant damage to crops and farmland. Despite the military’s involvement and use of modern weaponry, the flightless emus proved to be resilient and elusive adversaries, leading to a comical and futile outcome.

The Emu War, as it is often referred to, was a unique and fascinating chapter in the history of animal conflicts and environmental conservation efforts. This bizarre episode offers a glimpse into the challenges faced by the Australian government and military when dealing with the country’s unique and sometimes problematic wildlife.

As we delve into the details of the Great Emu War, we’ll explore the origins of this unusual conflict, the strategies employed by the military, the resilience of the emus, and the lasting impact of this event on Australian culture and wildlife management.


Key Takeaways

  • The Great Emu War was a bizarre conflict between the Australian military and the country’s growing emu population in 1932.
  • The military’s attempts to cull the emus, which were causing damage to crops, proved to be futile and comical.
  • The emus’ resilience and adaptability outmatched the military’s efforts, leading to the ultimate defeat of the culling campaign.
  • The Great Emu War has become a symbol of the challenges involved in managing and conserving Australia’s unique wildlife.
  • The event has left a lasting impact on Australian culture, with the emu becoming a national symbol and the war being celebrated for its sheer absurdity.

The Great Emu War: When Australia Declared War on Birds

In the early 1930s, the Australian state of Western Australia was facing a growing problem — a rapid increase in the emu population. These large, flightless birds were causing significant damage to crops and farmland, leading to financial hardship for local farmers. The Australian military was called upon to address this issue, marking the beginning of the bizarre and infamous Great Emu War.

The emu culling effort was a response to the farmers’ struggles with the animal conflicts caused by the emu overpopulation. As the emu population continued to grow, the environmental conservation concerns of the region became increasingly pressing. The Australian government recognized the need to take action and decided to involve the military in an attempt to manage the bizarre historical events unfolding in Western Australia.


The Bizarre Origins of the Emu Culling Effort

The farmers in Western Australia had been struggling with the growing emu population for some time, as the birds were devastating their crops and causing significant financial losses. In an attempt to address the emu culling problem, the farmers reached out to the government, seeking assistance.

Farmers’ Struggles with Emu Overpopulation

The rapid increase in the emu population had become a major challenge for the local farmers in Western Australia. These large, flightless birds were causing extensive damage to crops and farmland, jeopardizing the livelihoods of the agricultural community. The farmers were desperately seeking a solution to this growing animal conflict.

The Government’s Decision to Take Action

Faced with the pleas of the struggling farmers, the Australian government decided to intervene. Recognizing the need to address the environmental conservation issue and the financial hardship faced by the agricultural sector, the government authorised a military-led emu culling operation to try and control the burgeoning emu population.

This bizarre historical event would soon become known as the Great Emu War, a comical and futile attempt by the Australian military to wage war against the resilient and elusive emus. The stage was set for one of the most peculiar conflicts in the nation’s history.

Strategies and Tactics in the Emu War

The Australian military, led by Major G.P.W. Meredith, was tasked with carrying out the emu culling operation. They deployed a small group of soldiers, armed with Lewis guns (a type of light machine gun), to the Western Australian outback to engage the emus. The Australian military hoped to leverage their modern weaponry and tactical advantages to swiftly reduce the emu population and alleviate the animal conflicts plaguing local farmers.

The Australian Military’s Involvement

Major Meredith and his team encountered a formidable challenge in the emus, which proved to be highly adaptable and resilient adversaries. The large, flightless birds were able to absorb the barrage of gunfire, with many of them simply shrugging off the bullets and continuing on their way, much to the frustration of the Australian military personnel.


Unconventional Weapons and Methods

In a last-ditch effort to curb the emu population, the military even resorted to using unconventional weapons and methods, such as attempting to herd the birds into enclosed areas and even using vehicles to chase them down. However, the emus’ agility and unpredictable movements continued to thwart the military’s attempts, leading to a series of comical and futile encounters that would go down in history as the Great Emu War.

The Australian military’s struggle to effectively control the emu population highlighted the challenges of wildlife management and the need for a more nuanced and sustainable approach to environmental conservation. This bizarre historical event would eventually become a source of national humor and a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the flightless birds.

The Emus Fight Back: Unexpected Resilience

As the Great Emu War progressed, it became increasingly clear that the emus were far more resilient and adaptable than the Australian military had anticipated. The flightless birds were able to withstand the barrage of gunfire, with many of them simply shrugging off the bullets and continuing on their way.

The emu population proved to be a formidable adversary, showcasing their ability to evade the soldiers’ attempts to cull their numbers. The Australian military found that the emus were highly mobile, often moving in large groups and rapidly dispersing when under attack.

