Simplest Ways To Show Appreciation That You Should Start Right Now

Afshana Diya
4 min readMay 5, 2018


Thank you, Paul Cherrill for creating this cute illustration 👌

There are four types of people on this planet if you segment them according to their appreciations level-
Type 1: Who appreciates people around them (enough)
Type 2: Who appreciates people but not enough!
Type 3: Who understands the needs of appreciating people but don’t appreciate in reality!⚠️
Type 4: Who doesn’t even know that there’s a word ‘appreciation’ exists in the dictionary!🛑

If you fall under the Type 1, this article is not for you! But I would like to THANK YOU for appreciating and motivating people around you. 🙏

Personally, I think, I’m kind of a mixture of Type 2+3. I totally understand the value of appreciating people and I do try to appreciate but probably not enough, not as much as I should! 😶

However, I will think about finding some easiest & simplest ways to show appreciation to all the people around us including our family members, friends, teammates, acquaintance or anyone else! There are probably pretty silly stuff but we don’t even do that which could easily make people inspired.

Say “Thank You!”

THANK YOU is most common and obvious form of appreciation but unfortunately, it’s highly underused. Anyone who is helping/supporting you in, s/he deserves a ‘thank you’ by default! It doesn’t matter if that person has just passed a pen from the next desk or lifted a stone for you! Say ‘thank you’ instead of “okay, alright, hmm, yeah, right” and make them feel that the tiny little help even matters to you.

Write a Card or Note or Just Send A Text

Sometimes it’s very hard to express your feelings, especially if you have introvertism in you, I totally understand, trust me! 😉

If you are hesitating to show your gratitude loudly, then you might follow this path! Just a short note to expressing why you are appreciating. It could be on a card or a plain text message on WhatsApp. Even you can try with a wall post on Facebook or mention them in a post on any social platform. Will it cost anything? NO. Does it sound silly? Trust me, it matters to them! People get happy with very silly stuff, just look around! 🙂

Try Chocolate/Flower/Ice Cream or French Fries!🍟

Once you get used to with those default forms of appreciations, you can take a step ahead! Do you know anyone on this planet, who doesn’t love chocolate or flowers? Age doesn’t matter, everybody gets happy to have those.

Use these always-favorite kinda stuffs to show your appreciations! It might cost you few bucks but they will remember it. P. S. don’t get surprised if they post a snap of that tiny chocolate on social media mentioning you! 😜

Make them a Cup of Coffee / Offer A Lunch Out

Do you appreciate your mom for finding your stuff or say thanks to the colleague who covered up for you? On our everyday life, people are backing up for us, to support us by doing various things!

Have you ever tried to make a cup of a tea/coffee for that person? If you don’t usually do this kinda stuff, try once! Make them realized that you are putting efforts to show the gratitude. It will definitely make them happy and inspired.

In this world, everyone wants to feel appreciated. Usually, appreciation begins with saying thanks. But there are lots more ways to showing acknowledgment. End of the day, how you are expressing the gratitude and how you are inspiring the people that matters.

Tell me about the more simplest ways of appreciation that you use frequently and also how people reacted on those.



Afshana Diya

CMO @ WPDeveloper | Community Organzier | Traveler 🌎