Moreover, the emus’ thick feathers and tough skin provided them with a natural defense against the Lewis guns employed by the soldiers. Despite the military’s efforts to coordinate their tactics and maximize their firepower, the emus consistently outmaneuvered and outlasted their human adversaries.

Emu Characteristics Military Tactics Outcome Highly mobile, able to disperse quickly Coordinated attacks with Lewis guns Emus outmaneuvered the military Thick feathers and tough skin Attempted to maximize firepower Emus shrugged off the bullets Traveled in large groups Tried to strategize and adapt Emus remained resilient and elusive

The unexpected resilience of the emus, combined with the military’s inability to effectively cull their numbers, soon became a source of embarrassment and frustration for the Australian government and the public.

Environmental and Conservation Concerns

As the Great Emu War dragged on, concerns began to emerge about the environmental impact of the Australian military’s efforts and the potential consequences for emu populations. Some observers argued that the indiscriminate culling of emus could have a detrimental effect on the species’ overall numbers and ecological balance.

The Impact on Emu Populations

The emu is a unique and iconic species native to Australia, known for its resilience and adaptability. However, the military’s attempts to cull the emu population raised questions about the long-term sustainability of such actions. Conservationists and wildlife experts warned that the emu culling could disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem and potentially lead to a decline in emu numbers, threatening the species’ future.


Debates on Sustainable Wildlife Management

The Great Emu War highlighted the complexities of wildlife management and the need for a more nuanced approach to addressing animal conflicts. Some experts argued that the military’s tactics, which were primarily focused on reducing the immediate impact on agriculture, failed to consider the broader environmental conservation implications. They advocated for the development of sustainable wildlife management strategies that balance the needs of both humans and animals.

As the debate over the emu culling continued, it became clear that the Great Emu War was not just a bizarre historical event, but also a cautionary tale about the delicate relationship between humans and nature. The lessons learned from this conflict would have lasting implications for environmental conservation efforts in Australia and beyond.

Bizarre Historical Events: Animal Conflicts

The Great Emu War is not the only instance in history where humans have found themselves in conflict with animals. Throughout history, there have been numerous cases of human-animal clashes, often driven by issues such as resource scarcity, habitat encroachment, or perceived threats to human interests.

Other Instances of Human-Animal Clashes

One notable example is the “War Elephants” of ancient India, where elephants were used as living tanks in battle. The Carthaginian general Hannibal famously led a herd of elephants across the Alps to confront the Romans, though the venture ultimately proved unsuccessful. In more recent times, the “Pig War” between the United States and the United Kingdom over the San Juan Islands was sparked by the shooting of a pig belonging to a British settler.

These conflicts highlight the complex and often unpredictable nature of interactions between humans and animals, where differences in perspectives, behaviors, and survival instincts can lead to unexpected and sometimes humorous outcomes.

The Uniqueness of the Emu War

What sets the Great Emu War apart is its sheer absurdity and the resilience of the emu, a large flightless bird that proved to be a formidable adversary against the might of the Australian military. Unlike the use of elephants as living weapons or the accidental shooting of a pig, the Emu War was a deliberate attempt by the government to cull a perceived pest, only to be repeatedly thwarted by the elusiveness and adaptability of the emus.

The Great Emu War serves as a testament to the unpredictable nature of human-animal interactions and the importance of understanding the behaviors and adaptations of wildlife. It is a unique and often-referenced historical event that continues to captivate and amuse people around the world, reminding us of the complexities and sometimes comical consequences of our attempts to control the natural world.


The Aftermath and Legacy of the Emu War

The Great Emu War ultimately ended in defeat for the Australian military, as they were unable to significantly reduce the emu population or curb the birds’ impact on local agriculture. This embarrassing outcome had lasting effects on Australian culture, with the Emu War becoming a source of national humor and a symbol of the country’s unique wildlife and the challenges of managing it.

Lasting Effects on Australian Culture

The failure of the Australian military to effectively cull the emus during the war has become a source of enduring amusement and national pride for Australians. The bizarre historical events surrounding the Emu War have been widely documented and referenced in popular culture, from movies and books to memes and social media. The resilience and adaptability of the emus, in the face of the military’s modern weaponry, have become a testament to the unpredictable nature of animal conflicts and the importance of understanding and respecting the natural world.

The Emu as a National Symbol

Beyond its cultural legacy, the Emu War has also contributed to the emu’s status as a national symbol of Australia. These large, flightless birds, once the subject of a failed culling effort, are now celebrated for their resilience and adaptability. The emu’s likeness can be found on various Australian souvenirs, emblems, and even the country’s coat of arms, serving as a reminder of the nation’s unique environmental conservation challenges and the lessons learned from the Great Emu War.

Lessons Learned from the Emu War

The Great Emu War serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities and unintended consequences of wildlife management strategies. The Australian military’s failed attempts to cull the emu population highlight the importance of understanding the behaviors and adaptations of animal species, as well as the need for more nuanced and sustainable approaches to managing wildlife.

Wildlife Management Strategies

The emu culling efforts undertaken by the Australian military during the Emu War demonstrated the limitations of relying solely on lethal methods to control animal populations. Despite the use of modern weaponry and coordinated military tactics, the emus proved to be remarkably resilient, often shrugging off the barrage of gunfire and continuing on their way.

This experience underscores the need for wildlife management strategies that consider the unique characteristics and adaptations of each species. Effective management plans should incorporate a range of non-lethal techniques, such as habitat modification, deterrents, and community-based approaches, to address the root causes of human-animal conflicts while minimizing harm to wildlife populations.

Respecting Nature and Finding Balance

The Great Emu War also highlights the importance of respecting the delicate balance of nature and the unintended consequences that can arise from human intervention. The military’s indiscriminate culling of emus raised concerns about the potential ecological impact on the species and the broader ecosystem. This cautionary tale serves as a reminder that environmental conservation efforts must be carefully planned and implemented, with a deep understanding of the complex relationships between different species and their habitats.

By learning from the lessons of the Emu War, policymakers, wildlife managers, and the public can work towards more sustainable and harmonious coexistence between humans and the natural world, ensuring the long-term preservation of Australia’s unique biodiversity.


The Emu War in Popular Culture

The Great Emu War, a bizarre and humorous episode in Australian history, has captured the imagination of people around the world. This remarkable event, where the Australian military faced off against the resilient and elusive emus, has been immortalized in various forms of popular culture.

Movies, Books, and Media Representations

The Emu War’s unique and absurd nature has inspired numerous creative works. Several books have been written about the conflict, delving into the historical details and the military’s futile attempts to cull the emu population. One notable example is “Emu War: When Australia Went to War Against Birds” by Tim Winton, which provides a captivating account of the events.

The Emu War has also found its way onto the silver screen, with filmmakers exploring the comedic potential of this unusual historical event. “The Great Emu War” is a documentary-style film that humorously recounts the military’s misadventures, drawing in audiences with its quirky and entertaining portrayal of the conflict.

Beyond traditional media, the Emu War has become a popular subject for memes and social media content. The image of the Australian soldiers struggling to hit their feathered foes has become a widely recognized and frequently shared cultural reference, highlighting the enduring appeal of this bizarre historical episode.


What was the Great Emu War?

The Great Emu War was a bizarre and amusing episode in Australian history that took place in 1932. During this time, the Australian military launched a campaign to cull the country’s growing emu population, which was causing significant damage to crops and farmland.

Why did the Australian government decide to take action against the emus?

Farmers in Western Australia had been struggling with the growing emu population for some time, as the birds were devastating their crops and causing significant financial losses. In an attempt to address the problem, the farmers reached out to the government, seeking assistance.

How did the Australian military attempt to cull the emu population?

The Australian military, led by Major G.P.W. Meredith, deployed a small group of soldiers, armed with Lewis guns (a type of light machine gun), to the Western Australian outback to engage the emus.

Why was the military’s effort unsuccessful?

As the Great Emu War progressed, it became increasingly clear that the emus were far more resilient and adaptable than the military had anticipated. The birds were able to withstand the barrage of gunfire, with many of them simply shrugging off the bullets and continuing on their way.

What were the environmental and conservation concerns surrounding the Emu War?

Some observers argued that the indiscriminate culling of emus could have a detrimental effect on the species’ overall numbers and ecological balance. Concerns began to emerge about the environmental impact of the military’s efforts.

How did the Great Emu War impact Australian culture?

The Great Emu War ultimately ended in defeat for the Australian military, and this embarrassing outcome had lasting effects on Australian culture. The Emu War became a source of national humor and a symbol of the country’s unique wildlife and the challenges of managing it.

What lessons can be learned from the Emu War?

The Great Emu War serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities and unintended consequences of wildlife management strategies. It highlights the importance of understanding the behaviors and adaptations of animal species, as well as the need for more nuanced and sustainable approaches to managing wildlife.

How has the Emu War been represented in popular culture?

The Great Emu War has captured the imagination of people around the world, and its legacy has been reflected in various forms of popular culture. From books and films to memes and social media, the Emu War has become a well-known and often-referenced historical event, celebrated for its sheer absurdity and the resilience of the flightless birds.


